Halloween Special #2 (Part 1)

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Tsubaki's pov

"Tsu... Tsu.." I let out a small groan, turning onto my left side. "Tsubaki, wake up.." I was lightly shaken again, making me groan louder and lay on my stomach. "Tsubaki, GET UP!" I shot upright, hearing the voice scream and flipped around. My eyes darted around the room until I finally spotted two people standing at the edge of the bed, which really pissed me off when I saw them. "What the hell do you two want?" I stared at them with a deadly glare, which had Ethan hiding behind Ezra. "We just got word, we have a huge problem at the guildhall. We gotta go." Ezra didn't seem to be pleased with whatever he heard from the guild members, so I quickly got cleaned up and dressed.

"Ezra, what exactly is going on?" I asked, Ezra had been quiet ever since we left the apartment. Apparently, Lucky had already gone to the guildhall when Erza came by earlier. "I'll explain when we get to the guildhall. For right now, all you need to know is that there is something terribly going wrong in Lupinus. And it's horrible." He kept this stern look on his face, which made me a little uneasy. I looked over at Ethan, who looked just as stern but he had this soft glow in his eyes when he looked over at me. Out of the three of us, although Ezra was the second youngest, he seemed to be the most mature of us. The rest of our trip to the guildhall was quiet, which unsettled me. Once Ezra opened the door to the guildhall, everyone's eyes landed on us.

"Good... You guys have come." Gramps spoke, which confused me.

"What's going on?" I asked, looking over at him. He motioned for us to follow him, he led us up to his office. I was surprised to find that Lucy, Erza, Lucky, Natsu, Happy, Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, Pantherlily, Levy, and Laxus were sitting in the office. "Hey, guys, what are you doing here?" I asked, "Gramps called us in." Natsu said, as Gray patted the spot next to him. I stood beside Gray, looking over at Gramps who had made his way to his desk.

"Gramps, what have you called us here for?" Laxus asked, "There is something very wrong going on in Lupinus, as you all have heard. They spent a special request for this group of mages from Fairytail." He started, "Wait, so Lupinus requested this team exactly?" Gray asked, "Yes. What I am about to tell you has to stay in this room." He added, which caused confusion in the room.

"Why?" Natsu asked, breaking the silence.

"Right now, Lupinus is dealing with a strange mage who has started bringing back people from the dead. Nobody knows who this mage is and the town has been sent into absolute chaos, these dead people only come out at night which has put a strain on a lot of businesses and people. They have requested that this group find out who has been doing this and to stop them." Gramps explained, he had this look of complete stress.

"This has been going on for more than a week and it's becoming more serious for the people there. Anybody coming into contact with these dead people, can either turn into one or get incredibly sick. So it is important that on this mission, we refrain from going out at night and to stick together at all times while we are in Lupinus. We have no idea who could be doing this, so we need to be extremely careful on this mission. It is up to us whether we can put a stop to whatever the hell is going on in Lupinus. If we fail this mission, it will not be good for the people living in Lupinus. They need us to be at our best." Erza explained, stepping forward as she stood next Gramps' desk. Ezra did the same thing, turning his attention to all of us. "Ezra, what should you do in case of an emergency?" Gramps asked, looking over to him.

"In case we end up failing the mission and we cannot stop whoever is causing this problem, we are to report it to both Master Makarov and the Magic Council. If the situation gets out of hand, Master Makarov will send reinforcements including several Magic Council Army commanders. We have to be extremely careful that nobody outside this room or this guildhall hears what's going on Lupinus. The Magic Council has done a good job and keeping this from getting out, if it had then the people of Fiore would be in danger." Ezra explained, keeping a stern look in his face. Now I know why he was so serious, this mission could wrong if we didn't keep on our guard.

"When do we leave?" Gajeel asked, "Right now." Erza said, "It'll take us a little while to get there." Erza added, I looked over at Ezra who was now talking to Gramps.

An hour later....

We had gotten a ride on a train, heading towards Lupinus. Since it was already mid-afternoon, we were going to have to find somewhere to stay until morning. "Erza, just how bad is the situation there in Lupinus?" Levy asked, "It's bad. It was hard for them to even try to contact us." Erza said, leaning back in her seat. "That's not good." I sighed, looking over at Ethan. He was hanging out the window, while Ezra was leaning on my lap. Natsu had been knocked out by Erza, while Gajeel was hanging out the window. A few hours later, we arrived in Lupinus but it was now late at night.

When we got to the train station, I noticed that it was dimly lit meaning that everyone must have been gone. I stepped off the train, dragging Ethan with me as he hung around my shoulder. Ezra was standing on his feet, feeling a little better. Gray stood beside me, while Erza stood in front of me. "Alright, everyone.. It may be quiet and calm now, but trust me. Things will become hectic if we're not careful. So everyone is to be on their guard, stay close and don't wander off." Erza instructed, "Where are we going to go? I think every business has been closed down by now." Gajeel asked, looking around. "Our informant gave me the name of a place we can stay for the first night. We are going to meet up with them in the morning. Just follow me and stay close." Erza instructed, she started walking and we followed.

As we walked away from the Train Station, it got eerily quiet and I didn't like this one bit. I stayed closer to Gray, as Ethan and Ezra walked in front of me. Everyone was walking in front, while I stayed towards the back of the group. I looked around to see what was around us as I scouted the area, my eyes roamed past something moving. I shifted my eyes quickly back over to the moving figure and a shiver ran down my spine, I heard a small noise and froze in my spot.

"Tsu?" Laxus asked, "Shhh.." I motioned, shaking my head towards the stumbling figure up ahead. Everyone stopped moving when they spotted what I was looking at but before anything else could happen, something grabbed me from behind. "Tsu!!" I let out a terrified yelp, as I could hear groaning from behind me. Everyone rushed over, trying to separate me from the thing that grabbed me. Natsu shot the thing with fire, pulling me into him as the thing started screeching in pain.

"I got ya," Natsu held me closely, as I tried to catch my breath and looked over at the burning figure. But because of this, I heard many more groans. "We gotta go! Now!!" Ezra shouted, causing us to run. I heard groans and shuffling of feet behind us, I looked back to see that there was a large group of zombies chasing after us.

"Guys, where do we go? Everything is closed and locked!!" Levy asked, holding Pantherlily close to her. We ran into this town circle, which stopped us in our tracks. "There has to be somewhere we can go, right?" I asked, looking around at the stores around us.

"Hey!!! Over here!!" I heard someone shout, I looked over towards the voice was coming from and spotted a person. They were waving at us, "Come on!!" They shouted, "Guys!! Let's go!!" I grabbed Ezra and Gray's hand, pulling them towards the person waving to us. "Wait, we don't even know them!!" Erza shouted, "That doesn't matter, right now!! We have nowhere to go!" I argued, which made her sigh. We all quickly made it over to the person, quickly filing into the storefront. The person shut the door behind them, locking it quickly. "Help me push this.." Ethan, Laxus, and Gajeel all helped the person shove a large bookshelf in front of the door. They stepped back after putting the bookshelf in front, we heard sudden banging causing everyone to back away. I turned my attention away from the door, finally getting a good look at the person.

"Ryuu?" His golden eyes met my blue ones, as I stared at him in complete shock.

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