Chapter 94: Magic Ball Dance

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Tsubaki's pov

I sat up in bed, slowly rubbing my eyes as I tried to wake up. The last few days were a bit stressful, especially with trying to get everything back into the natural flow. Gray had recently moved in my apartment, so we got permission to expand the place a bit. I wanted to go back to sleep, but I knew that I needed to get up. I let out a small yawn, rubbing my eyes as I kept trying to wake myself up.

"Morning, sleepy head." I looked over to my left, spotting Gray. He was standing there with a plate of food in his hand, he was wearing pants but he was shirtless.

"Morning," I gave him a cheesy smile, "What's that?" I asked, looking at the plate. "Some breakfast.. I made it for you to eat, we have to go in today to the Guild Hall." He walked over to the bed, sitting down as he placed the plate in front of me on a tray. "You're so sweet." I kissed his cheek, as he munched on a piece of bacon. I started eating the breakfast he made, I looked up at him out of shock and quickly wiped it off my face as he looked at me.

"This isn't half bad, I didn't think you could cook." I teased, making him give me a look.

"Did you underestimate my cooking skills?" He raised an eyebrow, "Yes, I did. You don't cook, I've never seen you cook something before." I said, "So, what do you think?" He asked, wiping his hands on a napkin. "Hmmm.... It's okay.." I shrugged, "What do you mean it's just okay? I cooked the food you like!" He said, "Yeah, but it's not like you have been cooking for several years. So, it's just okay." I pushed the tray back, while Gray got annoyed. "Aww, Gray... Don't be like that." I smiled, hugging him from behind. "Come on, we should get going to the guild hall." I suggested, Gray didn't answer me. "Okay, Gray.. I did underestimate your cooking skills. The food was really, really good." I smiled, "Really? You liked my cooking?" He asked, turning around to face me. "Yes, I did. It was so sweet of you to make breakfast for me." I smiled, "Thanks." I grabbed Gray's face, kissing him lightly as he kissed back.

Minutes later...

I saw Natsu standing at the job board and headed over to him, "What are you looking for?" I asked, "A job. Something exciting." He said, staring at the board. He looked like he was really concentrating on trying to find one, I shook my head as I looked at Happy who was looking at the board. "What about this one?" Happy pointed to a paper, giving it to Natsu. "So all we need to do is catch this Velveno guy and they'll pay us four million jewel?!!" My eyes widened at the amount Natsu said, as I moved closer to him to look at the paper. "Alright, now we're talking. I'm broke and a huge cash injection is just what the doctor ordered." Lucy appeared behind Natsu, taking a step back as a smile appeared on her face.

"What are we waiting for?" Lucy asked, "We haven't decided if we're taking it yet. "Well, we sure could use the money too. So why I say, why not? Let's do it." Natsu handed the paper to Lucy, "This job seems kind of familiar. Didn't you and Gray take a job catching an escaped convict a little while ago?" She asked, "This is the same guy, but that award was only 400,000 jewel." Happy said, "For some reason, he's much more valuable than he used to be." Natsu thought, "I wonder who the client is." Lucy said, "Eh, some guy named Balsamico. That's a pretty sour name, huh?" Natsu said, making me shake my head.

"It will go great on your salads." Happy said, "Happy, he's not salad dressing." I scolded him, while Lucky just chuckled at me scolding Happy.

"Count Balsamico. You know, rumor has it that Velveno is gonna appear at the huge magical ball that the Balsamico family is holding this year." I looked at Macao, who walked over to us after hearing Natsu speak.

"What are you talking about, Macao?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"They throw a big party ever seven years. It's very exclusive, you gotta be a wizard to even get through the door. The next one is happening this Saturday." Wakaba cut in, looking back at us as he leaned in his chair.

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