Chapter 50: Telling Master Makarov!!

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Ezra's pov

Kazuki disappeared and right after he did, Tsubaki had run off before we could say anything to her. She must have felt guilty at the fact, that people would be after us because of her. "What do we do now?" Ethan stood up, "Well, one of us has to go after her. I don't want her to be alone right now, I don't think it's safe." Lucy shook her head, crossing her arms. She was thinking the same thing I was, I knew that she's worried about Tsubaki's wellbeing.

"Why?" Mirajane asked, "She just learned that people are going after you two. She's going to try and something." Erza said, "That's right. I'm worried she might do something she'll regret." Lucy said, worry etched all over her face. "Look, Lucy. I know you are worried about Tsu, but don't worry. She's not going to do anything stupid, she is a reasonable person." I put a hand on her shoulder, "Ezra, there are times where she can be very unreasonable." Gray said, shaking his head.

"He's right. She can at certain times when it involves friends or the guild, she will end up doing something unreasonable. She's always been that way, ever since we met her." Erza said, agreeing with Gray and I sighed.

"They're right. She gets a certain way when things involve friends and family. I've seen first hand, just how scary she can get when her friends are in trouble." Gildarts said, giving me a small nod. "She's stubborn, that's what she is." Gajeel muttered, making Gildarts smack him on the back of the head. I sighed, knowing that they knew more than I did. They really do know my sister, I'm glad she found a guild that cares for her the way she cares for them. I looked over at Gray, seeing that he was trying to sneak off.

"Is he going after Tsubaki?" I asked myself, unaware of what he was doing.

"Gray, where are you going?" Erza asked, with her eyes closed. "How in the hell could she tell he was trying to sneak off if her eyes are closed?" I thought, as I saw the others sweat-drop. "Alright, you caught me. I'm going to see if she's alright." He said, looking away from her.

"That's what I was afraid of you saying," She said to him, "Why?" I asked, "She needs to be alone, but I'm worried she could possibly do something she'll regret. Maybe it will be a good idea for you to go after her." Lyon turned to him. Gray walked off going off to find her and I sighed, this was just great.

"Alright, we should probably get back to the guildhall and let master knows what's going on." Erza said, taking charge. "Yeah, you're right." I sighed, "She'll be fine Ezra, and besides she has Gray with her. If anything goes wrong, Gray will protect her." Lucy patted my shoulder, and walked ahead of me.

"She's right, you know. Those two may argue a lot but those two really care for each other. You don't have to worry so much, Ezra. She's in good hands." Levy stated, walking past me and I sighed. Maybe, just maybe they're right about Gray protecting Tsubaki. I made the magic mobile and got into the front driver seat, while everyone else climbed in.

"Ethan, how are you holding up?" Lucy asked, looking over at him.

"I'm alright. Just worried is all." He said and I scoffed, he really has some nerve.

"What?" Ethan asked, turning his face towards me.

"It's kinda hard to believe that you are worried about her." I snapped, driving a little faster unintentionally. "Well, I do. What made you think, I didn't care about her?" I saw Ethan sit up in his seat, making me scoff again. We got to the guildhall, and I slammed the door as I got out of the car. I stormed towards the guildhall, slamming the door open on the way in. "Man, what the hell is your problem?" Ethan grabbed my shoulder, just as we reached the door. "My problem is that you're acting like you actually care about her. When this entire time, you kept trying to kill her!" I bumped shoulders and walked inside of the guildhall, taking my jacket off and revealing my black Fairytail insignia on the right side of my chest. I had no undershirt under the jacket, since I was in a hurry to get dressed after I came back from Edolas. "Hey guys, you're back and you bought back Lyon, Sherry, and Jura." Elfman greeted, "Where's Tsubaki?" Macao asked, not seeing her walk in with us. "She's out right now." I explained as Ethan grabbed my shoulder, turning me towards him.

"Why do you assume that I never cared for her?" Ethan asked and I grabbed him by the collar. 

"You're seriously asking that?!! Where have you been for the last 17 years? That girl watched me supposedly die and came here on her own. Not to mention, she was taken in by two dragons that raised her probably much better than we did. The fact that you found her and then decided to not stick around to watch over her says something." I pushed him back, "Guys, calm down." Lucy said, becoming worried about both of us starting another fight.

"First of all, yes, I did not stick around but there was a reason for that." He said to me, taking his leather jacket off.

"Excuse me, but what is going on here?" I turned to Master Makarov, coming down the stairs. "Master, we have some news." Erza said, turning to face him. "Where are Tsubaki and Gray?" He asked, "Tsubaki ran off after her fight with Kazuki, he was apart of a group that killed her parents. Gray went after her. Master, there is something you need to know." Erza said, she looked like she didn't know how to explain what had just happened. 

"What is it, my dear? Speak, what's on your mind?" He took a spot on the bar, "Everyone, should hear this." Mira said and we all sat around the bar.

"This is all happening because of the powers Tsubaki was destined to have. She is destined to become a dragon slayer for a reason, but she is also destined to become the protector of dragons, or dragon slayers. Which is why Kazuki tried to kill Ezra, that day. People want the power of the dragons so they can cause harm to the world, so they voted to kill off their parents while she was still young would be a good idea. Killing her brother and snatching the other one would be the best way, she would end up with those powers. After this Kazuki was supposed to die, and she will gain the powers to protect any and all dragons and dragon slayers out there in the world." Erza began to explain, which sent shock in everyone.

"What?!!" Everyone shouted, "Well, what was their reason for taking Ethan and trying to kill Ezra? How is Ezra still alive?" Macao asked, "They want to kill them, to get to her. The powers are so close to being awakened if someone close to her whether family, friend or guildmate is hurt or killed. Those powers could be awakened, depending on the situation's she is put in. They wanted to make sure the oldest and the youngest were nowhere near each other, so that they could send Kazuki to kill Ezra. The day he supposedly died was supposed to mean that he would actually die, but apparently that didn't happen. He said that the anima that was open that day didn't appear on its own. It appeared because of Tsubaki, which led to Ezra being alive. That's why they wanted to kill all three Klein siblings." Erza explained, as I looked down.

"Oh no, where did she go?" Elfman asked, "She ran off after Kazuki explained everything. Gray went after her because we were all afraid of what she would do." Something started beeping from Lucy's pocket, and she took it out. "Gray, what's wrong?" She asked, "It's Tsu." He panted and I walked over, seeing what's going on. "Gray, what do you mean? What about Tsubaki?" I asked him, becoming concerned. 

"I found her, but something is wrong with her." He said, "Where are you?" She asked, "She made me chase her into the East forest." He panted, it was as if he was running.

"Why are you panting and why are you half-naked?!" Lucy yelled, he was shirtless. "Ah, crap, where are my clothes?! She's running. Tsu, stop!!!" He yelled, as the crystal moved with him. "Should we come to you?" Erza asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "No, I can handle this." I sighed and sat back down.

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