Chapter 29: From Pegasus to Fairies!!

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Tsubaki's pov

"How did I let him beat us like this? I can't move anymore." I thought to myself and I started moving a little. I felt Nirvana rumble, which is what worried me. "Nat-Natsu? Gr-Gray? Anyone?" I asked, I was still in pain. "Tsu?" I heard someone call out my name, but I could barely move a muscle to see who it was. "Lucky, is that you?" There was a loud explosion in the distance, I rolled onto my back and sat up slowly. I managed to get back up on my feet, but I lost my footing and fell down again making me wince. "Hibiki?" I panted, "Tsu, are you alright?" Erza's voice rang through my head. "Not really, Brain isn't Brain anymore. All of us, Natsu, Gray, Happy, Jura, Lucky, Lucy and I are injured badly. I can hardly move anymore." I panted, explaining the situation we were currently in to them.

"What happened to you?" Hibiki asked, "Zero happened. Brain turned into Zero and he attacked us, but we were no match for him." I said, "I know how to stop Nirvana." Hibiki said, "Please, tell us." Erza pleaded, I wanted to know too.

"You know the six appendages we thought were legs, well they aren't, they're pipes. Apparently they suck magic energy out of the earth, which then is used to power Nirvana. At the base of each leg is a lacrima that controls the supply of magic energy. From what I understand, if all six lacrimas are destroyed simultaneously it will wreak havoc on Nirvana's control system. Therefore forcing it to shut down, they must be destroyed at once or the other five will simply repair the damaged one." Hibiki explained.

"Simultaneously, destroy six lacrima. How do we do that?" Erza asked, "If I could I maintain telepathy to time out the strike, try this. I'll give each of you guys a synced timer." He said, "I'm uploading it to you now. But listen, guys, it has to be precise." He said and a bar appeared over my head. "Twenty minutes?" Wendy asked, "That's when Nirvana will be fully charged and ready to fire again." Hibiki explained, "We have to destroy all six." Erza repeated, "At once." Jellal said, his voice rang through my head but I didn't mind.

"If anybody can do it, you guys. I have faith in you." He said and Brain spoke up. "Who are you?" Erza asked, "It's that creepy Brain guy." Wendy said, "How was he able to hijack my telepathy?" Hibiki asked and my eyes widened, "I'm Zero, master of the Oracion seis. Brain is no more." He said and I tried to sit up, it was difficult.

"First of all, let me commend you on making it this far. I never suspected, that were other wizards that had magic like Brain. Now heed my words, wizards of light! I am going to obliterate everything you hold dear, I've already begun by destroying four of your little friends. Two dragon Slayers, an ice wizard, and a celestial wizard and a cat." He said, "You got Natsu and the others?" Hibiki asked, he sounded surprised.

"Did I hear you say something about destroying Nirvana's lacrima simultaneously? Well, you can try. But I'm standing right in front of one of them and I have no intention of leaving." He started laughing and I growled a little.

"As long as I'm here, it'll be impossible to destroy all six at once." He cut off his telepathy as well as Hibiki's and I tried to stand up. "I have to get there." I said, "I'm still here." I said, "What's happening?" Wendy asked, "Christina is losing altitude." Carla said.

"Oh no." I began feeling tired, that fight really took it out if me. "Erza, I'm not gonna make it. I can hardly move at all." I held onto the wall, trying to keep myself from falling. "You can do it, please just try to hang in there Tsu. You have to get up." Jellal said, "I can't move Jellal," I whispered, it was hard to catch my breath.

"Keep trying. You have to keep trying, Tsu." Erza pleaded, "We can't give up, not when Wendy's guild is in danger. You have to get up." I saw Natsu get up, I saw Lucy and Gray's eyes open and they were slowly getting up.

"We owe it to Carla and Wendy, to protect their guild!" Happy shouted, "Tsubaki?" Hibiki asked, "I uploaded a map to each one of you, I numbered the lacrima so you can find them. Chose a number and then split up." Hibiki instructed, "I'll take one," Natsu panted out, "Two," Gray said, "Three," Lucy spoke, "Four," I stood up, leaning against the wall. "Five," Erza said, I knew she was ready to take this thing down. "Six," Erza told Jellal something and then we lost connection with Hibiki completely.

Happy told us to get ready and Gray walked over to me, "Are you sure, you can stand up?" He asked and I nodded. I was finally able to stand up, but fell forward and gray caught me. "What happened to you?" Lucy asked, she could tell I was worse shape than them.

"I took on more of Zero's blasts after you all went down." I held onto him, "You're coming with me." Gray decided, "It's best if you do." Lucy agreed, but I wasn't having it.

"Gray, I have to do this alone. We all have to go destroy one." I protested, "Ichiya said he'll take number four." Happy said, "I have to do this, I don't think Ichiya and his stupid parfumes will help." I shook my head, not wanting to listen to them.

"Just go with Gray, it'll be fine." Lucy said, "Fine, but I'm not doing this because you asked me too. I'm doing this for Lucky." I said and they all smiled at me, "What are you smiling at?" I asked, becoming a little agitated. "I think the reason she doesn't want to go with Gray, is because she likes him." Lucy said to Natsu, who nodded in agreement.

"That's not true!!" I blushed bright red, quickly shaking my hands. "Oh yes, you do. You two even kissed!" Happy said, "How did you know that?" I yelled at him, "I have my ways." He commented, throwing me off guard. "And what does that mean, you stupid cat?" They all chuckled at me, "I got Warren to tell me. Don't worry, Juvia doesn't know." He giggled and I kicked at him, but Gray threw me over his shoulder and started walking away with me.

"Hey, put me down!!" I pounded on his back. "Good luck!!" Lucy shouted, as we all parted. "Gray, why'd you do that?" I asked, I was still blushing from Happy's comment. "Because you would've hurt Happy and besides, who cares if they know we like each other? I don't really care if they know." He said and I blushed. We reached the lacrima but the guy I fought earlier, stood there blocking it.

"Hello Tsubaki, thought you got rid of me didn't you?" He smirked, making my eyes widen.

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