Chapter 124: A Reason To Celebrate!

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Tsubaki's pov

When I was finally able to see Lucy, I wrapped her in a tight hug and wouldn't let go of her. It seemed that she felt the same way I did, the two of us just finally happy to have everything over and done with. For the first time, I felt somewhat at peace and it made me feel even more emotional than usual. Macao and Wakaba were away attending an important meeting with the Magic Council about recent events, while all of us were finally able to settle back in at our guild hall. "I'm so sorry that I wasn't there to keep her from taking you and Natsu in the first place." I apologized, pulling back from the hug to look at Lucy. "Tsu, don't apologize. It's not your fault that we both were taken by her." Lucy shook her head, her brown eyes meeting mine. "No.. I knew that she wasn't telling the truth. I could feel that she wasn't who she said she was and when it was confirmed that she had lied like I thought she did, I was so angry with myself. I shouldn't have left you and Natsu without back up, especially since I didn't trust her." Lucy shook her head at my words, placing her hands on my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes. "Tsu, you have to stop blaming yourself for something that I brought on to myself. I didn't listen to you when you warned me about her, I should be the one apologizing to you for not listening and taking into account the possibility that you were right. And for that, I'm sorry." She apologized, making me shake my head. But before I had the chance to say anything, Ethan had walked over to us. "I have been watching you two apologize to one another for five minutes. Will you stop it? You both have forgiven each other, yes?" The two of us nodded as we looked at him, "Then stop apologizing to one another. It's getting annoying! We have no reason to be upset or sad right now! We beat the big bad!!" Ethan threw his hands up in the air, much to his dismay there were more apologies that went around by the Legion Corps. They apologized for their past actions and with everything forgiven, we all decided to celebrate. I stood by the wall, watching as Dan, Ethan and Natsu challenge one another to an eating contest which I couldn't help but be grossed out by. Dan uses his giant lance to get ahead of the other two, causing complete chaos and I just couldn't stop laughing at that point. "They are so stupid." Grayson sighed, shaking his head as he sat to my left. "Well, what'd you expect? Those three are known to be idiots." Hairi gestured to the three of them with her cup, before taking a sip of her ale.

"Why in the world did I have to develop in the same womb as that idiot and turn out to be his twin?" Ezra quipped, sweat-dropping at our older brother's stupidity, I chuckled and patted his shoulder watching the three idiots fight. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Sugarboy inching closer to Gray who was talking with Lyon and Kai. All I could think about in that moment was how SugarBoy kept hitting on Gray when we fought him, which only served to fuel my temper.

"Hey!! Sugarboy!!!" I stomped over to the blonde, who panicked when he saw me. Gray turned his head towards me, as I stood in front of Sugarboy. "You think you can take my man away from me? You think you can waltz up in here, pay him some compliments and he'll suddenly throw everything away and come live with you?!" I fumed, "Wait a minute-" Sugarboy visibly panicked, his body shaking as he tried to explain himself.

"He's not yours!! So back off! Or I'll make you wish you were never born!!"

"Wow.. She is really possessive of you, isn't she?" Kai muttered, paling as he saw my reaction to Sugarboy trying to get close with Gray.

"Yeah.." Gray sighed.

"She's always been possessive of Gray, Kai." Juvia spoke, standing beside him, turning the attention of the three men to her. "Yeah, even when we were much younger, Tsubaki always seemed to be a bit possessive over Gray. I found it so funny to be honest. And now that they are together and have been for a while, she just can't help it." Erza chuckled, smiling at Tsubaki as she stood beside Gray. "She loves you a lot, Gray. And While I still had my heart set on you, knowing that she won't give you up because she loves you so much means that I have to move on. I admire just how much love the two of you share." She said, "You mean that?" Gray questioned, he looked pretty skeptical of Juvia's true intentions so he didn't let his guard down. Erza on the other hand, was impressed with the way Juvia had handled this situation. She knew that Juvia still liked Gray, but with her new found maturity, she seemed to be learning to back off so Gray and Tsubaki could enjoy their relationship together. "I do. You guys are really happy together and if you're happy, then I'm happy too. Even if you aren't my man." Juvia gave him a warm smile, causing Lyon to blush. The five of them then turned back to Tsubaki who was being held back by Ethan and Natsu from strangling Sugarboy.

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