Chapter 135: A Friendly Bet

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Tsubaki's pov

Gray and I got to have fun, looking around and exploring the different shops in the Capital. I was surprised by all the fancy shops which made me wish that I had more money so that I could just spend it on something that I wanted. "Gray, my darling!" Juvia called, making me groan. It irritated me that someone was now imposing on Gray and I's alone time, after all, we hadn't gotten much of it due to the time in the Celestial World and training when we got back. "Juvia! What are you doing here?" Gray asked, he looked wary as he knew that I was not happy about her showing up. "It's not just Juvia! All our guild members are here to cheer you on!" She exclaimed happily, making me slightly perky. I thought it was great that our guildmates wanted to support all of us who were competing in the games, "Man, don't they got anything better to do?" Gray whined, I only giggled at his comment and ran my fingers through his hair. "Umm, would you like to get something to eat?" I stopped when heard those words and looked at Juvia, glaring harshly at her. "I know a great restaurant in this city." She stated, "How dare you ask my man?!! My MAN! To take you out to dinner?!" I snapped, "I just want to have one dinner with him. As friends?" She quipped, "NO WAY!" I shouted, nearly lunging at her when she made a sly comment about our relationship. Juvia jumped and backed away a few steps since she hadn't expected me to blow up so easily, there were times in the past when I had kept my calm when it came to her flirting with him. "Whoa, whoa! you can't kill her Tsu! She's our guildmate!" Gray said, wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulled me away from Juvia. He knew letting me go while I was provoked was a bad idea, especially since Juvia was showing no signs of remorse for asking out my boyfriend. "Ah, I knew I heard Tsubaki losing her temper at someone." I stopped wriggling in Gray's arms, and our heads turned to the left to see Lyon walking over to us. The frown on my face disappeared, a smile replacing it as I saw Lyon. It had been a while since we last saw him, after all, we spent those three months in the Celestial Spirit World without really knowing it. "Lyon!" I exclaimed with glee, Gray didn't seem to be very happy about my sudden enthusiasm seeing Lyon. "It's a very fashionable establishment. It even has an aquarium built into it!" It seemed he overheard our conversation, "Huh? Wait, uhh..." Juvia looked flustered as Lyon appeared, and from the looks of it, Lyon seemed to be very enamored with Juvia. I smell a love rectangle. "Hey, you! You can't just run off with our guild member!" Gray yelled, he placed me on my feet, and as soon as I was on the ground, I immediately threw myself at Lyon who caught me with ease. 

He chuckled at my actions as I let out a happy squeal, "It's so good to see you, Lyon." I smiled, pulling back from the hug. "It is good to see you as well, Tsu." Lyon smiled, "Yeah, it's real great." Gray chimed in sarcastically, crossing his arms as he looked at Lyon and I. "Aw, come on, Gray. Be a good sport, there's nothing that I could do that would woo Tsubaki enough. She's only got eyes for you, so why be jealous?" Lyon teased, "He's right, Gray. There's no reason to be so jealous. There is nobody in this world that could ever sway me to leave you." I walked over to him, kissing his cheek. "I hear you're entering the Grand Magic Games, Gray." Lyon started, I knew that they were going to start arguing at some point. They butt heads just like Natsu and Gray do. "Huh?" Gray looked at Lyon, "Our Lamia Scale guild is going to win, though." Lyon stated, looking confident. As much as I loved Lyon, it irritated me to no end that he was already undermining our power. "Aren't you the "eternal runners-up"?" Gray asked, "You're the eternally last-place guild." Lyon shot back, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms at the two of them.

"Mr. Jura and I have never participated before, yet we've always come in second place. Do you get what I'm saying?" Lyon quipped, smirking.

"You haven't forgotten about our own monster known as Erza, I hope!" Gray started, "And you shouldn't underestimate Tsu, either." Gray shot back.

"Let us make a bet. If Lamia Scale wins... Juvia joins our guild!" Lyon stated.

"What?!!" Juvia exclaimed.

"Excuse me?!" I shouted, Gray also seemed taken aback by this statement. "A-And if we win?" Gray said, "We'll give Juvia back to you." Lyon said, leaning closer to Gray. I swear these two are just like Natsu and Gray.

"She's a member of our guild to begin with!" Gray exclaimed, looking pissed and irritated. 

"This is a man-to-man promise. Don't forget it, Gray." 

"You call that a bet?! This is stupid!" Gray snapped, "Afraid you'll lose, huh?" Lyon shot back, looking confident. "What?" Gray growled. Upon hearing all of this, Juvia starts to fawn over Gray claiming her which served to piss me off. "Hey!" The two stopped arguing and looked at me, "Juvia is not property! She's a person! You cannot just place a bet on her whether she gets to stay or join someone else's guild!" I snapped, "Speak for yourself, I would love to be by my beloved Gray's side for as long as I live and breathe." I growled at Juvia, ready to pounce on her when Gray pulled me into his side to keep me from leaping at her again. "Gray, my darling! Do you want Juvia or Sir Lyon?! Please decide already!" She exclaimed, making me growl. Gray tightened his grip on me slightly, he knew that I wanted to strangle her. 

"You don't know what's going on at all, do you?" He asked her, deadpanning as he looked at her. 

"Your words always ring true."

"That's not so... I just live life to its fullest, in my own clumsy way. That's all." 

"I'm gonna kill her one of these days.." I trailed off, making Gray sweatdrop. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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