Chapter 61: The Mysterious Monsters In the Cove! And the Mysterious Gas!

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Tsubaki's pov

"Fire dragon...." Natsu and I were up in the air, held by Lucky and Happy. "Iron dragon....." Gajeel was standing on a small cliff above us, while Wendy was below us. "Sky dragon...." I kept my eyes forward, I knew most of everyone's position.

"Flame dragon......." I looked down, seeing both Ezra and Ethan standing on either side of the beast.

"Flash frosh dragon...." Erza requipped and was now keeping track of everyone else and their attacks. She coordinated that all the dragon slayers get ready to attack, which could possibly take it down.

"Now!!!!!" Erza yelled up to us, which was the signal to attack. "Roar!!!!!!!!!" All of us shouted hitting the monster and throwing it back, really far in the cove. "Whoohooo!" I high-fived Natsu, who floated next to me. "We did it!!" Wendy shouted, but a large roar sounded causing me to put my hands over my ears.

This roar was so different, from the monster we had just taken down. "What is that?" The roar echoed in the cove, and I covered my ears. "Where is it coming from? There was only one monster in here!" Gray yelled as Lucky flew me down and set me on the ground, I ran off towards the others. The cove started shaking, causing panic among everyone.

"Guys..... We have a problem!" Lucy pointed up, seeing giant rocks falling so we took cover. Gray grabbed my arm and pulled me into a different part of the cove, he threw himself over me as the rocks collapsed on top of us.

When I came too, Gray was lying next to me unconscious and I couldn't find anyone else. I then remembered that he had pulled me into a different part of the cove, when the rocks collapsed in on us. "Gray, Gray... wake up." I shook him lightly, but he wasn't waking up. I couldn't sense anyone else either, which really scared me. I then realized that Lucky was nowhere to be seen, the last time I saw her was when Lucy shouted about the rocks and she flew over to keep Ethan and Ezra together. I turned back to Gray and crawled over to him, but my shirt had gotten pinned under a few rocks and I couldn't get it out. I pulled as hard as I could but I ended up ripping the shirt, exposing my boobs and my bra and fell backwards onto Gray. I groaned and blushed completely red before I crawled off of Gray, who started moving. "Gray?" I asked and saw his eyes open, and he sat up. I didn't remember that my shirt was off, until he started blushing.

"What's the matter, Gray?" He stammered and I looked down and blushed bright red. He turned around and held out his shirt for me to wear, "Thanks, Gray." I took the shirt and put it on, taking in his scent. There was a loud roar, but this time it sounded so much closer. "It must have gotten closer. We need to get out of here." Gray pushed on a rock.

"Gray, be careful. The rocks might collapse." I warned him, and he nodded. The rock he pushed on fell out, creating a small looking hole. "Can you see anything?" I asked, "Oh crap." He said, "What is it?" I asked, crawling over towards him. "It's that monster. Not the one we beat though." He said, "The one that caused the rocks to fall?" He nodded, as it roared again. I heard shouting, coming from a distance from outside of the rocks. "That's Ezra." I moved forward towards him, "Yeah, it is. Ethan is with him and Lucky. But she's unconscious in his arms. The monster is trying to attack them." Gray explained, he was still looking out the hole.

"Get down!!" Gray turned around, pushing me down as the cove started shaking and I saw something. "What just happened?" Gray rushed over to the hole in the rock, looking through it. "It released some kind of gas but Ethan and Ezra got out of there before it hit them." I saw green gas pass through the rocks, it didn't seem to affect Gray at all.
Maybe since my senses grew a lot more and I got my new powers, it was taking more of a toll on me. I started breathing heavier and felt weird, it was like my brain was telling me one thing but my heart was saying another. "Tsu, are you alright?" I felt this urge to do something when he turned to me, but I didn't know what to do. "No, stay back. Whatever gas that thing released, it's making me feel weird and act irrationally. Stay back." I scooted back far away and he turned back to the opening. "If I can get a hold of Erza," He reached into his pocket, "What are you doing?" I asked him, "Erza gave me a lacrima, and one to Lucy and one to Wendy before we split up back there when we first got here. I'm gonna see if it still works." He set it down between us, and I pulled my foot back. I felt this burning sensation run through my legs, and I groaned in pain. "Tsu, what's wrong?" He pressed on the lacrima, "My legs. They feel like they're on fire." I clenched through my teeth, "Erza?" Gray asked and her face appeared, "I'm alright, I'm in here with Lucy and Natsu. Are you two alright?" She asked, taking notice of me. "I'm fine, but Tsu isn't." He said, shaking his head. "What's the matter?" Lucy asked, "I'm not sure but, have you seen Ethan and Ezra?" Gray asked, "Yeah, they're in here too." She turned the lacrima to show them. "Guys, did you run into that monster?" He asked, "Yeah, but we got out of there. Found Erza, Natsu and Lucy on the other side of the cove. Lucky is still unconscious. She was hit on the head with one of the smaller rocks, when she was trying to get us to safety. When it blew the gas it had followed after us and Ethan saw Erza so we jumped into here. That beast is still lurking around, hopefully Wendy and the others are alright." Ezra said and I sucked in a deep breathe.

I felt like the air in here was getting thin, and that urge had come back. "When it blew the gas, could you tell what it was?" I strained, "No. I couldn't." Erza said and I groaned in pain, as the burning came back. "Was she hit with the gas?" Ethan asked, looking concerned as he held Lucky.

"No, we had an opening in the rock that I made. When it blew the gas, some must have seemed through the rocks. I'm feeling fine but it's affecting Tsu and it might be, because of her new powers and everything." Gray explained, "Have you heard from Wendy?" I asked, looking back at the lacrima.

"Not yet. But I'm going to get in contact with her. I'm going to put on a three way communication lacrima. I'll call you, when I reach her. Keep a close eye on her." Erza ended the call, and Gray put it on one the rocks poking out. "Tsu, where is it burning?" Gray crawled over to me and I scooted away. "Stay-- back." My voice was croaky. "Why? What's wrong?" He crawled towards me again but there was nowhere else, I could go. I felt the urge again, but stronger and I groaned in pain. I fell onto my back and I groaned again, Gray rushed to my side and he sat by.

The burning came back and I cried out, "Where does it burn?" He asked and I pointed to my chest near my boobs. He blushed a little and his ice magic started glowing in his hand and he put it right where I had pointed.

My eyes closed and I fell asleep, no longer able to keep my eyes open. When I came too, Gray was sitting next to me talking to the others. "Is she alright?" I heard Gajeel say into the lacrima, he must have finally caught up to Erza and the others.

"I'm not sure. She fell unconscious about half an hour ago, I haven't been able to wake her up. Something is different, and I think that gas if affecting her even worse. How far are you from here?" He asked, "We're almost there." Erza said, "Gray, what's going on?" I asked, looking over to him.

"We're gonna get you out of here. Erza, I'll call you back. They are on their way to help get us out of here." He put the lacrima in his pocket, and turned to me and suddenly I felt the burning pain again. "Tsu, you gotta keep your eyes open." But I felt so weak, my eyes fluttered shut and I lost consciousness again.

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