Chapter 51: Tsubaki's Resolve

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Gray's pov

As I ran through the East forest, I could tell something was different with her. She was running like she was trying to get away from me, and she was fast. I pushed myself to run faster and ended up tackling Tsubaki. We hit the ground, I noticed that we were going to roll down a hill so I switched positions with her. I took most of the fall and I felt Tsubaki's grip tighten on me, we finally stopped rolling.

"Tsu, come on. What's wrong?" She pushed herself off of me and stood up. I stood up, catching her wrist before she could run off again. "I can't go back to Fairytail." She said, shaking her head. "Why not? Why can't you come back?" I asked, "Because, they-" She sniffled, I never liked seeing her cry like this. "They are after me and if they come to the guild looking for me... They could hurt everyone, they could hurt my brothers. They could hurt you and I don't want that." She sniffled, I pulled her forward, wrapping her in a hug. "That's all the more reason to get stronger." I pulled away and she looked up at me and then she started glowing. "What's happening?" She asked freaked out, as she started floating. Her hair started growing a little longer, which confused me.

"What's happening? Gray?" I reached up and grabbed her hand, as I tried to figure something out. "It's the power of the dragon protector. She now has all the powers of the dragons, she can control the powers of both dragons and dragon slayers." An old lady came forward, "Who are you?" I asked as I pulled Tsubaki back down. I didn't even hear her come towards us, where did she come from? Whoever or whatever she was, I didn't trust it so I pushed Tsubaki behind me.

"I'm a guardian. Don't worry, I won't hurt you! I just want her power." She threw a large energy ball at us, "Gray, get down!" Tsubaki shouted and stood in front of me and was hit. The ball didn't explode and hurt her, instead, she ate the entire thing. "How did you do that?" The old lady asked in surprise, her face showed it. I was surprised as well, "I don't know." Tsubaki said in shock and the old lady got angry. "No matter how you did it! That means you have the new powers! Give them to me!" She attacked us again and threw another energy ball but Tsubaki stopped it and threw it back at her. It hit the old lady, and she disappeared from sight.

"So that old lady must be right. This means you can protect and use the power of the dragons and dragon slayer." I said to her, putting the pieces together. "That means Kazuki is dead." She said sadly, looking away from me. "No, that might not be the case. He could possibly still be alive." I walked in front of her, so she could see me. "Tsu, don't be so sure. This means that you have more power and you can protect everyone you care for, including me." I said and she looked up at me, her hair was now up to the middle of her back.

"Your hair grew longer." I said out of the blue, "It did?" She asked, "Yeah, it did." She giggled softly, "Tsu, will you come home?" I asked, Fairytail has always been her home. No matter what happens, she still is apart of this guild. "Yeah, I'll come home. Besides who would argue with you beside Natsu if I'm not there?" She smiled at me and I looked surprised for a moment, then I looked away with my eyes closed and then back at her. "Gray?" She asked, as we started walking. "What is it?" I looked forward, "Well, I was wondering...." I looked back at her to see that she had stopped walking, "What is it?" I asked, turning towards her. "Why are you naked?" She pointed and I looked down, to see I was only in my underwear. "AHHHH, crap where did my clothes go?!" I started looking around, in the trees and bushes for them and I heard giggling. I turned to my left and saw Tsubaki giggling, "Hey, stop giggling at me and help me find my clothes!!" I yelled and she only started laughing harder at me.

"Uhhh Gray, that wasn't what I wanted to say." She said, after gaining her composure. "Well, what was it then?" I asked. looking over at her. "Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to help me get stronger." She said, "Meaning what exactly?" I asked in confusion, "Can you help train me?" She asked and I looked at her in shock and then wiped it off my face.

"I have to think about it first." I said and started walking making it seem like I was thinking but I already knew the answer. I just wanted to mess with her, "Oh come on Gray, you won't regret it. Please." She begged, "Still thinking about it." I teased, "Ugghhhh! Gray, come on!" She jumped onto my back, surprising me. "Please?" She asked, still holding onto my back. "Sure, I'll help." I smiled and she squealed, making me chuckle.

"Thank you!!! Thank you! Thank you!!! Thank you so much, Gray, you don't know how much this means to me!" I chuckled at her reaction. "I promise to try my best." She said, with confidence.

"And I promise to help you make you stronger." I said and she squealed again. She hugged me tighter, as I blushed a bit more because I could feel her boobs pushing against my back. They were almost as big as Lucy's boobs, which is kinda crazy. I held onto her legs and made sure she wasn't gonna fall off, while I walked back up the hill.

"Tsu, what are you doing?" I felt something moving around in my hair, it felt nice but I wasn't sure what it was. "I'm messing with your hair. Did you know it's really soft? I love your hair and it smells nice." She giggled, continuing to mess with my hair. "Hey, will you stop messing with my hair, while I'm trying to get up this hill?!" I yelled, "No!! I want to play in it, so you have to let me." She said and suddenly I felt something touch my ear. "Did you just lick my ear?" I asked, shivers ran down my spine from the action. "Maybe, maybe not." She said, making me sigh. "I love you, Gray!!!" She hugged me tightly and at that moment, I felt something weird. Pretty soon it was probably around four that she had fallen asleep and I was finally able to make it out of the East forest. I headed for Fairytail and finally reached the guildhall, so I kicked the door open.

"Gray! You're back!" Lucky shouted and flew over to me, while everyone else crowded around me as soon as I got through the door.

"What happened?" Erza asked, worry etched in her face. "She got the new powers Kazuki talked about," I said, which made Erza visibly relax while Ethan and Ezra tensed up. "Seriously?!!" They all shouted, some of them just staring in shock. "Yeah, and she wants me to help train her so I will. And Natsu and Gajeel have to help too." I explained, making Natsu and Gajeel look at me. "Why?" Gajeel asked, "So she can learn how to better use both your powers, although she knows how to use fire slayer magic. It would be good for you and Tsu." I explained, "Seems like fun." Natsu said, pumping his fists. "So she fell asleep?" Ezra asked, "Yep, we fell down a hill and that's basically how it started. We got attacked and she was able to use lightning magic. So we headed back this way." I said and Ezra reached for her. He tried to pull her off, but she didn't let go of me.

"Looks like she's too comfortable to give up her pillow." Mira said and I blushed, making everyone laugh.

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