Chapter 107: That Which Exceeds Calculation!

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3rd person's pov

"Who are you?" Grayson asked, looking up at the exceed floating in front of the group. "My name is Samuel." He introduced, before explaining who the legion corps were to them. Grayson kept his eyes on Samuel, not trusting the exceed's true intentions. Levy looked over to Grayson, sensing the doubt coming from him. Meanwhile, Coco is still hiding as she spies on Natsu and the others while they are talking about the clock part. As they are talking, Lucky notices that Dan was starting to wake up which caused her to slightly panic in Ezra's arms. "Lucky, what's the matter?" Ezra asked, "Dan!" The group looks behind them to see that Dan had woken up, he was standing up on his feet. "You wanna another fight?" Natsu asked, "No.. I admit defeat." Dan said, shaking his hand. "I have a question for you, Dan." Dan's eyes shifted from Natsu to Ezra, who was standing beside Natsu. "Why are the Legion Corps after the clock pieces? What is the goal?" Ezra asked, which gets Dan to start telling his story in the form of a picture book.

"Did he just pull out a picture book to tell his story?" Ezra questioned, scrunching his eyebrows.

"Looks like it." Happy said.

"I was born in the town of Cedar, which is where the local knights protected the Church and the Town. In my family, people were knights generation after generation. So as the next successor, I was raised with care and affection. But a Civil War started, which split the towns in half." He started, "Wait... Did your family die in the war?" Romeo asked, as Michelle thought the same thing. Ezra felt a bit of pity, knowing that war is a horrible way to lose loved ones.

"No, the war only lasted half a day. Everyone is fine." Dan said, continuing his story. "There was a girl that I had fallen in love with, but she disappeared after the civil war." He explained, "If they're alive... Then that means this girl might be as well.." Ezra sighed. "Maybe that girl died." Lucky said, looking at Lucy.

"That's probably why Dan fell in love with Lucy." Happy concluded.

"It doesn't make sense for him to have fallen in love Lucy if he doesn't know her at all." Ezra stated, "You have a point." Happy shrugged.

"This is... So.. Stupid... I swear if that girl he liked rejected him and is alive and well, I'm going to knock his teeth out." Ezra thought, glaring at Dan as he listened to the story. "What happened to the girl?" Natsu asked, drawing attention back to Dan.

"I found her the next day, and she was alive and well. I used to ask for her hand in marriage almost every day, but she seemed scared of my "happiness", so she refused. After being rejected, I decided to go on a long journey. As I was on my journey, I met many pretty girls. But all of them refused for the same reason, I do not know myself." He finished explaining,

"Yeah, who could guess why they turned you down?" Ezra muttered to himself, as he sweatdropped.

"If I may ask, I'm curious. But who drew those pictures?" Michelle asked Dan. "Mary Hughes and Sugarboy did. Somewhere along the way, I became a legionnaire. Now, I am helping Byro find the missing clock pieces." He said, making Lucky sigh. "What is the aim of the Legion? What is it?" Lucy asked, "Unfortunately, I can't tell you that." Dan shook his head, only serving to annoy the group. "Then why did you bother to tell us a story about your life, when we asked about the Legion?!" Natsu shouted, obviously frustrated. "He's an idiot, Natsu. Just what the hell did you expect?! Of course, he was going to give us the run around, you idiot." Ezra replied, looking just as frustrated as Natsu did.

"Who are you calling idiot, flame-head?" Natsu argued, "You, flamebrain." Ezra snapped, "You're the idiot here, not me!" Natsu got in Ezra's face, "Actually, I am not the one who was stupid enough to fall for his idiocy. Even I can tell that he's been stupid!" Ezra protested, getting in Natsu's face. Romeo and Lucky sweatdrop, watching the two argue over this. "Guys! This is no time to be arguing over something so stupid!!" Lucky shouted, but they didn't listen and kept arguing. "Idiots." Romeo muttered under his breath, shaking his head at the two. Dan explains everything to the group, afterwards he chases Lucy again. "Dude!! Leave her alone!! She doesn't like you!!" Ezra snapped. "Where did the other legionnaire go?" Michelle asked, looking around in curiosity which causes Lucy to stop running from Dan.

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