Chapter 111: Chase the Infinite Clock

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Tsubaki's pov

Everyone was gathered back at the guildhall, while Lucy and the others had informed the rest of our guildmates of the return of the Oracion Seis. I took notice that Master Makarov was not here in the guildhall with us, which got me wondering as to where he went. He definitely should be here to hear this, especially since it's so important. "So that's why they summoned the old man away.." Macao said, "It's no use. We were completely overwhelmed by the new Oracion Seis. They are much stronger than they were before." Carla said, making me shake my head. She was right, those guys were really strong. Both Romeo and Michelle try to take the blame, but I disagreed with them. So did Lucy. "It's not either of your faults. It's not your fault that my Dad didn't leave a more detailed message like Natsu said." Lucy said, she put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "Lucy, do you know how your father got involved with the clock?" Wendy asked, I was curious about the same thing. It didn't make sense to me that her father left all of this to her, especially if that clock was then taken by the people we are fighting against. "To be honest, I have no clue how he got the clock in the first place." Lucy shook her head, well, of course she wouldn't know. She hadn't seen her father for a long, long time. Although... Michelle was with him the whole seven years that all of us had been trapped on Tenrou Island, so she got to know him. "We will solve that mystery another day, right now, our top priority should be getting that clock back from the Oracion Seis." Erza spoke up, "I have a suggestion. If we just started looking everywhere, I'm sure they are bound to eventually turn up." Natsu said, "Yeah, he's right. If we look hard enough, we'll definitely find them." Ethan chimed in, making Natsu give him a small smile. "I don't think that's a good idea.. I say we come up with a plan and then act." Gray opposed, making me look at him. But of course, this caused an argument to spur between Gray and Natsu with Juvia joining in to support Gray, while Ethan backed up Natsu's statement. Ezra sighed, shaking his head as we watched them argue.

"Guys!! Will you stop arguing?!! We don't have time for this!!" I snapped, causing the five of them to look at me as they all became quiet. "Look, I see where your both coming from but arguing will get us nowhere in looking for them and getting that clock back." I crossed my arms, as I looked to the five of them. "I'm surprised that you aren't taking Gray's side." Ethan stated, "She isn't taking my side either." Natsu shrugged, "I knew there was going to come a day where she didn't take Gray or Natsu's side in an argument." Our heads snapped over towards the door, where the Thunder Legion was standing. Evergreen starts rattling on about their recent job, making me shake my head and sigh. We have bigger problems than whatever they were dealing with on their mission. My eyes shifted over to Michelle, my gut was telling me that something was off about her. I don't trust her and I can't figure out why. "What happened?" Freed asked, I guess he noticed the tension. Lucy and the others take the time to explain everything that's been going on, "Just so you know... If we had been there, the Occasion Seis would have been defeated." Evergreen said, making me growl. I've always had an issue with Evergreen and her attitude.

"Well, you weren't there, so shut up, Evergreen. You have no clue what kind of power they wield now. Let me remind you, none of you were there when we fought them the first time." I snapped, Gray put a hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down.

"When I went grocery shopping alone the other day, I overheard some soldiers of the church talking about two men. One of them was wielding a sickle and the other running at a tremendous speed, both destroyed a church single-handedly." Freed explained, I looked over at Lucy who must have shared my thoughts. "Must have been Erigor and Racer." Natsu said, "I heard that the attacks on the church has increased in the past few days." Freed added.

"Why didn't you tell us this?!" Bixlow asked, looking pissed off. "I did tell you but you all were too busy eating." He said, making me smile and shake my head. Typical.

"I don't understand why they're attacking churches..." Erza started, "Yeah, it doesn't make sense at all.. They have got to be planning something else." I said, crossing my arms as I thought. "We're more out of hand.. They have the clock." Lucy stated, making Kai sigh. "Whatever they're planning.. I can tell it won't be good for Magnolia or any of us." Ezra started, scratching the back of his head.

I sat beside Ethan and Kai, we were all sitting at a table as Lucy and Levy started talking about this guy named Will Neville. "So this Neville guy...?" Kai asked Lucy, "It says here that he used to be a Zentopian bishop." She said, but she got this strange look on her face. "Luce, what's the matter?" I asked, "There's nothing written in here about his disciples or about his magic." She furrowed her eyebrows, as Ethan looked to Kai and I.

"Kinana knows about more about this Will Neville guy.. It's strange. How would she know more than a book about this guy?" Max pondered, which got me wondering the same thing. When I saw Elfman bring her to the infirmary, I was worried that something bad had happened to her. Kinana was one of the sweetest members of the guild, she took over Mira's role after we disappeared for seven years. "And all of it is written in an ancient language at that too." Happy added in.

"The Key of The Star Heavens book was written by a former member of the church. Mr. Heartfillia then used the book the send Lucy a message." Michelle stated.

"This is so damn complicated.. Just what the hell are they planning?" Hairi rubbed her face in her palms, letting out a sigh.

"If only we knew where they would attack next... Then we could wait and strike." Cana wakes up from behind the counter, whining that we are so noisy so she could not sleep for long. How long has she been back there? "You guys want to find the Oracion Seis, right?" Cana took out a pack of cards, Kai looked at her in confusion whereas Erza looked like she knew what she was doing. I knew exactly what Cana was about to do with the cards, I had seen her do it before on a job I took with her and Natsu when we were a bit younger. We headed over to request board where Romeo and Uncle Grayson put a map of Fiore. "What exactly are you going to with the map, Cana?" Kai looked up at her, "I'm going to use my card magic to find out where they might be going and send certain people to those spots." She explained, she throws the cards on the map and the cards land at different places.

"Alright.. So it looks like Gray, Ezra, Ethan, Tsubaki, Kai and Freed; Evergreen, Erza and Max; Gajeel, Grayson and Juvia; Bickslow, Hairi, and Wendy; Happy, Carla, Lucky and Pantherlily, and at last but not least Natsu, Lucy, Michelle and Elfman." Macao announced, I smiled as I was put on the same team as Gray.

I quickly wiped it off of my face, when I realized that both of my brothers were on this team as well. Kai looked over at Gray, the two high-fiving one another in excitement. I shook my head and looked elsewhere as I heard Juvia asking to switch partners, "Looks like were going to be on the same team again." Freed spoke, walking over to me. The two of us always had a love-hate relationship from the time we met one another. But no matter how angry the two of us were with one another, we always made up with one another. Over the last year before we all were trapped on Tenrou Island, Freed and I worked to repair our friendship and the two of us got close. "Yeah, looks like it. But I think we'll do good." I said, the two of us high-fiving one another. "All I can say is... This will be very exhausting. Both of those idiots argue with Gray entirely too much." He said, as I wrapped an arm around his neck. The two of us looked over at Ethan, Ezra and Gray who were arguing over something. Kai only sweatdropped as he came over to stand with the two of us, he already looked worn out. "What are they even arguing about this time?" I asked, "Who knows... All I can say is that the reason will be really stupid." Freed shook his head, "Are they going to do this the whole time we will be out there?" Kai asked.

"Probably." I nodded.

"This will be a long trip then." Kai sighed. He was right about that, I just hope we can stop the Oracion Seis before it's too late.

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