Chapter 89: The Right to Love

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Tsubaki's pov

"You know, you're crazy Hairi. How did I ever think that you were sane enough to train me?" I shook my head as I bathed in medicinal herbal water with Hairi, Lucy and Cana. "I am a sane person. Why do you question my sanity? You know you're not all that sane either." Lucy and Cana chuckled at Hairi's comment, while I just growled in annoyance. Hairi managed to heal in little time and got out of the bath leaving Cana, Lucy and I alone.

I sunk myself in the water as my hair got a little wet, I stared at the water thinking of how Carson was still on the loose. But then my mind wandered back to what Gramps said to all of us earlier, he had canceled the S-Class Trials which sucks considering how far we all came. I felt a weird but familiar presence enter the island so I decided to head out leaving Cana and Lucy to talk, I know Cana didn't mean what she did so I didn't give her any grief about it. I also knew Cana was going to at some point during our time here, tell Gildarts who she really is to him. To me, I was happy knowing that she had the courage to finally say something to him. 

I got dressed and headed out towards the others, who were hanging around outside. I took a spot near Lisanna and Laxus watching as he messed with her, which made me smile and shake my head. It was weird to see Laxus acting the way he was but then again, he must have changed due to the fact he was kicked out of the guild. I knew that Laxus wasn't always so mean and temperamental, he didn't get that way until Gramps kicked his father out of the guild. When I think back to it, Laxus was actually very sweet to me when I was younger especially after learning what I had been through as a child.

"Come on Tsu, please..." I took a deep breathe in, as Ethan popped up on my left. "No, Ethan. I will not do it." I crossed my arms and closed my eyes, trying not to get to angry. "Oh come on, please!!! It's so cool when you do it. Please do it again. I'll stop bothering you if you do it." I growled, trying not to get annoyed with him.

"And I said no, now will you stop asking?" I opened my eyes, looking over at him with a glare. "What is it that you're bothering her for?" Laxus asked Ethan, "She can do this really cool thing since she got new powers. I really want to see her do it again." Ethan explained, with a puppy dog face as I pushed him away.

"How did you get those powers anyways? When I first came on the island, I saw lightning and figured that it was either you or Natsu." Laxus looked to me, "I was born with them. Apparently, but none of us knew that until after we came back from Edolas. I found out that people were after me for it, the reason my parents might have been killed was because of it." I stated, "They separated us and then tried to kill Ezra. I ended up somehow awakening the powers." I explained, as Laxus sat in complete silence. "She's destined to be the Dragon Protector." Ezra stated, I looked away and crossed my arms.

"Dragon Protector?" Laxus raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, she can use all the powers of a dragon and all the dragon slayers." Ezra explained to him, "Wow, I never knew that you had that kind of power in you." Laxus stated, "Neither did I." I shook my head as Ethan popped up on my left, "P-" I punched Ethan in the face before he could even ask again. "Why are so annoying?!!" I shouted at him as he flew past Gray and Levy. Ezra and Lucky started laughing, as Ethan flew into the nearby tree while Hairi chuckled silently and shook her head.

"Did you get this power after I left?" Laxus asked, making me turn my attention back to him and I nodded. "Yeah, I did. That's why my hair is blue." I twirled a strand of hair between my fingers, as Laxus scooted closer and touched my hair. "I thought your hair was originally black and shorter." He said as I sighed, "It was. I woke up one morning and it was blue." I explained, as he sat back. "I found her screaming in the bathroom when it happened." Lucky giggled, "Everyone thought she was a new member when she walked into the guild hall that day." Mira added, chuckling a bit.

"Seriously, how could nobody recognize it was Tsu?" Laxus turned to the others, "I guess it was the blue hair. I was just as surprised when nobody recognized her." Freed explained and walked off to talk to Bixlow.

I stared up at the sky getting a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, at first I thought it was just that feeling of knowing that Grimoire Heart was still here but it turns out it wasn't that. I decided to take a walk, wanting to clear my head while we had the time to sit around and recuperate from our fights. "Tsu, where are you going?" Juvia asked as I passed the tent, "On a walk, I'll be back. So don't worry so much." I didn't turn to look back at her as I waved my hand at her. I kept walking, managing to get pretty far from the camp and took in the sights around me. Seeing the animals and the trees growing around here, made me feel a little a peace with myself as I walked. "I wonder how First Master Mavis lived here as a child. Was it fun? Was it peaceful?" I thought as I watched smaller animals run around a tree, I was walking past. I suddenly felt a weird presence as I was walking, I caught onto a familiar scent but waved it off and kept walking. As I reached a small clearing, a large gush of wind blew by and I turned my head slowly to see a giant energy ball headed straight for me. I knew I couldn't dodge it in time but still made a movement, only to be roughly tackled to the ground.

"What the hell?" I froze in shock when I was met with a young man, he smelled a lot like my family and not only that, he looked just like Dad.

"Who are you? Why do you smell like my dad?" I questioned him, as he looked at me. "No, time to explain.. I'll explain later but right now we need to get back to the others." He pushed himself up and helped me up as another energy ball quickly headed towards us, I finally saw who it was attacking. It was Carson, that bastard found me. He must have been following me but what I didn't understand was, why this guy tackled me or why he was on the island. He quickly swept me off my feet and we suddenly disappeared from sight and back to the camp, which caught everyone's attention. "Tsu, whose that?" Gray asked, as everyone became concerned and defensive.

"Shiroichi Klein? What are you doing here?" Hairi asked, as I looked at the guy as he set me down on my feet. "I came here because I sensed trouble. Found Tsubaki being attacked." He explained, his voice sounded a little more softer than Dad's but didn't sound too soft. "Wait... He's a Klein?" Laxus asked, "Yeah,  I'm their father's youngest brother. Sorry for the late meeting, Tsubaki. Ethan... Ezra." Tears came to my eyes as I stood there, "I'm your uncle. The names Shiroichi. Grayson Shiroichi Klein." He greeted with a small smile on his face, but it was one that reminded me so much of Dad's smile.

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