Chapter 46: Take Me Back to Where We Grew Up!!!

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Ethan's pov

We finally reached the place, that meant a lot to all three of us. The real reason behind joining Phantom, was to find the man that killed my parents. As well as the man, who caused my little sister so much pain. I never wanted to be the bad guy at all, I never wanted that. I stopped in front of the small hill, that led to the small pathway to the house that all three of us grew up in. I looked down at Tsubaki, who was unconscious.

"I'm sorry, I had to do this." I walked up the small hill, that lead to the pathway to the house. I had to get inside before she wakes up and gives me hell. I walked up the pathway to a medium sized house, that looked old. This was the place, that all three of us grew up in. We had a small white picket fence that was perfectly painted white, but was now stained with blood and rust. "Finally, I'm home." I stepped up on the pathway and started walking, as flashbacks started to present itself.

Flashback....... 12 years ago (the night the parents were murdered)

I ran as fast as I could up the stairs, when I saw the cars parked a little way down the hill. "Ezra, go the back way around the house and see if you can see what's going on," I instructed, but he hesitated. "But, what are you gonna do?" Ezra asked, looking to me with worry. "I'm going straight in and don't worry about me. Alright." He nodded, running off towards the back of the house.

I felt that as the oldest twin, I had to stop the men from terrorizing the house. I heard screams coming from inside, rushed in the house. I ran upstairs, kicking open a door seeing the unthinkable. Two men were holding down Tsubaki, while a third man was getting ready to kill her. On the other side of the room was Mom and Dad, I noticed that they weren't moving. This meant that these men had killed both of them, in front of Tsubaki. Tears pooled in my eyes but I quickly wiped them away, turning my attention to my little sister. She needed me right now, it was not the time to wallow over mom and dad's death. I growled, catching all three men's attention.

"You better scram, kid." A tall buff one said as he towered over my little sister. "You let my sister go!" I growled loudly, lifting my head up. "The kid's got dragon scales." The blonde-haired one said, "Well, the boss wants a person like him. Let's get him!!" I dodged the two big men, while the other one kept trying to mess with Tsubaki. "Leave me alone!!" Tsubaki screamed and finally, Ezra showed up. He kicked one of the men in the face, knocking the guy back.

"Flash frost dragon roar!" I blew the two men back, but they got back up. "Ezra, get her! Take Tsu and get out of here." I said to him, "No, I can't leave you here!" Ezra protested, shaking his head. "It doesn't matter, what you don't want to do! Please... Just take Tsubaki and get out of here." I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist, making me look down.

"Please stay, E." I looked down at Tsubaki, with sad eyes. I unwrapped her arms from around me and bent down in front of her, looking at her with soft eyes. "Listen Tsu, I have to fight them or they'll just come back after us. I have to stay and fight, so they don't come after us anymore. Please stick by Ezra's side, don't leave him no matter what. If anything happens to Ezra, and I mean anything at all. Go to Magnolia and join Fairytail, I know the guild Master, he is a nice man who will be happy to take you in. Just please go join Fairytail." I held her shoulders, looking into her light blue eyes. "Okay. But you have to be there with us." She said and I pulled her into one last hug.

"Go. Now!" I handed Tsubaki to Ezra, but in doing so she started crying. "Get her out of here now!!" I yelled to Ezra, who took off with her in his arms. I turned back to the three men, when I saw that they had gotten out of the house and the area. "Get him!!" I kicked the buff one in his groin, "Fall!" The men hit the ground and couldn't move. But one of them broke it, "How did you break-" I was thrown back into the wall, creating a large dent. "Alright, you little bastard. Time for payback." I smirked, disappearing from his hold.

"Where did that little freak g-" I hit him with my spatial magic, but I didn't realize that the others had broken free of my gravity magic. The two men grabbed me, while the third man knocked me unconscious.

Flashback over.....

I opened the door and walked inside, as the memories started flowing out of my mind. I walked past the living room and saw the younger Ezra, me, and a two-year-old Tsubaki playing in the room together. She had learned her first words at the age of two, talk about being an advanced baby. She got all of her smarts from Dad and the looks from Mom. I set her down on one of the chairs in the kitchen and tied her up. But guaranteed, she'll end up breaking the rope no matter what I tie her up with. I walked out of the room and around the house, looking at all of the pictures that hung up on the wall. One picture caught my attention, and that was of all of us smiling.

We were at a picnic that day, Tsubaki was about three years old at the time. I haven't seen her smile that big, since that day at the picnic. I heard groaning coming from the kitchen which meant Tsubaki was waking up, so I walked back into the kitchen. "Where the hell am I? Ethan." She looked up at me, anger evident in her eyes. "Of all the places you could take me, you brought me here?" She sounded angry, really angry. I looked down at the ground, not wanting to give her an answer.

"Hello?!! Answer me, E!!" She yelled, making me look at her. "I did this so I could use you as bait, to draw out the guy who hurt you and Ezra." I explained quickly, I don't know why I told her if I knew she was going to blow her gasket.

"You're gonna do What?!!! Why? Why the hell would you want him to come here?!! Is it so he can kill me, so you won't have to deal with me anymore? That man attacked us when I was five and guess what, he so happened to almost have killed Ezra!!!" She shouted at me, "You don't think, I know that?!! I'm only bringing him here, so I could get back at him for what he did to you and Ezra!" I shouted at her, which made her quiet for a moment.

"But why? Why? You kept trying to kill me?" Her voice lowered, as I looked down at the floor.

"I was only doing that to get his attention. I never actually wanted to kill you, I acted that way so I could get to him. When I learned that Ezra was killed and you were attacked I was so angry. I never stayed around the guild hall for the reason that I was going undercover in Phantom and he was in that guild." I shouted more at her, hoping she would understand.

"That's not true!!" She broke the rope and punched me, I hit the ground hard and just laid there. My hair covered my eyes, as Tsubaki stood in front of me with anger in her eyes. I don't know what overcame me at that moment, but I started to laugh. "What are you laughing at?" She snapped, glaring harshly at me. "You believe me. Do you realize how amazing it feels to have my sibling finally believe a word I say?" I stood up and she backed up, "Do you wanna know something else?" I composed myself, as I stood up.

"What?" She asked me and I saw her visibly tense up. Probably from the look on my face, "He is also one of the men behind our parent's murder."

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