Chapter 7: 15 minutes

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Tsubaki's pov

When I woke up, everybody was here and they all looked at me. Mira rushed over to me, helping me sit up. "What happened to you?" Natsu asked, as he popped up at my side. "I don't really remember." I held my head, it felt like somebody had slammed a hammer into my skull. "Do you remember anything at all after I left the guild hall?" Lucy asked, "All I can remember is coming downstairs to find a snack, but that's it. Everything else is a blur." I closed my eyes, trying to think as my memory of what happened came back. "What happened?" Gray walked over with Lucy, "I got attacked." I said, "By who?" Gray asked, concern laced in his voice. "Ethan.... I picked up his scent, but I thought that it was just from attack earlier on the guild hall." Everyone gasped, not believing that it could have been Ethan.

"But why is he with Phantom? You know, they only want Lucy because she's a Heartfillia. Why is he coming after you?" Natsu asked, "I don't know, Natsu. Lucy, you're a Heartfillia?" I asked, looking over to Lucy. She was sitting on a crate, not to far from where I had been placed.

"Yeah," She looked down, "This is all my fault, if I hadn't joined nobody would be in this mess." She sounded so guilty, which only made me upset. "Lucy... Don't blame yourself, please. It's not your fault, we aren't giving you up. Not without a fight." I reassured her, while Natsu caught me up to speed with everything that's been going on. Mira had called Laxus through a lacrima to ask for help, which I was severely against. The only response she got out of him was him saying no and that we didn't need his help, because of that cocky attitude of his everyone else grew angry. Mira became angry enough to break the lacrima, while tears streamed down her face. I noticed Erza wasn't around, which made me worry. We heard loud thuds coming from outside of the guildhall and ran outside, to see that Phantom made a giant robot.

"Give me, Lucy Heartfillia!" Jose yelled, they had a giant robot standing in front of Magnolia in the water. I growled in anger when I smelled him nearby, I can't believe he is here with Phantom.

"Hey sis, how's it going?" I looked up at the robot, there stood on top was Ethan, my older brother.

"Ethan?" I quirked an eyebrow at him, I was shocked that he was working with Phantom Lord. "Yep, that's me!" He smirked, as a large canon sounded, I looked up at the robot seeing that it was firing up. Erza came out of the guildhall, wearing nothing but a towel and stood in front of all of us.

"Run! Get out of here now!" Erza yelled, requipping into her armor, and stood in front of all of us. "Erza!" I was concerned that she wasn't going to be able to take the shot head-on. The blast was fired, while Erza was able to block it with adamantine armor but was severely injured. "Erza!" I ran to her with Natsu, "Makarov has fallen and so has Erza. Surrender Lucy Heartfillia at once." Jose spoke through a speaker, everyone rallied about giving her back. "Nobody is gonna take Lucy away from us," I yelled, we only had 15 minutes till the Jupiter cannon would fire again. This time, I don't think the guild would be able to handle such a large blast. I saw Ethan smirking from his spot on the giant robot, which only made me agitated with him.

"Come on Lucky, let's go." I ran and she followed, picking me up. It was settled that Natsu was going to destroy the canon, while Gray and Elfman would storm the place. When she placed me down, I told her to help Natsu. "Why are you here? Why did you attack me?" I asked, "Sis, do you know why I left Fairytail?" He smirked when I gave him a confused look, he kicked me in the stomach harshly. "Ethan!" I yelled, flying back into their guildhall. I got up and dodged another attack, "Why are you with Phantom Lord?!" I shouted, "I'm not telling you." He kicked me off the edge of the robot.

I held onto the edge, "Tsubaki!" I heard Bisca and Alzeck call, "Don't worry about me. Worry about yourselves." I shouted as I tried to pull myself up, but Ethan decided to step on my hand and press down. I yelped loudly, almost losing what little footing I had. "Having trouble there, Lil sis?" He laughed, "Get off of my hand!" I was still holding onto the robot with my other arm. He stepped on that hand and I clenched my teeth. No matter what happened, I couldn't let them get Lucy. The weight disappeared so I climbed up the robot, looking around but I couldn't see Ethan anywhere in sight. I ran inside the guildhall, looking around for him. "Where did he go?" I thought to myself, I started running down the hall.

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