Chapter 16: Thoruim Rage

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Tsubaki's pov

The man smirked, he must have known we were Fairytail wizards. He charged at us making all of us split up, and dodge the giant bat coming down. I ended up standing next to Lucy, who had her hand on one of her keys. Before I could catch on to what was going on above me, Lucy kicked a guy about fifty feet into the air. "Thanks, Luce." I looked around to see if I could find more men, instead, I smelled all of the men that were hiding in the trees. There were maybe about 20 of them but what rattled my nerves, was that three of them were younger than me.

"Look... We don't wanna have to hurt anyone, just give the chief's granddaughter back. We will not go easy on you if you decide to fight." The big guy didn't seem to like Erza's statement, because the next thing he did was send all of his men after us. I ended up having to take on the three men younger than me, I didn't like that I had to but what else was I going to do? I couldn't tell which way they were moving because they were so fast. I was kicked in the back, stomach, and chest and flew into a tree. I quickly got up, dodging the attack just in time before the tree was broken in half. I scrambled to my feet, kicking the third man into a nearby bush. But I didn't see the attack coming, so I wasn't able to dodge them in time. I was kicked into another person, who kicked me right past Natsu.

I hit the wall of the building, breaking through it. "Tsu, are you okay?" Gray called out, but I couldn't answer back. I was picked by the arm and pulled back, with a rag stuffed in my mouth. I started struggling and screaming for help, I could hear the others shouting my name. My eyes started drooping, making me feel tired so I stopped fighting and became limp.

"Tsubaki!" I heard Natsu's muffled shout, he must have seen what was happening. "Tsu! hang on, I'm coming!" I could barely make out their blurry forms ran towards the two of us, before my eyes closed completely.


When I woke up two hours later, I noticed that I had been tied to a chair. My legs and wrists were bound, and my mouth was taped shut. I looked around to see that I was in a brightly colored room, but I had no idea where this place was. I didn't let my guard down, because I could tell I was far from everyone else. I heard the door open, my eyes shifted towards the door.

"Ahhh, you're awake. Finally." A man entered my line of vision, but I didn't recognize him. He was tall and broad-shouldered like Laxus, he had black hair and light purple eyes. His hair stopped just above his ear, I then noticed a sword strapped to his back. I cringed when he pulled the rag out of my mouth, as I blew my hair out of my face. "Tsubaki, I won't hurt you unless you give me a reason too." He smiled lightly, stepping away from me.

"Not much of a talker, are you?" He said, pulling up a chair in front of me and sat down. I didn't say a word since I didn't trust him. He sat back in his chair, just staring at me while I just stared back at him, not saying a word. I didn't feel intimidated by his look at all, he doesn't have what it takes. Have you met Erza Scarlet and Mirajane Strauss? They both are a lot more intimidating at any moment when they are not happy, much more than he was in this moment.

"I hear you're from Fairytail. You will tell me this, where is the book?" He sat up straight this time, there was a visible glint of evil in his eyes. "I wanna know where the book is. You better start talking or I will have to hurt you." He got in my face, but I didn't answer him.

"What book is he even talking about?" I only stared at him.

"ANSWER ME!" He shouted angrily, kicking his chair, causing it hit the wall with a thump. I jumped slightly a little startled, as he grabbed the front of my shirt. I didn't bother to react to him grabbing me, I don't like showing emotions towards men like him. "Where the hell is the book of Nemesis? Where is it?!" He shouted, but I didn't answer him again. He let go of my shirt and punched me in the face. My black hair ended up in my face, as I recovered from the punch. He hit me again and again, but I still didn't answer him.

He got frustrated and called for some guy, when the guy came in he stuck me with needle. I felt woozy and out of breathe, "Now tell me Tsubaki, where is the book of Nemesis?" He lifted my chin up and I shook my head. He let go of my chin and kept beating on me, because I didn't answer his questions. Soon enough, he got too angry to continue beating me. He stormed off, closing the door with a slam and I coughed violently, spitting out some blood.

I sat up and against the wall, panting loudly until the door opened again. I looked up through my hair to see the guy with another needle, I shuffled away from him but he kept coming closer. He nodded to two men, so they held me down and he put the needle in my arm. I felt fearful and I could feel anxiety running through my veins, which made me worry.

"Where is the book of Nemesis? I know the chief told you where the book is. Where is it?" He looked at me coldly, "I don't know where it is. The Chief never said anything about that, he never told us about that book. I'm telling the truth!" He smirked, knowing that he was getting to me. "Fine, you don't want to tell me. Then, I'll just have to hurt you some more." He lifted up his foot and slammed it into my stomach, making me yell in pain. I closed my eyes shut, trying not to cry when I suddenly felt no pressure on my stomach.

"What are they doing here?!! Get them!" I heard the guy shouting, he sounded really angry. "Takeo, what have you done with the chief's granddaughter and Tsubaki?" I heard Erza's voice, which made me move around. I wanted to get their attention, by making noise they were sure to hear me.

"Look, she's right there!" Happy pointed his paw at me, while the other's eyes landed on me. "Oh my god, what did you do to her?" Lucy shouted, she looked at me in horror.

"Boys, take them down!" Takeo shouted, he turned around and gestured to a man to pick me up. I started shouting loudly to alert the others and was suddenly thrown up in the air. I let out a shout of pain, since I was injured. I was caught by a pair of soft arms and the smell was overwhelmingly familiar, I knew this person. "I got you." I looked up at the person who caught me, relieved to see who it was. "Natsu," My voice came out sounding weak, I realized I was still feeling a bit woozy. That drug, whatever he gave me is now making me feel horrible.

I could hear Erza, Lucy, Juvia, and Gray fighting while Natsu stayed and protected me. Natsu started telling me that Erza and Gajeel were going up ahead to find the chief's granddaughter, while Gray would take care of Takeo and his men along with Lucy and Juvia. I felt so weak, "Hang on, Tsu." Natsu said, but all I could do was nod slowly. "Natsu, how is she?" I heard shuffling towards Natsu and I, which must have been Gray.

"Not good. We need to get her medical attention and fast." Natsu shook his head, just as the building shook and we heard a giant explosion. "We got her." Erza's voice sounded through the room, I turned my head to the two. My eyes widened in fear, when I saw Takeo come up behind Erza with a sword.

"Erza, look out!" Natsu shouted, making her alert. "He's behind you!" Lucy shouted, there was sheer terror on her face.

I shot up to my feet despite the pain I was feeling, rushing over to Erza. I pushed her out the way with all of my remaining strength, and was stabbed in my stomach. It was better that it was me, instead of Erza.

"TSUBAKI!" I heard them all shout in alarm and suddenly everything went black.

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