Chapter 75: Arc of Embodiment

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3rd person's pov

As Elfman and Evergreen are running away from Rusty Rose's Beclasus the thunderclap, they encounter a cliff. "Looks like you have nowhere else to run," Rusty Rose chuckled, knowing that they couldn't get away.

"Well, then. That means we're just gonna have to work together to go fight." Elfman said, but Evergreen kicked him. "Who said that we we're gonna work together?" She scolded him, "Hey, come on! It's the only way we're gonna have a chance!" Elfman grabbed her foot, so she couldn't kick him again. "Are you two lovebirds done with you're lover's spat?" Rusty Rose complained as he appeared with the giant thunderclap, standing in front of him.

"We aren't lover's!!" They both yelled, with a slight blush on their faces. Rusty Rose chuckled at their expressions, "The Ultimate World of Magic. Those who cannot use Magic and the trash in the guilds are useless."

This only angers Elfman and Evergreen so they come up with the plan to fight him together, but Rusty Rose outsmarted them both despite their teamwork. "This isn't good," Evergreen scoffed at Elfman's statement, as Rusty Rose explains his Arc of Embodiment Magic and finished the two off with his Tower of Dingir.

"I'm sorry, that I was a nuisance to you." But Elfman contradicts this and thanks her as the tower blows up.

Tsubaki hits the ground hard, after being punched by Capricorn making her grit her teeth in pain. "Tsu, you need to back down. You're in no condition to fight." Tsubaki stood up panting, holding her shirt over her heart. "I'm not gonna stop. I will keep fighting until I can't fight anymore, Leo! I'm not leaving you to fight alone, while I don't do anything. It's not fair to you at all, besides I've said this so many times.. But I'm the only other mage here who can actually do some damage to him." She stood up straight despite the pain in her body, she was beginning to feel more and more fatigue. She knew that the other members on the island were hurting because she could feel it, that's when the pain of the explosion from Mira's battle hit her. She dropped to her knees crying out in pain, "Tsu!" Cana rushed forward, as Capricorn made his move but Tsubaki saw him.

She clutched her shirt tightly and cried out, "Cana!! Get her out of here!" Leo started running as Capricorn had his sights set on Tsubaki, who was currently on the ground crying in pain as Cana ran straight for her.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Tsubaki lifted her hand as lightning came down and threw it at Capricorn.

Everyone on the island including Natsu, Erza, Juvia, Makarov, Lisanna and many countless others saw the lightning. "Is that Laxus's lightning?" Juvia turned her head to Erza, but Erza shook her head. "That's got to be Tsu. Cana, Lucy and her must be in trouble." Levy looked up, knowing that Tsubaki would only do something like this if they were in big trouble.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!" The roar of a dragon was heard, "Tsu," Ethan looked up at the sky, wondering if his little sister was alright. Ezra heard the same road, looking up at the lightning and thought of Tsubaki.

"My ears!" Lucy covered her ears, as the lightning hit Capricorn. He flew back from his place, as Tsubaki fell backwards. The lightning stopped, as everyone ran forward. "Oh god, she's burning up. This isn't good. The other members, must be having tough battles to deal with." Gray held an unconscious Tsubaki close to him.

Natsu even after, waking up picked up the scent of the same person he fought back on Galuna Island named Zalty. "Thanks Wendy, but I gotta go!" Natsu took off, with Happy flying off after him. "Wait for me, Natsu!!" Happy yelled, as he flew after him. Wendy sweatdropped since Natsu had run off, without really explaining why.

On the magic council's warship, Doranbolt or known as Mest appears in front of Lahar. "Did you see that stream of lightning and hear that roar?" Lahar nodded at Doranbolt's question, "Yes, many of my men thought there was monster on the island. But I'm just getting a report from one of my men, that it was coming from a mage named Tsubaki Klein." Doranbolt's eyes widened a bit, he couldn't believe it.

"Do you know her?" Lahar noticed his change in behavior, "Yes, to be honest the girl is very sweet. She's caring towards others and I've heard from Wendy that she was destined to the be the protector of all dragons and dragon slayers. What's worse is that Grimoire Heart, Fairytail and Zeref are all on the same island together. That lightning must have meant, she ran into some trouble." He explained to them, "Gran Doma, a chairman is very strict about this and would most likely eliminate who he believes are wrongdoers without a trial and he might resort to using the Etherion blast once more." Doranbolt starts to have second thoughts, as to contacting headquarters upon hearing this.

"Guys, I don't feel so good." Lucky stopped walking, "What's wrong?" Ethan turned around, feeling the uneasiness in his stomach. He was terrified for Tsubaki, considering the giant lightning strike that happened moments ago. "I think something is wrong with Tsubaki." Ezra picked her up, and looked to Ethan. "Don't worry. She has Lucy and Cana." Ezra smiled, even though he was worried himself.

"Everyone, I want you to get out of here. I can fight him alone so don't worry about me, just worry about Tsu and get her to the camp. Capricorn's human subordination magic weakens your magic as humans, so they can't defeat him. Capricorn is really a celestial spirit like me. Only he is Capricorn the goat." Leo explained, leaving them in shock.

"No, there's no way. I'm not leaving you on your own." Lucy protested, causing them both to argue. "There's no time for this Lucy. You need to get Tsubaki out of here! Just look at the shape, she is in. I don't think she's gonna hold out for much longer." Lucy looked over to Tsubaki, who was being carried by Gray. She was in pain but also unconscious, so Lucy decides to leave.

"Alright, I'll leave. But please promise me this.. Promise me that you'll come back to me." Lucy exclaimed as Leo nodded.

But this in turn, makes Capricorn recognize who she really is. So Lucy, Cana and Gray take off with an unconscious Tsubaki in his arms. Leo begins his Spirit vs. Spirit battle with Capricorn, after realizing that Capricorn recognized her.

"My magic enables me to capture and summon humans even though, I don't have a master." Leo's eyes widen at the news as they keep talking. Capricorn then realizes that Lucy is the daughter of the late Layla Heartfillia, which made him upset.

"I demand that you give her to me." Capricorn demands, but Leo doesn't agree.

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