Chapter 81: The Tenrou Tree

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Tsubaki's pov

Gildarts managed to make it before Bluenote could kill Cana and it made me realize how bad she was feeling, she wanted to be strong and be able to be proud of who she was so that Gildarts was happy with who she was. I stepped forward but my legs felt a bit weak so I fell forward and Ethan caught me, "Are you alright?" He looked at me with worry and I gave him a small nod.

"Don't worry about me. We need to get Gramps out of here, he needs to be at the main camp." I took a step forward with him helping me over the large tree trunk and we rushed over to the others. "Cana, we gotta go." Cana didn't say anything in response as she stared at Gildarts in shock making me sigh, she must feel guilty for everything.

"Natsu!!! Get everyone out of here now!!" Gildarts shouted back to Natsu, as he was getting up. I looked to Gildarts and then Bluenote's eyes shifted to Cana and I, but they were looking down. I followed his line of vision as the mark signaling that Cana had Fairy Glitter was still on her arm and not only that but there was one on the other side of my arm and I didn't understand it.

"How did I get this mark? Cana must have gotten it from the first master herself when she found the grave but why do I have it? Is it one of my powers?" I stared at Bluenote in the eyes, as sweat dropped down my temple.

"Natsu, get her out of here now!!! Bluenote wants Fairy Glitter!" Gildarts kept fighting with him, as Natsu rushed over to us with the others. Doranbolt helped me to my feet and as Ethan helped Cana and we started running. But as we got further from the battle grounds, I could feel that something was wrong.

"Tsu, are you okay?" Lucy looked over to me as I looked around, "No, I don't like the flow of the air around us. Something isn't right." I shook my head and kept my ears and eyes alert. We had to keep going no matter what, we had to get to the main camp. Because of my clairvoyance magic, I can feel everyone on this island who belongs in our guild. I could tell that they were having trouble at the main camp, which made me antsy. I wanted to get there as soon as possible, because I wanted to help the ones in trouble.


Rusty Rose has shown up at the main camp where Lisanna and the others are which considered Hairi, she knew that the others were to injured to fight but she had to for their sakes. "Hairi, you're too injured to fight. Just stay down." Levy was concerned for Hairi's health, "Levy, I'm fine. I can fight. Don't worry about me." Hairi stepped forward in front of them, "But you can barely stand!!" Lucky argued, as Rusty Rose went to attack.

But before Hairi could react in time, the attack was blocked by two figures. Levy smiled brightly as Lucky beamed, "Bixlow!!!! Freed!!" Levy shouted happily, "What's up guys? It's good to see you guys are doing somewhat okay." Bixlow stated with a small chuckle, as Rusty Rose grew angry. "Good to see you boys." Hairi leaned against Levy and Freed grew concerned but turned his attention back to Rusty Rose, who was still standing in front of them and pretty angry. Gray was still having a hard time, believing that Ultear had no grudges against him.

"Even though our guilds are sworn enemies, there is more to life than just guilds. Ur lives on in both of us, because we were trained under her guidance." Ultear stood firm in front of Gray.

Elsewhere in the Island, the battle between Azuma, Erza and Ezra is still going on but Azuma forces the Tenrou tree out of the land causing it to crumble to the ground. There is a loud crash, as Ezra covers Erza with his body and the dirt settles. But as a result of the tree falling, all of the guild members around the island to lose their magic except for Tsubaki and Erza.

"No, no," Tsubaki felt a bit weaker without the tree and held onto Ethan tightly as she hung her head. "Tsu, what's wrong?" Makarov opened an eye, looking to the young mage. "The Tenrou Tree." Makarov was getting the feeling, that something was wrong. "You mean that giant tree? What about it?" Natsu looked over at her as Tsubaki looked up and everyone gasped, even Makarov was stunned.

Her eyes were glowing a light blue color, "That tree has fallen. But that's not it. That tree provides magic energy and protection to anyone bearing our guild mark and now that it's fallen only two people have powers. I'm one of them but I don't know who still have their powers. This is not good." Tsubaki explained, which put everyone on edge as Lucy stood there stunned. She couldn't believe it.

"If that happened, then that means nobody else but you may have powers." Doranbolt sighed and ran his hand through his hair. This also put Bixlow and Freed at a disadvantage with battling Rusty Rose, who could feel the sense of urgency from Bixlow and Freed. "Damnit, the Tenrou Tree." Hairi muttered as she was laid up against a nearby tree.

"Ezra!" Erza shouted as Ezra was sent flying into one of the far trees to the left, he slowly got back up but the bark of tree held him down. "Looks like everyone will have to depend on you to defeat me." Azuma chuckled and Erza realized he was right.

"I don't know about Tsubaki, but I might be the only other guild member left with magic. I have to defeat him no matter what for everyone's sake or they could end up killing us. Tsu, I really hope you have your magic left and is protecting the others around you." Erza changed her form and got ready to stand on defense as Azuma was getting ready to prepare another attack.

"Damn, I can't move and Erza is the only one with magic out of the two of us." Ezra struggled against the branches, he was too tired to lift them off. "It's useless trying to get out of that, when you have no magic and no strength left." Azuma shifted his eyes from Ezra back to Erza.

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