Chapter 25: Super Aerial Battle: Natsu vs. Cobra!

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Tsubaki's pov

I looked around, before running off to follow the scent I smelled when I spotted something in the distance. My eyes widened, when I caught a glimpse of long red hair. "Erza?" I took off running, keeping my eyes on her as she was walking away from my direction. "Erza!!!" I shouted and she turned around. "Tsu, what are you doing here?" She asked and I hugged her tightly, Lucy had told me that Erza left as soon as she woke up. "Thank god, you're okay." I said, letting her go. "No thank god, you're okay. What happened to you after I passed out?" She asked and I pulled away from her. "I followed Natsu and went to go get Lucky, Wendy, and Happy back. After that I passed out, but before that Natsu got there before me. After I was healed by Wendy before you disappeared I went to find Gray, Lyon, and Sherry." I explained.

"How did that go?" She asked, "Not good, Racer tried to kill himself because he didn't want to be defeated. He was planning to take me with him, but Lyon shoved me out of the way, tackling Racer and they blew up. After that Gray and I went to find him, but Sherry was influenced by Nirvana's magic and tried to kill us. No worries she's back to normal, she's just unconscious. Lyon found us and he brought Racer with him too." I explained, "That's good to hear. I'm glad you're alright." I looked behind her, noticing that Jellal was standing behind her and I got very pissed off.

"Erza, what the hell is he doing here? Why are you with him?" I growled and she put a hand on my chest, holding me back. "Tsu, calm down. He doesn't remember a thing of what he did. He doesn't even remember who I was." She explained, while we made eye contact. "I'm sorry for anything I did in the past, to hurt you." I stormed past her and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "He smells weird. Why did he forget everything?" I asked, "Remember what happened back at the Tower of Heaven? He was stuck in a coma, because of the etherios." Erza said and I let him go, but his scent smelled so familiar.

"What are you doing?" He asked, a little unsure of my actions. "You have a familiar scent." I said and kept sniffing him, "Hey Erza, do you happen to see what happened with Jura?" I asked and she shook her head. I pulled away from him and sniffed around, that scent was a lot closer.

"What's wrong?" Erza walked up to me, "I smell trouble. And it's close." I pushed my hair back, "Something's not right here." I shook my head, "I'll be back, Erza. I have to check on Natsu." I ran off.

"Tsu, wait!!" Erza called.

There was a giant explosion in front of me, making fly backward. I hit the ground harshly, with a large thud. "Tsu, are you alright?" Erza rushed towards me, "Erza, get back!!" I shouted, making her stop in her tracks. "That was so smart, you know." A male voice rang out, as I watched a figure come from behind the smoke. He had straight, long, dirty blonde hair and small blue eyes. He was actually pretty decent looking, but he wasn't my type. "Who in the hell are you supposed to be?" I stood up, wiping blood off of the corner of my mouth. "That doesn't matter." He held out his hand and shot at me, I dodged him but was hit with another blast. I flipped over Jellal, which caught him off guard.

"Ice make cannon! Move, Jellal!" He ducked out of the way and I sent a ball towards him. That's when I heard a loud yell, like a dragon's roar. I turned my head, knowing it must have come from Natsu.

"Damnit, Cobra!" I cursed under my breathe, "Pay attention!!!" I was kicked into the stomach and hit the wall. "Erza, stay back." I got up, pushing the rubble off of me. "Who the hell are you?" I asked, agitated but he didn't answer. I ran towards him, "Wrong move!" He yelled, he held out a hand and I suddenly couldn't move.

"What did you do to my body?" I struggled to move, but I couldn't.

I looked down at him and I felt as if we're being choked. "Vile Blast!" He blasted my side roughly, sending a shooting pain in the rest of my body. I let out a pain scream, placing a hand on my side. "Tsu!!!" Erza stepped forward, "Stay back!!" I strained, I didn't want her to get caught up in this. "You're even dumber than I thought." He smirked and moved his hand, I was lifted up into the air and slammed into the ground.

"Get out of here, you two!" I shouted as I stood up, but he appeared behind me and I didn't have time to dodge him. He kicked me in the back and then blasted me several times, making me fly away. I landed on the ground hard, "Whoa, what was that?" I heard Erza's voice and I jumped up, recovering quickly from the attack.

"Tsubaki?!" Jellal yelled, "Seige strike!" I caught his blast, holding it back. "You're not gonna last long like that!" He yelled and I held onto the blast, sliding in front of Jellal and Erza. "Keep holding that blast like that and the poison in that blast will seep through your hands." He landed in front of me, "Fire Dragon Roar!" I blasted it back at him, catching him off guard. "How did-?" The attack hit him and I jumped back.

"Fire dragon Wing attack!!" I attacked him, before he could even recover from my fire dragon roar. "Tsubaki!!?" Erza yelled and I looked up in the air, dodging him. "Ice dragon iron talon!!" I kicked him in the face, sending him flying. "Dynamite bomb!!" I was sent flying into the air, but Lucky caught me.

"Thanks, Lucky!" I smiled, "Let's do this!!" I smirked, turning my attention back to my attacker. "Fire dragon iron fist!!" I punched him in the face and then kicked him in the stomach, he dodged me. Kicking me in the back, I hit the ground hard and yelled out in pain, coughing up some blood.

"Tsubaki!!!!" Jellal yelled, while I tried to recover.

"That was easy." He picked me up and I made an ice sword, while he wasn't looking and stabbed him. "Huh? Didn't see that coming do you?!" He blasted me, sending me flying up in the air and Lucky raced after me. I flew into the wall, making a large indent. "Oh my god, Tsubaki!" Erza shouted, "I'm okay. Just- just stay back." I got up slowly and dodged his punch. "Lucky, get out of here. Go back to Lucy and the others." I instructed, "But Tsu, you need my help. Le-" I let cut her off as I dodged an incoming punch, "Don't argue with me, Lucky. Just do as I say, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. Just go to Lucy and the others, they need you more than I do." I stated, "Tsu, please...." She trailed off, knowing I wasn't going to change my mind.

"I'm sorry, Lucky. You've been injured and kidnapped today, all because I haven't been able to protect you. It was my fault, you got taken this morning. I'll be damned if someone else hurts you, I will not let that happen. So go." She hesitated, out of the corner of my eyes I could see a tear stream down her face before she took off in the other direction.

I turned back to my opponent,  kicking him in the stomach. "Ice fire dragon roar!!" He was hit directly and he hit the rock, four feet away from me. I stood up and wiped some blood off my mouth. I got him, he's down for good this time. "Tsubaki!" I fell backward, but Erza caught me. She helped me stand up and we walked away.

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