Chapter 66: Natsu vs. Gildarts

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3rd person's pov

On route D, Juvia and Lisanna find Erza. The two were already battered and tired but they still fought with Erza, but Erza was too powerful. Juvia takes Erza on as she requips into her sea empress armor. But Erza anticipates Juvia's sneak attacks, and easily dodges Lisanna's tackles.

"Juvia, I don't know if I can keep this up any longer!" Lisanna yelled, as she kept trying to tackle Erza. "Have I overestimated you, Juvia?" Erza asked and slashes Juvia.

Meanwhile, in route A, Evergreen and Elfman encounter Mirajane.

Elsewhere, Natsu and Happy encounter Gildarts. "Fire dragon roar!!" Natsu gives it all he got, but Gildarts dodged them all. While trying to repel Natsu's breathe attack, he accidentally hits Natsu with his crush attack which split Natsu into many tiny Natsu's. "Natsu!!!!" Happy yelled not seeing his best friend. "Well, it looks like he's gone. Whoops." Gildarts decides to declare Natsu beaten. But determined Natsu charged at Gildarts, who tries to block them but is overwhelmed by the numerous Natsu's. "Ah, kid. Can't you give me a break?" Gildarts groaned, as the little Natsu's pulled on his face. "Hey! Stop that!" Gildarts was getting annoyed with Natsu, "That's it, get him Natsu. Never thought I would cheer for him, after he screwed up." Happy said, until Gildarts turned Natsu back to normal. So Natsu uses this chance, to attack. "Crimson lotus: exploding flame blade!!" After the shock, Natsu is surprised to see that he hadn't scratched him but he did move him from his original position. So Natsu considers this a big accomplishment as before Gildarts used to pummel him without getting a hit on him and yet his best friend, Tsubaki could.

"You passed, Natsu." Gildarts said, "But how? I didn't beat you. If i can't beat you then being an S-class wizard won't mean anything." Natsu said. Gildarts hears this and then releases his aura, which can be felt throughout the island. "That was Gildarts." Erza said, sensing the energy. This aura makes the ground crack, and emanates an incredible amount of intimidating Magic Power. Natsu tries to charge at Gildarts but stops. Eventually, Natsu surrenders to him.

"You passed Natsu. Fear is not evil, it is knowing one's weakness and through knowing one's weakness one can be stronger and kinder. This is very essential in becoming an S-Class Mage. So go forward and become an S-class mage." This moves Natsu to tears, after hearing his mentor say these words.

Meanwhile, Ezra, Ethan and lucky enter route F. They soon come across Hairi, "Hello boys." She said, with a slight smirk. "I thought we might find you here." Ezra smirked, "Well, I'm surprised." Hairi stood up on her boulder, "Alright, then. All we have to do is beat you and then move on to becoming S-class Mages." Ethan said, "Alright, then. Bring it on." She took off her jacket and threw it on the boulder, jumping down. "Alright then," The brothers looked dead at Hairi and took their jackets off.

"Flame dragon iron fist!!" Hairi dodged the attack, kicking Ezra in the stomach but Ezra dodged that. "Frost flame dragon wing attack!" Ethan attacked, but Hairi flipped out of the way. "Requip! Electric flame sword!" Hairi landed on the boulder, "Electric flame dragon sword!" Ezra made a sword and used it against Hairi, as Ethan thought up of a sneak attack.

"Go Ezra!!! Beat her down!!!" Lucky shouted from the sidelines, she could tell that the boys had this in the bag. "Flash Frost dragon secret arts: Fist Omni Flash!!" Ethan jumped up into the air and started to glow, as he charged his attack. "Give it up Hairi, you're never gonna win if you keep playing this little game." Ezra said cockily, "You've never been this cocky before Ez, I think you have something up your sleeve. What is it?" She smirked at him, as their swords clashed. "Oh it's nothing, you'll have to worry about much longer." He pushed her back with a lot of force, "Now!!!!!" Ezra shouted, as Ethan came bearing down. "I knew you were planning something!" She yelled, and jumped out of the way but was hit. She flew back and sailed over the boulder, "Damnit," she groaned and stood up, "Alright!!! That was awesome!! When Tsubaki hears about this, she'll be so proud!" Lucky shouted, "You really think she will?!" Ethan said getting excited, which annoyed Ezra.

"Assault Punch!!" Hairi landed a punch near Ethan's feet, which made a giant crater and him to stumble. He fell over onto his butt, but Ezra had moved away before then. "You idiot!!" Lucky yelled to Ethan, who sat there in surprise staring at the giant crater in front of him. "Will you stand up?! Why are you still sitting there, like an idiot?!" Ezra charged at Hairi with his sword, which made Hairi charge at him with hers.

Ethan was right in the middle of it, "Hey!!! Wait a minute you-" He let out a yelp and ducked out of the way. "Blue flame dragon iron fist!" Ezra hit Hairi as the two clash with their fists. They ditched the swords, taking this battle to the next level.

"Electric flame wing attack!!!" Hairi jumped out of the way, sliding halfway across the field. "I get the feeling that this battle is far from over." Ethan stood up, "Hey!! Don't leave me out of this!!!" He yelled angrily and the two turned their heads to him. "Flash frost dragon iron fist!!!!" Ezra and Hairi jumped out of the way as Ethan's fist hit the ground. There was a large crater, and a lot of dust was kicked up.

"Now we're talking. You ready?" Ethan nodded at Ezra, "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go!" They charged at Hairi together, but she dodged them both and kicked Ezra in the stomach. Ezra caught her foot and flipped her over, but she landed on her feet.

"Alright then, I'm not gonna go easy on you. Since you both seem to want to up the game and work together." Hairi raised her energy higher, shredding the top she had on.

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