Chapter 78: Dead-End of Despair

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3rd person's pov (A/N watch how Jungkook starts off and how V can't stop laughing at everything. My biases are so silly but you gotta love and appreciate their hard work.)

Lucy and Happy try to pull Natsu from under the boulders but struggle trying to get him out, until Happy thought of something. "Wait, Natsu can't you use your magic to destroy the rubble?" Natsu thought for a moment, before using his fire to get free.

"They took Zeref." Natsu looked around, "They must have been after him all along. Maybe that's why they were on the island in the first place." Lucy stated, looking over to Natsu and Happy. "So what should we do now?" Happy looked up at Natsu, "Happy, are you able to find Grimoire Hearts' ship? We have to stop them from going through whatever plan they cooked up." Natsu asked, looking down at his blue furred partner.

"No, that attack you did really took it out of me. I have no magic left. Sorry, Natsu." Natsu shook his head at Happy's comment, "There's no need to apologize. We'll just regroup with Wendy and the others to find Cana, Tsubaki and Gray." Lucy and Happy nodded and started their journey to find the others.

Meanwhile in route E, Cana walks to Mavis's Grave. "I'll finally be able to tell him the truth once I become a S class mage." Cana thinks as she stumbles upon a bright light.

Elsewhere on the island, "Gray, where are we going? We've been walking for hours and I doubt anyone is back this way." Tsubaki groaned, as the two were walking. "Oh it's not th-" He spots a black haired woman, so he quickly pulls Tsubaki close to him as the two hide behind a tree. From a different angle it looks like Gray is pinning Tsubaki to the tree since both hands are on either side of her head, to Tsubaki she seemed fine but Gray started blushing a bit when he noticed how it looked.

"Gray, what the hell?" Tsubaki questions furrowing an eyebrow, looking up at Gray, who points to Ultear carrying Zeref away. "No, that can't be him." Gray gave her a confused look, as she whispered.

"What are you talking about, Tsu? Who is that and why is he so bad?" Tsubaki looks from around the tree, as Gray looked down at her. "That's Zeref. He created both black magic and light magic. The magic that we use today. Were they on the island, because he was here as well?" Tsubaki explained to Gray, who kept an eye on Ultear.

But then he noticed something when he fully saw her face, he recognized her to look a little like Ur, his childhood teacher. "Gray, what's wrong?" Tsubaki noticed the look on his face, "Come on, lets keep following her." Gray pulled a confused Tsubaki along with him.

On the Grimiore Heart ship, Hades is met with a powerful mage named Bluenote. He wants to join the battle against Fairytail and the Magic Council, but Hades was reluctant about it. "If one more Seven Kin of Purgatory is defeated, I will head out." He insisted making Hades a bit upset.

Elsewhere on the sea, Lahar decides to tell the Magic Council about the new information and events taking place on the island. "Not now, Lahar. Just give me some more time." Doranbolt contradicts him and Lahar starts to protest, but Doranbolt takes the communication lacrima from Lahar and teleports back onto the island. Doranbolt reappears in front of Wendy and the others before Lucy, Natsu and happy had arrived. "Where did you come from?" Pantherlily asked him, "Listen.. We can get everyone from Fairytail off this island so we can save you from Grimoire Heart and Zeref. The magic council is threatening to fire the Etherion blast on the island. We need to get everyone off this island now. Do you think you can get everyone off?" Doranbolt explained, "We're not leaving the island. This place is meant to be a sacred place for the guild because of our first master's grave is here. We aren't leaving this island to a dark guild." Wendy stated, "This is the guild's problem alone. We aren't going down without a fight." Pantherlily added, backing up Wendy's statement.

"Ethan, get down!" Ezra shouted to his older twin, who hit the ground and Ezra sent his attack at Meredy. They were struggling against her, "Lucky... If you have any magic left. I need you to go find the others. Go find Tsu and the others. Make sure they're alright. When you meet up with someone, check in with them and go find the others to get them to the camp." Ezra ordered as he dodge Meredy's attack, landing next to Juvia.

"Hai!!!" Lucky stuck up a paw and quickly flew off, now knowing her mission was important. She flew high in the air, and stopped a little ways ahead in another direction.

"I can't tell where Tsubaki is and that makes me worried. Maybe I could find Gajeel or Levy maybe even Cana. I really hope everyone is doing okay." Lucky looked around and continued flying.

Erza and Ezra team up in an effort to stop Meredy, but it wasn't working. Meredy kept aiming for Juvia but each time was foiled because Ethan managed to block it, but soon both Juvia and Ethan were down.

"I'll take her on alone. It's the only way we can defeat her." Erza stated, stepping in front of Ezra, who was injured but Juvia gets up despite being injured.

Ethan sat up, looking to Meredy. "She is number thirteen on my list to kill and so is that damn Tsubaki Klein. I need to dispose of her quickly, and find the other one to dispose of her. Erza and Ezra, you both are in fourth place to kill while you, Ethan are tenth and Makarov is second. Gildarts is third but most of all Gray being first. He killed Ultear's mother and for that he must pay." Ezra and Ethan grew upset at her words, as Juvia got upset just hearing her statement.

"Why the hell do you want to kill our sister?!" Ethan angrily shouted at Meredy, "Because she is associated with Gray and they both must be taken down. Tsubaki is in love with Gray. And Gray loves Tsubaki, so I would love to take them both out." Ezra grew even more agitated by her answer, as Juvia stood up fully.

"Erza, Ezra and Ethan, leave. I can take her on by myself. Go find the others." Juvia caught the three of them off guard, as they are reluctant to leave her on her own. "No, w-" Erza stopped Ethan, from protesting and they took off.

While Meredy thinks that she has an upper hand since she found someone else to have feelings for Gray, she can use her to kill both. She casts a Sensory Link spell linking Tsubaki, Gray and Juvia all together which means that they can all feel what the other one feels. Tsubaki and Gray were both unaware of the pink heart bracelet embedded on their wrists and Meredy attacks Juvia, Juvia cries out in pain but Gray and Tsubaki suddenly feel it.

Gray cried out in pain but for Tsubaki it gradually felt worse, since her Clairvoyance magic was starting to kick in. "What the hell is this pink thing around my wrist? Why do you have it and where is this pain coming from?" Gray held his side, trying to stay quiet as they both were still behind a bush and tree so Ultear couldn't see them.

"Juvi- Juvia is in pain." Tsubaki muttered, holding her side as she clenched he teeth and Juvia got really angry and her magic power started to rise. As a last resort, seeing that what she did wasn't working before, Meredy casts a three way sensory link meaning she felt whatever Juvia, Tsubaki and Gray felt. Juvia realizes what Meredy just did, but remembers something else that Tsubaki has to deal with. "Oh no... Tsu can use clairvoyance magic and she's in a sensory link feeling the pain I feel, which must be worst for her. I have to stop this for Gray's sake and hers." Juvia stood back up despite the pain, she wasn't about to give up.

"It doesn't matter if it is me or you that dies in this battle, because through this link if one of us dies, Gray will die and so will Tsubaki." Meredy stated, as Juvia's eyes widen and she freezes her spot.

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