The Lost Dragon Christmas Special: A Special Scavenger Hunt pt 2

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Tsubaki's pov

"There's no way that I'm letting you get those tickets!" Ethan snapped, "And there's no way, I'm letting you get them either. You wouldn't even have anyone to go with." I argued, "Oooohhh," Ethan sucked in a deep breath when he realized that I was right, he didn't hang out with a lot of the guild members. He mostly hung around Natsu and the others, or hung out with his siblings and Uncle. Ethan didn't know a lot of people in the guild after he joined Fairytail the first time and even after coming back to the guild, he didn't know too many people well. Though, he did get close with the Strauss Siblings, Gajeel, Juvia and Team Natsu. He did often talk with Levy, he enjoyed the conversations he held with her. Ezra rubbed his face, knowing that Ethan was about to say something back in response but had no clue as to what he was going to say. "At least I haven't tried killing anyone in the guild." I gaped at him in shock, my anger growing but it didn't show on my face as I wanted to remain calm. "At least I didn't betray the guild for one lousy guild master." I snapped back, now it was Ethan's turn to stare at me in shock. With him distracted by my comment, I snatched the candy cane bucket from him and took off out of the store. "Come on, guys!" I called to Gray and Ezra, who both quickly followed after me. "Hey!!" Ethan shouted, when he finally snapped out of it. The three of us ran as fast as we could to get as far away from Ethan as possible and once we were far enough down the street, we all stopped and took a moment to catch our breath. Ezra started to laugh which confused both Gray and I, "What are you laughing about?" Gray quirked an eyebrow at my brother, who was still chuckling to himself. Ezra shook his head, trying to catch his breath in between his chuckles which were beginning to die down. "I never thought that we would be doing a scavenger hunt. Nor did I ever dream to see Tsu and Ethan fighting over a bucket of candy canes." He breathed in, a chuckle following after. "The look on Ethan's face when you said that last comeback was priceless!" He laughed, I took a moment to think back to the face he was talking about and when I remembered how Ethan looked at me, I started laughing. "He literally was like," I made the face Ethan previously madd, causing Ezra to burst into a fit of laughter and the two of us continued poking fun at our older brother's facial expression.

"You two are so weird." Gray shook his head, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out the list that Erza, Lyon and Jellal had put together for the scavenger hunt. "Alright.." I caught my breath from all the laughing, "What's the next thing on the list to look for?" I asked, "Let's see... There's a Santa hat, a sled, string lights, sled, snow globe, ugly Christmas sweater, a snowman, a nutcracker.." Gray read the rest of the items off of the list, Ezra and I looked to another thinking about what to go after next. "How about the snow globe?" Ezra asked, "Sure." I nodded, "Let's go after the snow globe next."

Gray, Ezra and I looked around the shops, wondering where we could find one. I couldn't help but chuckle when Gray and Ezra started arguing over something absolutely ridiculous. "Who knew finding a snow globe would be so hard?" Ezra said sarcastically, his gaze shifting to Gray. "Listen, we'll find it. It's going to be in one of these stores, we just need to be patient." Gray stated, he seemed confident about this. Let's just hope he's right. "I wonder how the other teams are doing." I spoke, "You think that idiot of a flame brain got anything?" Gray looked at me, "Well, knowing Lucy. She and Happy probably found at least one item already." I said, "Yep. And Hairi's team most likely has at least two. She loves scavenger hunts." As we continued walking through the freshly fallen snow, my nose picked up on a very sweet smell. I rushed past both my brother and boyfriend and ran down the street, the two of them calling my name.


"I cannot believe we lost that damn gingerbread house to Gajeel and his team!" Lucy whined, "I know right! We could've started looking for a second item!" Happy exclaimed, looking up at Lucy as he was tucked in her arms. "If Natsu hadn't run off, we would have had it." Both Lucy and Happy looked at Natsu with a harsh glare, neither of them very happy with Natsu who just shrugged. "Look guys. I don't know why you are making this a big deal when we have other items on the list we can find. And we have plenty of time, Erza never did set a time limit." Natsu shrugged nonchalantly and this only frustrated Lucy and Happy, Natsu was not connecting the dots just yet. "Are you kidding me, Natsu? We may not have a time limit but we are going up at least nine other groups and they could possibly get three items and take them back to Erza before we even have the chance to get one item off this list!!" Lucy snapped, Natsu thought for a moment as they stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. "You mean that metal head's team or the Ice Princesses' team could get those tickets?!!" Natsu shouted, nearly blowing Lucy and Happy's eardrums.

"Yes." Happy whined, covering his ears.

"I will not let that happen!!!" Natsu took off, running down the sidewalk, leaving Lucy and Happy in the wind.

"Natsu!! Come back, you can't just leave your teammates behind!!" Lucy shouted, "Well, I guess that means he's finally taking this seriously." Happy said, "Let's go find him before he causes trouble.." Lucy sighed, walking off with Happy following her.

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