Chapter 41: New friends Arrive, Old Friends, Reunite!

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3rd person's pov

When the Anima starts taking everyone back to Earth Land, everyone says goodbye to the people of Edolas. But upon returning to Earth Land much, to everyone's surprise, the Exceeds have also followed them.

"The truth about sending Happy, Carla and Lucky to Earth Land the mission was all a lie. Due to the Queen's power, she could see Extaila destroyed so in order to keep their species alive, she sent 100 eggs to Earth Land to protect them, and lied about the mission to kill the Dragon Slayers to the other Exceeds." Nadi explained and they all looked at them. "So that was all a lie?" Lucky asked, Nadi nodded in response. "Why would you lie about something this big?!!!" Lucky yelled, she was pissed. "I'm sorry, Lucky." Nichiya sighed, "We have to tell her, Lucky." Marl said, turning the attention to them. "What's going on?" Lucy asked, "It's nothing." Lucky said, "Lucky, it isn't something. We have to tell her where she comes from?" Marl said, "It's no time for that." Shagotte said, "I'm so sorry for causing you all this trouble." Shagotte apologized. After apologizing, the Exceeds leave on good terms with the humans and swear to find the rest of the eggs, although Shagotte has not told Carla yet that she is her mother and that Lucky was also her child.

After they leave, Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, Happy, Lucky, and Tsubaki were all doing the hand thing Nadi does. "This is so much fun." Natsu exclaimed, "What are you doing?" Lucy asked, as she started to do it as well. "Oh, not you too!!" She cried out as they all began to do the Nadi thing. After that Gajeel wonders what happened to Panther Lily, who later appears in a small form similar to Happy and Carla's, requesting that he joins the guild that the prince once stayed at. Gajeel happily hugs his own exceed, with anime tears streaming down his face. "Whoa, he's crying!!" Lucy yelled, "That's something amazing." Tsubaki exclaimed, from beside Lucy. "I caught a suspicious person," Lily pulled on the rope and the person who showed up was Lisanna, surprising everyone.

Tsubaki stood there in complete shock, with millions of questions of what happened to her. "Are you an exceed?" Lisanna asked, "I am Pantherlily." He stated proudly, "Are you trying to pick a fight with my cat?!" Gajeel asked angrily and Lisanna finally set eyes on Natsu. She launches herself at him and greets Happy. She then turns to Gray and Erza, greeting them as well. She notices Lucy and Wendy too and deduces they must be the Earth Land versions of their counterparts back in Edolas. Gray then asks if she's Lisanna of EarthLand, to which she replies positively shocking everyone.

"How can it be our lisanna? She died two years ago. But if she went through the anima with us that means she is our lisanna." Tsubaki covered her mouth, as tears built up in her eyes. Natsu and Happy try to hug her, but Erza stops them both. "How can you be our Lisanna? She died two years ago." Erza asked, she wanted an explanation.

"That day when I supposedly died, the anima absorbed me when Mira tried to heal me. After that, I remember waking up in the Fairytail guild but it was so different. They mistook me for their Lisanna, who was said to have died falling from a high place. Edolas Elfman and Mirajane were so overjoyed to see their little sister. I felt so bad to tell them that I wasn't their little sister, but they knew. So I just pretended the entire time. I continued the act when Natsu and others came to Edolas, shocked to discover that they are the Natsu, Tsubaki, Lucky and Happy from Earth Land." Lisanna explained, "But why didn't you tell the truth when you first met?" Natsu asked, "I couldn't bear the weight of hurting my adopted siblings. When the Anima sucked the living beings with Magic inside away, I began to glow. I tried to explain to them, but Mirajane and Elfman of Edolas revealed that they already knew. Mirajane pointed out that she was as kind as their own Lisanna but she couldn't let her siblings worry any longer. Mirajane asked me to give them their regards." Lisanna said to them. "So you really are our Lisanna?" Lucky walked forward, "Yes, I am." Lisanna shook her head, "Lucky!! Oh my goodness, you've grown so much. If I remember correctly is Tsu still the crazy girl, I remember?" She asked, giving Lucky a hug. She placed Lucky on the ground, looking around to find Tsubaki. She knew that wherever Lucky was, Tsubaki was not far behind her.

"Where is Tsu, by the way?" Natsu asked, looking around. "She's right here." Gajeel pointed to her, "Oh Tsu, are you the same as I remember? Do you still argue with Cana and Gray?" Lisanna smiled at her, as she stood up. "What's the matter, Tsu?" Tsubaki started to cry at Lisanna's words and rushed forward, tackling the young woman in a hug.

"I'm so happy to see you are doing okay. You have blue hair." Lisanna chuckled with tears in her eyes, while Tsubaki started to laugh as well. "I missed you, Lis, I missed you so much. You wouldn't believe how hurt I felt when you supposedly died. God, I'm just glad you are okay." Tsubaki cried, she couldn't believe her best friend was back. "Come on, let's go into town. Mira and Elfman would be so happy to see you." Erza smiled and they all nodded.

Elfman and Mirajane turn to leave the cemetery and are stopped by a voice. "Mira? Big bro?" Lisanna called out, the two siblings turned around and their eyes widen as Lisanna runs towards them. They start to cry and hug each other for the first time in two years, while Natsu and the others watch from a distance.

"I'm happy she's alive." Tsubaki grabbed Gray's hand, finally happy to see that Lisanna was back home. "Me too." Natsu smiled, as they watched the siblings.

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