Chapter 38: Battle Royale

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3rd persons pov

Back at the Royal Capital, the army captain and Faust learn that the humans of Earthland can store magic in their bodies just like the exceeds. "Queen Shagotte has made an announcement for Lucy's execution." Faust said.

In the small cell Lucy is in, a dark corner is shown with a figure curled up. "Hey, who's there?" She heard Lucy's voice, "Lucy??" The figure tears up, just hearing that voice. "Tsubaki?" Lucy calls out excitedly and the figure crawls out into the open. "Lucy!" The figure cries as she spots Lucy's blonde hair, "Lucy!!!" Tsubaki launched herself at Lucy and gave her a bear hug, catching Lucy off guard. "I missed you so much, Lucy! My brother, he locked me in here because I was apart of the guild. Lucy, I missed you so much." Edolas Tsubaki cried into Lucy's shoulder, happy to see a familiar face after so long.

"Oh my god. You must be the edolas version of Tsubaki. You were locked in here for two years." Lucy said and Tsubaki pulled away, "Are you from Earthland?" Lucy nodded at Tsubaki's question, "What happened to edolas Lucy?" She sniffled, "She left us a while ago. Don't worry, I'm gonna get you out of here! Erza could help us." Lucy spotted Erza Knightwalker walking down the hall, mistaking her for Erza Scarlet. "Wait Lucy, no!" Edolas Tsubaki cried out, trying to warn her. "Hey, can you help me up this latter?!" She called out to her but instead of helping, Knightwalker drags both Tsubaki and Lucy out of the cell. "No, Erza! What are you doing?!" Lucy cried as she hung from over the wall with Tsubaki, dangling from beside her. "This isn't your Erza. She's Knightwalker. The one who hunts Fairytail." Tsubaki cried, "She is most certainly correct. Now it's time for both you to die." She drops them and Tsubaki reaches out for Lucy, not wanting her to get hurt. "I gotcha ya!!" Happy, Carla and Lucky swoop down and catch both of the girls.

"Happy!!! I'm so glad to see you three." Lucy smiled, "Tsu, thank God, you're okay!" Lucky smiled, finally seeing her best friend. "Who are you? Lucy, who are these exceeds?" Tsubaki turned her head to Lucy, "Guys, this is the edolas version of Tsubaki. She was locked in the cell with me. Tsubaki, these are members of the earthland Fairytail guild. Lucky is Earthland Tsubaki's exceed, she raised her. Happy is earthland Natsu's exceed and Carla is earthland Wendy's exceed." Lucy introduced. Later on, they try to get information from someone with Carla acting like queen Shagotte's daughter.

They manage to find out their location but fail to save them, once the army realizes that they are the "Fallen" exceeds. As they retreat they are cornered from both the air and ground. "Oh no, what do we do now? Lucy, what do we do?" Tsubaki freaked, "Hey exceed! Put my sister down!!" Ethan, one of the commanders shot at Lucky barely missing her by an inch. "No, don't shoot big bro. They're friends!!" Tsubaki yelled, hoping to get him to stop but it didn't work and he continued to try to shoot them down. Tsubaki tried to stop him and the king notices the Exceed Army. "Initiate code ETD." King Faust commands, which results in the exceeds getting turned into a giant lacrima.

Taking this opportunity, Carla, Happy and Lucky fly to the tower where Wendy, Tsubaki, and Natsu are held. "So will I get to meet the earthland version me?" Tsubaki asked, as they ran down the stairs. "Yeah, you will." Lucy smiled, but then they are attacked by Knightwalker and her army and realize they are sucking the magic out of their friends.

"Give us back, Wendy!" Carla demands, but Knightwalker ignores her and prepares to attack her "No, you gotta kill me first." Happy said but as this happens, an explosion occurs behind the army revealing Earthland Erza Scarlet and Gray Fullbuster.

"Erza!!!" Lucky squealed happily, finally seeing Earthland Erza. "Go save our friends. I'll hold her off." Erza said and they leave to go save their friends. "So Tsu, you seem fine?" Gray said, "No, this is not our Tsubaki. It's edolas Tsubaki. She was locked in the same cell as me." Lucy explained, "Well it's nice to meet you edolas Tsubaki." Gray shook her hand, "How did you guys get here?" Lucy asked, "Gajeel got us here. He gave us pills for us to be able to use our magic. He got the pills from Mystogan. He broke us free from the giant lacrima with his dragon slayer magic." Gray explained.

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