Chapter 87: Realm of the Abyss

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Tsubaki's pov

I hit the wall causing everyone to shout out, as Natsu flew forward towards Hades' punching him with his fire and lightning combination. I pushed the debris off of me, brushing myself off and stood up as I recovered from the blow I received. I walked forward, holding my side as Natsu stood to my left. "You think you can keep fighting? Or is the wound gonna slow you down?" I gave a him a chuckle and wiped the sweat off of my brow, "I can keep fighting. Don't worry about it. I'm not letting my clairvoyance magic bring me down. Again." We made eye contact and he gave me a smile, nodding his head in agreement.

"I got an idea. We'll attack him from both sides, he won't be able to keep up with both us attacking him. Natsu, you take the left. I'll take the right." I whispered to him, making sure that Hades' couldn't hear my plan. Natsu nodded as we stood attentive in front of Hades'. "I hope you haven't come up with a plan to take me down. You two aren't strong enough." I pounded my fists together covering them with  ice and fire, "Heh, I hope you aren't underestimating the both of us." I made eye contact with Natsu and nodded to him, as we charged at him. We charged together which made him chuckle as he got ready to attack but before he could get a hit on me, I smirked and disappeared from his sight. Natsu chuckled as Hades' kept his focus on Natsu and fought against him, I swiftly moved behind him, making sure he couldn't hear me.

"Ice Fire dragon wing attack!!!!" As I'm about to hit Hades', but he turned around and caught my fist making my eyes widen. He couldn't have saw me coming, there's just no way he could have seen me coming.

He threw his chain magic at me, which wrapped around me and slammed me into Natsu. We both flew backwards, but Natsu caught himself so he wouldn't fly any further. I flipped over onto my feet, sliding in place a little ways behind Natsu more towards Laxus and Gray. "Nice try. But that won't work on me. I doubt that you have anything else that could help you." Hades smirked making my blood boil, I hated being underestimated especially by the bad guy.

I always felt insecure when I couldn't think of plans to get my friends out of trouble, a drop of sweat ran down my temple and my palms grew a bit clammy. I don't know what it was about Hades', but I knew he had something up his sleeve and his intentions with Zeref made me a bit suspicious. Natsu and I made eye contact and I could tell he had an idea, he trailed his eyes to Hades' and I noticed that he had a blind spot that I could head for. Natsu was thinking smart, I instantly knew that he wanted me to attack Hades' without him being able to catch on easily to what I was about to do. I nodded turning my attention back to Hades, but in the back of my mind I started thinking about how I would be able to surprise him.

Instantly, I thought of something and charged forward to throw him off guard which worked. Natsu came after me, hitting him with a fire dragon wing attack while I ran in circles creating a gust of wind as I increased my speed. Hades' managed to get Natsu off of his trail and I finally got the right timing for an attack, I looked back to Natsu for a moment giving him a slight smirk and I could see him from one himself. I was glad that he could tell what I was thinking, so I got ready to attack him. I counted to three in my head, before attacking Hades without him seeing it coming.

I hit Hades' as Natsu hit him at the same time which blew a hole through the ship, exposing the rest of the island underneath us.
Natsu and I were thrown back from the force of the explosion but I was caught by Gray, who kept me in place.

"We got him." Ethan shouted, but I had a feeling that Hades' was planning something. With the way he fell down, I'm sure he had something up his sleeve. "Tsu, you doing okay?" Lucy looked over to me as she hugged Natsu, "Don't worry about me. My clairvoyance magic hasn't kicked in to strongly yet, but I know that the others are having a hard time. I can feel it." Just before I could stand up, I felt something strange and I didn't like the feeling I was getting from it. I had never felt something so powerful, it gave me an uneasy feeling making me hold onto Gray tighter. I shifted my eyes around the room to see where it was coming from and my eyes landed on Wendy, who sitting next to Ethan and trying to heal his wound.

My mind wandered to the fact that Hades' could have possibly recovered which made me start to think about everyone else on the island. I became worried as my clairvoyance magic kicked in the back of my head, somebody on the island was definitely hurt. I knew from in the back of my mind that it kept going back to the thought of Hairi and her fight with Carson. I was hoping that their fight wouldn't be too catastrophic, if it was I would able to feel it. I hated the fact that all I could was worry about everyone else and not be able to help them out but I knew I couldn't leave everyone else to fighting Hades, he was just to strong for just Natsu and I knew we were gonna have much more trouble on our hands.

"Might I say, you did a good job. That performance was excellent but not enough to take me down." My eyes widened as well stared in absolute shock that he was still standing, Hades' then releases his ultimate attack Demon's eye. I instantly felt a wave of fear hit me, which made me hold Gray tighter. "What? What is this?" My eyes trailed over to Lucy, seeing her staring in fear as Hades' stood in front of us. I slowly pushed myself up still exhausted and feeling the fear but I pushed it down, I helped Gray stand as Erza stood a little ways in front. "We are not giving up, just because we fear you. I don't care how powerful you are, Hades. I will not let you do anything else to my family!" Ethan and Ezra sat in awe as they looked to me, but my comment only made Hades' chuckle.

Natsu stood up coming beside me and I made eye contact with him, "Thinking, what I'm thinking?" I quirked and eyebrow and he smirked, "Yeah, definitely." So with the help of Gray, Lucy, Wendy and Erza we decided to launch ourselves at Hades' head on. "Are you crazy?! There's no way, you're doing this!" Ethan protested, "I am. And you are not going to stop me, Ethan." Despite his objections, he helped the four of them launch us with the help of Ezra. Natsu and I were launched together at Hades' who sent demons after us, I prepared myself and we collided with the demons causing a large explosion.

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