Chapter 71: Lost Magic and the attack on Tenrou Island

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Tsubaki's pov

I turned my head slightly, as I felt something going on around the island. I don't know what it was but I felt as if something bad would happen to Gramps, I knew that he could handle himself but I just got the feeling he would get hurt. I wanted to go find him, but I could feel that something was off and I didn't like it. I also felt connected to both the island and Gramps through something else and I wasn't sure what it was, I was feeling.

"What the--?" I looked up, seeing people falling out of the sky and I instantly recognized their guild insignia. "They're from Grimoire Heart." I said, stepping forward.

"But why would Grimoire Heart be on our island?" Cana asked, "They're after something. Get ready to fight your way through this." I took a defensive stance, as we got surrounded. "Hehe, take them out!!!" A guy yelled, as they came charging towards us.

"Fire dragon iron fist!!!" I punched a lackey into another one and they fell backwards, but they just got right back up. It was like they had no way of feeling pain, I doubted that we were going to have an easy time to take them down.

"Alright, then... You wanna do this the hard way. We can do this the hard way. Ice dragon iron fist! Iron dragon iron Talon!" I hit them with two different attacks and they didn't seem to be ready for it. We seem to be doing well, but more of them kept coming and we were running low on both stamina and magic.

"There's way to many. No matter how many we take down, more keep showing up." Gray and I were now back to back and I noticed he didn't have a shirt on.

"Gray, you don't have a shirt on." I sighed, while standing with my fists in front of me in a defensive stance, "Ah crap!" I chuckled at him and shook my head.

"How do you manage to not notice you don't have it on?" I asked him, dodging a guy and jumped over him. I kicked him the back, flipping over him and he hit the ground. I landed on my feet, "I don't know," Gray makes a big mallet and slams it onto three lackeys. "It just happens, it's always been that way." Gray said, as we both ended back in our previous positions which was back to back.

"Watch out," Gray and I jumped apart as something large crashed in between us. "He's a big guy alright," Gray said, looking up.

"Do you need any help?" Leo asked, "Nah, Gray and I got this. Right, Gray?" I turned my head towards him, "Yeah, that's right. Don't worry about us." Gray said to the others, who nodded their heads in response to his statement.

"You bugs think you can handle me, well think again." He slammed his giant hammer down aiming for us, but we both dodged it. I landed on my feet next to Gray, "I think I have an idea. But I need you to be a distraction." I shifted my eyes from the big guy to Gray, "Yeah, alright. What do you have in mind?" He shifted his eyes to me and our eyes met.

"I'm gonna try and hit him from behind. I need you to keep him busy, while I try and hit him." He nodded, "On three....." I shouted and started running.

"1....." Gray ran to the other side of him as I went through some trees, "2....." Gray stood in front of the giant guy, who tried to crush him but he jumped out of the way. "3.... Fire ice dragon roar!!!" I hit the guy and he flew back but instead of flying he slid. He lifted his giant hammer, but I was stuck up in the air and the hammer came down aimed for me. I was frozen in fear watching as it was coming down, but suddenly felt arms around me and I was taken away. I kept my eyes on the giant hammer, as it slammed down in the ground making a massive crater.

"Hey, are you alright?" I stared at the ground, taking notice of how big the crater was. "Hey, snap out of it! Are you alright?" I snapped back into reality and looked to my right, seeing Leo. He must have been the one to move me out of the way, before I could get hit.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks Leo, for saving me." I got out of his arms and stepped lightly on the ground. "You sure?" He asked, "Yeah, I'm fine don't worry about. I just froze. That probably doesn't mean anything." I walked away from Leo, not realizing how worried I made him. "How the hell do we take down this giant bastard?" I walked up to Gray, "I have no idea. But we might have to do a unison raid. You up for it?" Gray looked at me and i looked at him.

"Yeah, Lucy! Cana! Leo!!" They turned their heads, at the sound of their name being called. "Yeah, what is it?" Cana used her card magic, to take down several lackeys at once. "I need you guys to keep them from getting to Gray and I, while we do a unison raid. Can you do that?" I asked, "Yeah, don't worry. We got this." Lucy gave a nod while Cana gave a thumbs up and Leo nodded.

We turned back around, looking to the big guy. "Ready?" He looked me in the eyes and I smirked. "As ready as I'll ever be." We got closer together, holding hands out in front of us and in the back. It felt really good to unison raids with Gray, they usually were really powerful and it felt good to be close to him. I honestly love Gray to death and I would give my life for him if I needed too, I think he feels the same way.

"On three.." He said, "Hey, you big bastard! We're over here!!!" I yelled to the big guy, "1......" Gray started counting off, as the big guy noticed us. "2......." The big dumb bastard smiled and charged at us. "3............ Unison Raid: Pyro--!!!!" We shouted as a giant ball of Ice and Fire combined together, making a large ball of both elements.

"Omni Frost!!!!" We finished as it was launched at the big guy, taking him down finally.

"Whooohooo!" I launched myself onto Gray, wrapping my arms around his neck as he laughed. "We did it!!! We took him down!!!" I laughed, as Gray wrapped his arms around my waist. "Yeah, that was pretty awesome. We should do that more often." I looked up at him with bright eyes, "Yeah, we should. It would a lot more awesome. We work better together." I kissed his cheek quickly and laughed at Gray's face. He lightly blushed but all that happiness was taken away, when an unknown person showed up.

"Who the hell are you?" I stepped up in front of the others, but Leo pushed me back behind him. "Stay back, he's not someone you can handle." Leo sounded both nervous and serious, the look on his face showed me both emotions.

"What do you mean by that, Leo? Who is he?" Lucy's voice was laced with concern, seeing his sudden change in mood. "His name is Capricorn." All of our eyes widened, as we realized what and who he really was. He was a zodiac celestial spirit like Leo, that can't be good for us.

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