Chapter 104: Labyrinth Rhapsody

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Tsubaki's pov

Despite Lucy's group believing the location of the clock piece they were searching for is lost in the dunes of sand in the large desert they were standing in, Romeo notices something. "What is it Romeo?" Lucky asked, looking over to Romeo. "There's something out there." Romeo said, leading them to what he had seen. This leads the group to a strange looking device, sitting the middle of the large deserted wasteland. "This is strange... It led us here..." Ezra said, scratching the back of his head with one free hand. "It could be some kind of entrance to something..." Lucky said, looking up at Romeo, who was holding onto her. "Should we check it out?" Michelle asked, looking over to Lucy, Ezra and Natsu. "Yeah, let's go." The seven of them head into the entrance to the place, believing it was the entrance they were looking for. "Lucky, how come you didn't go with Tsubaki?" Natsu asked, looking over to Lucky. "Well, I wanted to change it up a bit. Besides, she's got Gray and Ethan. She'll be fine." Lucky said, "Did you forget that my brother is a complete and total idiot? I doubt he would be okay out there with them." Ezra sighed, he was holding onto Lucky as they walked. The seven of them come across the device, wondering how to activate it. "Hey, look! Romeo!" Lucky pointed to the small key hole in front of her, "We don't have a key for it." Romeo shook his head, "I got this. Open gate of the giant crab, Cancer!" Lucy summons Cancer, who picks the lock with his scissors. In doing this, the strange device activates itself and opens, sucking the group down under the sand. This causes panic among the group, as they let out screams as they are being dragged under the sand.


Gray, Lyon, Juvia, Ethan, Kai and I locate the entrance to the giant rocky temple we had been led to. Kai looked to me, before looking at the rocky temple. I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was off with this place, I squeezed Gray's hand which I had been holding onto. He glanced down at our hands, sensing that I was worried about what we were doing. "You think this is the place we were supposed to find?" Kai asked, his eyes were still on the large temple in front of them. "I'm not sure. But I think we should check it out, it wouldn't hurt." Juvia responded, looking over to Gray and Lyon. "Alright then, let's go in." The six of us head towards the entrance but before we could get any further, a large golem appears and steps in our way. I looked at Gray, giving him a nod which told him to be ready. Gray and Lyon and Ethan attack the golem, but they quickly learn that it is impervious to magic. The golem lifts it foot up, slamming it down on the ground causing Juvia and I to fly backwards. Kai acts quickly, catching Juvia as Gray catches me before we can fly further. "That thing is impervious to any of the magic we've been throwing at it. This is insane.. Just who made this golem?" I thought, looking up at the large golem. With the golem blocking every attack thrown by Gray, Ethan, Kai and Lyon. They were all struggling against the golem and it was starting to tick me off a bit. "Why won't it just go down? Isn't there a weak spot on this thing?" I looked at the golem, before looking to the boys who were preoccupied.

"That thing has to have a weakness and I'm gonna find it." Since everyone else was preoccupied with trying to bring down the Golem, I snuck past the golem undetected. As I looked around, I managed to find a spot where I could better catch the golem off guard. I climbed up the side of the rocky temple and stands on a small rock cliff, just behind the golem. "Tsu, what do you think are you doing?!!" Ethan shouted, noticing that I had managed to climb onto the rocky cliff. Instead of answering him, I just sent him a look, basically telling him to leave me be.

"Tsu, are you insane?!! Get down here!!" Gray shouted, but I ignored their shouts. I turned my attention back on the golem, looking for the perfect spot to attack. I waited until the golem aimed itself away from the cliff, and I smirked as I found my opening. "Fire Iron Lightning Dragon Roar!" The attack hit the golem in the back, but remains unaffected which put Gray, Lyon, Kai and Juvia in a slight panic.

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