Chapter 26: Wizard Saint Jura!

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Erza's pov

I helped Tsubaki stand up but she seemed like she could barely stand on her own, and I didn't see Lucky anywhere in sight, which worried me. A thought crossed my mind, as I remembered that Tsubaki sent her off not wanting her to be harmed during the fight. "Tsu, what's the matter?" I looked at her, with concerned eyes. "I can't keep walking. I need to take a break." She panted and fell forward, but Jellal caught her. "I know that you don't like me, but please... Let me help you." Jellal said, as she looked into his eyes. He meant it, he really did forget everything he did.

"Will you let me help you?" He asked, "Yeah," She nodded, I was about to put her on his back when a blast was sent our way. "Look out!!" Tsubaki shoved Jellal and I out of the way, the two of us hitting the ground painfully. The blast hit her, "No, Tsu!!" I yelled, "You idiot. Thinking you could take me down with that weak attack." He raised his hand up, lifting her into the air.

"You bastard. Why did you aim for my friends?" She looked at him, although one of her eyes was closed. "You don't need to know the answer to that." He clenched his fists and she started choking. "That's it. Requip-" I was cut off, before I could do anything. "I don't think so. If you interfere your friend here will be injected with my poison although, she already has some in her system." He laughed and I growled, giving him a death glare.

"Damn it, that's a cheap trick." I snapped, my eyes shifted to Tsubaki who had started glowing.

"Let me go!!!" Fire enshrouded her completely and she blew him away.

"What is that?" I asked, looking into the sky as Tsubaki floated in her spot. "Fire Ice dragon secret arts Flaming pyro explosion!" Tsubaki formed a giant sword and swung down on the guy, we never really did learn his name.

A giant explosion was caused and the guy was defeated. "She did it." Jellal said, she started falling out of the air and at a really fast rate. If we didn't act quickly, she was seriously going to be hurt or worse. "But that last attack really took it out of her." I ran forward to get her, but somebody beat me to it. "Lucky!!" I smiled, relieved that she caught Tsubaki in the nick of time. "Erza!! Don't worry, I got her. I'm taking her to Wendy and the others!" She shouted and I nodded in response.

"Be careful." I shouted as she flew away, "You too." She nodded.


Lucky had been with us for a while, I could tell she was having a bit of a problem since she wasn't around Tsubaki. A little while later, Lucky took off not looking back. "Lucky, what's wrong?" I looked up, seeing Lucky hovering over our area. She looked very upset about something, so I assumed it must have something to do with Tsubaki.

"Tsu, told me to come back..." She floated down to where we were, I could see how upset she really was.

"It'll be alright."

There was a big explosion of fire and ice, "That was Tsubaki!" Lucy said and Lucky took off.

"Wait, Lucky--!!" Before Lucy could finish, she flew off in the direction the explosion took place.

"What was that about?" Jura asked, looking over at Wendy and Carla. "I'm not sure," Wendy said, two seconds later she came back with Tsubaki. She was completely injured, and wasn't conscious.

Lucky set her down, "What happened to her?" Natsu, who was still sick asked. "I just came from where Jellal and Erza were. When I got there she was battling somebody and she used a really powerful attack, but it also wiped her out." Lucky explained,  "I'll help her." Wendy walked forward.

"Thanks, Wendy." I smiled, "It's no problem." Wendy spoke an incantation, healing Tsubaki, who started waking up. "Tsu, are you alright?" I bent down in front of her, as she groaned.

"Where's Erza and Jellal?" She looked around, "I took you away from there," Lucky popped out of nowhere, making Happy scream.

"Lucky, are you feeling any better?" She looked at her, "Yeah," Lucky nodded asked Tsubaki tried to sit up.

"That guy," Tsubaki trailed off, "What guy?" Jura asked, "I had to fight a guy, with long blonde hair and blue eyes. He poisoned me with his magic. I did my secret arts technique but passed out afterward." She sat up, I guess she was remembering what happened before she passed out. "Maybe, you haven't controlled it completely yet." I suggested, I had seen her do it before. "Maybe you're right Gray, but I'm worried about that guy. Hopefully, he doesn't come back and attack Erza." She shook her head, a hint of concern in her voice.

"That's why you were passed out?" Lucy asked, "Yeah, I was fighting him but he didn't go down like I thought he did the first time. I was exhausted, that fight with Sherry took it out on me. Then he attacked Erza but I was hit and it just got worse until I used that move." She pushed back her hair, "Where is this thing even headed?" She looked at me, her eyes making contact with mine.

"It's headed straight for Cait Shelter," I explained, "Isn't that your guild, Wendy?" She looked over to Wendy, looking extremely worried for Wendy's sake. "Yes it is, but we don't know how to stop this thing." Lucy stated, "What did he mean by that?" Lucy asked, "Now, I'm totally confused." I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Me too." Lucy said, "You would think there was some kind of control panel or something up here." I looked around, "Right, so how are we supposed to stop this thing?" Lucy asked.

"Man this sucks..... I was almost positive that once we beat Brain, this hunk of junk would stop moving." I complained, "I was too. Now that he's out cold, we can't ask him about it." Lucy made a point.

Wendy walked over to Natsu and healed him, from his motion sickness. "Wow, I don't feel like I'm riding on anything now. Hey Lucy, summon one of your boat spirits for me." Natsu held onto Lucy's shoulders, shaking her lightly.

"I don't have those! Look, buddy, this is not the time to play. We're still in big trouble!" Lucy yelled at Natsu, and I saw Tsubaki sweat-drop. That idiot.

"We gotta figure out how to stop this thing. There's obviously nothing up here, that will help us do that." I said, "I don't get it, I thought this was where Hoteye, I mean Richard said Brain was controlling it. Is he lying?" Lucy asked, "No, I believe him to be a man of his word." Jura defended,  "There is a much more serious question at hand. Or should I say a different way to question, how to stop it should be phrased? That are no visible controls, the royal throne is empty and the one presumed to be piloting it has been defeated. Instead, we should ask why is it still functioning the same as it was before." Carla suggested, I couldn't agree more with her logic.

"Do you think we should have put it on Auto-Pilot?" I asked, "Gray, how the hell would we do that?!" Tsubaki yelled at me, "If that's the case, how do we program to fire too?" I finished and Tsubaki smacked me on the back of the head. "Ow. What the hell was that for, Tsu?" I held the back of my head, looking very pissed off at her. "For being an idiot!" She yelled at me, "Oh, I'm the idiot! You're the idiot!" I argued, which made her mad. "Oh yeah?!" She got in my face, close enough that our noses were practically touching.

"Will you two stop it, this is hardly the time to argue?!" Natsu shouted out of annoyance at our arguing, he looked annoyed too. "Stay out of it, Flame-for-brains!" We shouted and he started arguing with us, but we stopped upon hearing Wendy cry. "Don't worry, we'll find a way to save them. I won't let this thing hurt your friends. I owe it to ya. I'll stop it. I promise." Natsu said to Wendy, "Yeah, I agree with Natsu on that one." Tsubaki smiled, forgetting that we had just been arguing.

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