Chapter 24: March of Destruction

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Tsubaki's pov

We were making our way to Nirvana, the seal had been broken which meant we didn't have much time left. I just hoped, we can get there in time to stop Nirvana. "I hope we can get there in time." I voiced my thoughts, still holding onto Lucky. She was strapped on my back, with some rope that Virgo managed to get. She was still unconscious and I was beginning to get even more worried, her wounds were so severe. "Tsu, I told you to quit your worrying. She'll be alright." Natsu reprimanded me, "But what-" He cut me off, "Tsu, she'll be alright! Now hold it together and let's go." Natsu pulled my arm, dragging me along with him. I could tell that Gray was worried about me turning against them, because of how I was feeling at the moment. "Nirvana?" I saw that Nirvana changed, "No way!" Natsu shouted, "I hope that's not as bad as it looks." Gray said, shaking his head.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is." Lucy stated, "And once again Erza is right in the middle of it." Gray sighed, "Seriously?" Lucy asked, "This is the most dangerous thing, I've ever smelled." Natsu said, as we continued to watch Nirvana. That damn Cobra! The ground started rumbling underneath us, sending panic among us. "What is that thing?" Natsu pointed out the giant robot. "I don't know what it is, but that things everywhere." Gray exclaimed, "Do you think this is Nirvana?" Lucy asked, "It doesn't seem like magic to me." Lyon was holding Sherry, who was still unconscious.

"Why is the ground shaking?" Natsu looked down, "Get a hold of yourself, man." Gray said to Natsu, who was struggling not to get sick. "Here comes that really bad feeling again." Lucy said, "You said it." We all were lifted up on this giant metal thing, making all of us panic.

"What did I tell you!!??" Lucy shouted, as we were lifted into the air. "What the hell is this thing?" I held onto lucky tightly, keeping my free arm wrapped around where I was holding on. "Is this really Nirvana?" I looked at what we had been laying on. It was a leg, a mechanical one.

"Lucky." I whispered, "Tsubaki?" We started running up the side of the leg, with Natsu in front of us. Lyon stayed on the ground with Sherry, while the rest of us headed towards the top.

"Once I get to the top, I'm gonna punch this thing into a million pieces!" Natsu said, "So what's the deal with you guy's matching outfits?" Gray asked Lucy, who was behind us. "Now is not the time to worry about that!" Lucy shouted, becoming frustrated.

"Tsubaki?" I looked over my shoulder, as I held onto the leg tightly. "Finally, you're awake. You had me worried there!" I shouted, as the wind whipped my hair back and forth. "I'm sorry about that." She said and I caught her up to speed with what's going on. I wonder where everyone else is, the leg started moving and Natsu got sick.

"You've gotta be kidding me! Come on!" Gray shouted, frustrated with Natsu.

"What's with you? You can't start getting sick, now." I looked back at Natsu, as Lucky gripped my shirt tightly. "I'm sorry, I just can't help it." He apologized, laying on his stomach. "Just try." Lucy looked back at him, since he was behind us. I was up in the front, "It may be moving, but it's not like it's a vehicle. Don't think of it that way." Gray suggested, I nodded my head agreement. "Gray's right, Natsu." I said, Natsu stood up and started moving. He passed me, but stopped moving only to get sick again.

"Just think of it, like a giant octopus! Being on the back of an animal doesn't bother you, does it?" Lucy shouted, trying to make Natsu feel a bit better. "Octopus's sound wrong," Natsu said, in which I couldn't really understand what he said.

"Don't sweat the weird details." Lucy said, "You're right, I just gotta get my mind at ease." He said and the leg moves, causing him to slide. "You idiot!!" Gray and Lucy yelled at him in unison, while I grew concerned. "Natsu, be careful." I said "I know, what I'm doing. This is a piece of cake." The leg moved again making Natsu slide even more, which put panic in the four of us. "Natsu!" He tries to keep from falling off, but falls straight off. "NATSU!!!" I shouted in fear, there was no way he could survive this fall.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Lucy screamed, "Natsu!" Gray shouted, sitting up and I look down. A blue blotch of fur comes out of nowhere, catching Natsu before he could fall any further. I recognize that blue blotch of fur anywhere, it was Happy who caught him.

"Great timing! Awesome catch!!" Gray let out a breath and I sigh in relief, "Stupid hot head, nearly gave me a heart attack." Gray mumbled.

"Come on, we gotta keep moving." I said, "Make it all the way to the top, guys. We're gonna head through there, and check on inside of what it's like on the other side." I stood behind Gray, keeping my eyes on him. "Aye!" Happy called and the pair left.

"Let's go Gray, Lucy." We nodded and ran off. Lucky was able to move around, "Lucky, you feeling any better?" Lucy asked as we were running. "Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better." Lucky started walking with us and then I caught that same scent again. "I'm going on ahead, okay. I'll be back! Lucky stay with Lucy and Gray." I ran off ahead, not wanting her to get hurt again.

"I may be wrong but I have a feeling, he's here. But why would he be here? Is this really his scent? I have to see if it is his scent. I may be wrong, but it smells like him. I really hope it isn't him. Why would he be here if we already faced off when he was with Phantom lord? If he is here then I have to see what happened to him. He doesn't need to be here. What if he's helping the Oracion Seis? But why would he help them? He has nothing to do with this." I thought to myself as I kept running, "Where are we headed? What is Brain planning to do?" I asked as I kept running, I turned the corner making it outside. "I smell Natsu." I looked up to see happy holding Natsu, fighting with Cobra.

"Cobra." I growled out and started running, I climbed up the wall, smelling Cobra. "That scent smells of him, but I don't see him! Why is he here?!" I shouted, climbing up the wall. "Brain, what are you planning?" I climbed up the wall and noticed that it wasn't the one Brain was on. I finally got to the top, just as Nirvana started moving again. "Where is he?" I looked around to see Natsu still fighting with Cobra. 

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