Christmas Special: Christmas Scavenger Hunt pt. 1

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Tsubaki's pov

"What are you doing?!! Get away from that!!" I woke up to the sound of loud arguing coming from three distinctive voices, one coincidentally came from Gray. I sat up, rubbing my eyes as I let out a yawn. As I rubbed my eyes, I didn't realize that I didn't have pants on, I was in one of Gray's oversized hoodies which I always wore to bed. Gray never really complained about me taking over his hoodies and using them as pajamas. I walked out into my living room, spotting Gray, Ezra and Natsu which was weird. Then again, Natsu is always here when he wants to go on a mission with me. "What are you three doing?" I asked, scratching my head. Gray and Natsu stopped arguing, the three looked over at me. "Well, I came over to drop off some stuff." Ezra said, "And I came here because Erza asked me to come get you." Natsu said, "Was there a reason why?" I asked, crossing my arms. "No. She wouldn't tell anyone what is was about but she literally dragged me out of bed and told me to come get you and Gray." He explained, "Alright then, I'll get dressed." I said, but I was stopped by Ezra. "Now that you are awake.... Can you explain why you're not wearing pants?" Ezra asked, pointing to my exposed legs. "Oh come on, must you ask this all the time. I told you last year that I wear Gray's hoodies to bed." I said, "Yeah, you did. But why is that all you wear that to bed?!!" Ezra shouted, "Oh here we go again... I'll go get ready... Jeez." I let out a sigh, walking away from the three of them and headed back towards my bed. I grabbed some fresh clothing and headed into my bathroom. After getting dressed, I heard more arguing coming from Ezra and Gray which made me sigh.


Currently everyone was gathered at the guild hall, where we were waiting for Erza to make the announcement. When we got there, I noticed that most of the guild was gathered here, looking tired as hell. My eyes shifted over to her, seeing that she looked really excited about something. It made smile, but also a bit concerned about what she was about to tell us. That's when I noticed Lyon and Jellal standing behind her, the both of us dressed in warm clothing and talking amongst themselves. "Hey Lyon!!" I greeted Lyon, giving him a big hug. "Hi, Tsu." He smiled, giving me a hug back. "Jellal." I nodded, he gave me a small smile and nodded back. "What are you two doing here?" I asked, looking back over at Lyon as I stepped back from him. "Erza asked us to come to help her set something up. She wouldn't tell us anything about it." Lyon explained, "Well, she looked very excited about it. So I say, it might be something special." Jellal smiled, as he looked over at Erza. I took my seat next to Gray, leaning onto him as we sat around the three of them. Since Christmas was right around the corner, everyone in the entire town kicked it into high gear. I wasn't fully aware of how big it was this year, everyone was so happy that we were back that the entire town had gotten together to decorate not only the guildhall itself, but all the shops and homes. Everything was so beautiful and even from a distance in the sky, you could see just heavily decorated the place was. I was strangely really excited since we were going to get snow soon and the town was holding a tree lighting ceremony. According to Nab, they started that tradition after the first year while we were all still trapped on Tenrou island. "What'd you call us here for Erza?" Uncle Grayson asked, he might have been the only one who didn't look a mess, getting out of bed. "Yeah, what was with waking us up at 6 in the morning?" Ethan mumbled, his eyes were half open as his hair was an absolute mess. I chuckled lightly as he was leaning against Ezra, who was much more awake than him. "I have exciting news.." She smiled, "Well..." Gajeel insisted, hoping to get more out of her. "I thought that we should do something special for Christmas. Since most of us were trapped on Tenrou Island for so long, I came up with a great way to have everyone have fun. I came up with a great idea. This year we will be doing a special contest." She said, "A contest?" Mira quipped.

"What kind?" Hairi asked, showing her interest. Hairi loved contests, she always tried to beat me at them but never could.

"A classic Christmas scavenger hunt. Here I have a list of the things that you have to find," She handed everyone a paper. "You guys can pick who you want in your group. The minimum number is three, so I suggest you choose your partners wisely. The first group that finds everything on that list and brings it to either, me, Lyon or Jellal back at the guild hall will get a special prize." She explained. I looked over at Hairi, who was grinning from ear to ear. Uncle Grayson looked over at her, puzzled about her excitement. It was cute to see the way he was looking at her, I think they would make a very nice couple. Hairi has always loved scavenger hunts, she used to make me do them all the time saying that it was a part of training, when really just wanted to make me suffer the long hours of searching just to make fun.

"A prize?" Wendy sat forward, Carla sitting in her lap.

"What kind?" Juvia asked.

"Three passes to the best amusement park in all of Fiore, accompanied with staying at a luxurious spa." Jellal held up an envelope, smiling as he looked over at us.

"Alright, the other rule I'm going to explain. First off, once you find your group members then you can start looking. I will say this, don't start fighting over one item if either your group or another gets there. The town is well aware of the scavenger hunt so nobody will interfere with it. I've gotten permission from store owners as well. Now, you can go pick your groups." Everyone quickly dispersed into the area, as I was pulled into an open area by Gray. The two of us teaming up, "We need one more person.." I said, looking around the guild hall. My eyes went to Lucy, but she was already talking to Natsu and Happy. Levy was with Jet and Droy, Gajeel was on a team with Juvia and Pantherlily.

"Hey," Both of us snapped our heads to the right, spotting Ezra who was scratching the back of his head. "Hey, Ezra. Did you find a group yet?" Gray asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Not yet.." He said, "Well, how about joining our team?" I asked, looking to Gray who nodded in agreement. I was a bit surprised to see that Gray agreed to have him on our team, especially because they usually don't get along with one another.


"Yeah, sure."

"I don't see why not." Gray shrugged.

"Then that settles it. Welcome to the team, Big bro." I smiled, "Yes!! Team Tsu and Ez back in the game!!" I chuckled at his words, giving him a smile. Gray rolled his eyes and then turned to look at me. "Now that we have you on the team, we should get out there." I said, "Yeah! Let's do this!!" I high-five the both of them and the three of us set off to find the objects on the list.

"Okay, so the first one on the list is a bucket of candy canes." Ezra read, looking up at us. "Hmm.." I looked around the street, looking in shop windows before spotting a small bucket of candy canes. The store was just a few feet ahead of us, "Hey!! Over there!!" I rushed ahead of the boys, making them shout after me. Just as I got the bucket of candy canes and placed my hand down, another hand suddenly reached out and placed itself on the other side of it. I looked up, my eyes narrowing as I saw Ethan standing there. "I got here first!" I said, "Yeah, well I saw it first. In fact, I was in the store first." He bragged, making me growl.

"Tsu, why did you run off like that-" Gray and Ezra appeared a bit breathless, the two looking extremely confused about why I looked so angry before seeing what I had my hand on.

"You found it!" Ezra exclaimed, looking proud.

"I'm not letting you have this! I'm going to win those tickets." Ethan said, showing his competitive side.

"I got here first. I touched it first. Back off."

"Uh, guys.." Kai started, I guess he was on Ethan's team, I saw Lyon standing with them as well.

"I'm not backing down." Ethan said, getting in my face. "Oh yeah, well then, you're on." I smirked, challenging him which made Ezra sigh and shake his head.

"Oh here we go.." He facepalmed.

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