Chapter 39: Saving The Lacrima that holds our friends!!!

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3rd person's pov

As soon as Natsu catches up with Gray, he is a little surprised to see the key destroyed. "You destroyed the key?" Natsu asked, "Yeah, but don't worry. I can make another one with my ice magic." Gray said, "I get the feeling that something happened to Tsubaki." Natsu said, "Yeah, me too." Gray looked forward and Erza Knightwalker, but was really Erza Scarlet appears.

"Ahhhhhh, it's one of the Erza's!!" Natsu yelled and she captures them both. A few minutes later, both Natsu and Gray are tied up and dragged to the gate where the cannon is. "You said you could duplicate the key, so duplicate it." Erza untied Gray, "Move." She tells Natsu, "Hopefully, I can hit the lacrima with the cannon." She thought, as she held her sword up to Natsu's chin. "Do anything reckless and he'll pay for it." She threatened, throwing Natsu down on the ground in front of her. She suddenly takes out some of the guards, taking the king hostage which caught everyone in the room off guard.

"Change the target of the cannon to the lacrima itself." Erza demanded and the soldiers scrambled to change it. "Scarlet!!!" Erza knightwalker attacks from above, Earthland Erza releases the king and the cannon is returned to its original target in which it is fired. From outside, Lucy can see the cannon fire as well as Edolas Tsubaki. As both Earthland Tsubaki and edolas Ethan were falling, Ethan shot off a beam that destroyed part of the track. The track was the one that edolas Tsubaki was standing on, it started to rock back and forth and she lost her footing and was sent tumbling.

Lucy then arrives with Coco on a Legion to save and take everyone to Extalia and stop the Lacrima. "Alright everyone, get on!" Lucy yelled, "Whoa! How did you get that thing?!" Natsu shouted, "That doesn't matter right now! Get on!!" Lucy yelled and the climb onto the legion and leave. Erza Knightwalker cuts her hair so as not to confuse herself with Erza Scarlet and also to show her determination. "Natsu, what are you doing?!" Lucy yelled, looking at Natsu. "We gotta get there first!" Natsu and Happy reach Extalia before the lacrima does.

Back on Extalia, Wendy and Carla are desperately trying to get the rest of the other exceeds to listen. "Please, listen to me! The lacrima is going to crash into Extalia! You have to get out of here now!" Wendy cried, as both her and Carla were being pelted by stones. "Wendy, they won't listen." Carla said, shaking her head.

"Everyone, stop throwing rocks at them." Nadi tried to get them to stop, but they just kept throwing the stones. "Alright, that's enough." Queen Shagotte appeared, "I have something to tell you all." She then removes all of her royal clothing and jewelry, revealing her one wing on her back. "Although, I am a queen that doesn't mean I am a god. I'm not. I'm a normal exceed, just like you. I've been lying to all of you this entire time and I'm sorry." Shagotte said, making Carla angry.

"Shagotte can only predict which and when a certain human will die. We conjured up an image of a heartless and ruthless god so that the humans could listen to us. They used the power they had over us, but in the end, we won that dispute. We wanted to scare the humans enough so that they would stop walking all over us." One of the elders explained, "You manipulated me before I was even born. What do you have to say for yourself?! Why would you do that??" Carla yelled at Shagotte, whose only response was giving Carla a sword. "Would you do me the honor of giving me my punishment? I should be punished for all that I have done wrong to you. I've manipulated you in a horrible way, I even made other exceeds give up their eggs. So please just do me this favor and get everyone to safety." Carla stood there in shock, holding the sword in her hand. "No, Queen Shagotte. Please." An exceed began to cry, as she kneeled down. "We don't want to lose you." Another exceed cried, and pretty soon all of them were crying. "We're not leaving you behind." An exceed cried, just as all the others did. "Carla.," Wendy said, in concern for her best friend. "I'm not gonna do that." Carla puts the sword in the ground and flies off going to the lacrima.

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