Chapter 55: Fighting beside my Mentor!

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3rd person's pov

"What the hell?" Gray shouted, as a woman walked through the smoke. "My, my. It seems you brought Fairytail along with you." Gray's eyes widened, as well as Natsu's and Erza's eyes. "It can't be..." He trailed off, as Tsubaki stood up. "Why are you doing this? Why, Hairi?" She asked, "Do you wanna know why? It's because foolish people like yourself, can't see the truth behind people!" She raised her hand, which caused Tsubaki to float in the air. "What are you talking about?!" Tsubaki shouted, but Hairi didn't answer her and instead threw her hand down, slamming Tsubaki onto the ground.

"Stop hurting her! Weren't you her mentor back then?!!" Gray yelled, he was angry and confused that Hairi was alive. "That was before! This is now!" Tsubaki stood up, as she charged at them with a sword in her hand. "Tsu, look out!" Lucy shouted and Tsubaki looked up at Hairi, as they clashed swords with her. Tsubaki kicked her in the stomach, making Hairi slide back.

"Lucy, Levy take Natsu and Gajeel and try to stop the train!" Tsubaki instructed, "Alright," Lucy picked up Natsu, while Levy picked up Gajeel and they headed towards the front of the train. "Juvia, do you think you could go untie my friend up ahead? He has purple hair." She looked to Juvia, who nodded and rushed forward.

"What is going on?" Gray took his spot next to Tsubaki, as Pantherlily stood back with the others. "Ryuu's mother isn't who you think she is." Hairi said, shaking her head. "What do you mean by that?" Tsubaki asked. furrowing he eyebrows. "She's one of the people who conspired to kill your parents, Tsubaki. I heard from Kazuki what your destiny was. I interrogated him to see if you were alright. It outraged me that people were after the power you were supposed to have, that they wanted to use it for evil." Hairi said angrily, brushing back a strand of her short black hair.

"Can you answer this? How are you still alive? I saw you and that monster disappear into thin air, what happened?" Tsubaki asked, "I can't really explain it. I don't know how I'm alive, myself. But I do know, that Ryuu was the one to rob the train car I was in. So I stopped him." Hairi explained, "But who was behind the entire thing then, if you weren't?" Gray asked, looking to Hairi as Ezra looked out of the window of the moving train.

"Uhhhh," He shoved his head back in quickly, as two bullets were shot at him. "Guys, we have company! Ethan and Erza are climbing aboard now!" He shouted and Juvia brought in Ryuu. "Ryuu, why did you rob the train?" Tsubaki eyed him suspiciously, she wasn't sure what to think. "Someone threatened me to do it. If I didn't she would hurt my mother." He explained and Tsubaki's eyebrows went up and just as she was about to ask a question, the train shook.

"Guys, what was that?" Ezra asked, looking to the others. "I don't know, but I don't like it." Tsubaki shook her head.

Meanwhile Erza and Ethan had finally gotten close enough to the train, but they had some trouble following close by. "Crap!" Ethan yelled, as he missed his intended target. "Don't lose focus," Erza said, keeping her eyes focused. "How can I stay focused, when they keep trying to blow us up?!!" He yelled, staying calm was not his strong suit. "You need to calm down, so you can focus enough to stop them from blowing us up completely! Now stop freaking out and focus!" Erza raised her voice slightly, become irritated with Ethan and his whining.

Ethan huffed and got into position, as he was trying to fire his rifle. "Alright, stay still suckers." He said, trying not to curse considering he was next to Erza. Most of the men that were trying to get on were cut down by Erza, and the ones on the motorcycles would be shot down by Ethan.

In the front of the train, both Natsu and Gajeel were laid out on the floor while lucy and Levy were trying to figure out how to stop the train. "Lucy, you found anything yet?" Levy called, "No, what about you?" Levy scanned her eyes over the entire area, but couldn't find anything. "How do we stop the train?" Lucy asked, herself and saw a small green button. "Levy I think i-" Another large explosion went off where Erza and Ethan was, which shook the train harder. Everyone lost their balance and fell over, "Guys, this train won't hold up for much longer if it keeps taking hits like this." Ezra yelled and looked out the window. "Damnit, haven't Lucy and Levy found a way to stop the train?" Tsubaki grumbled as she stood up. "Ryuu, who threatened your mother?" Gray asked, "If I tell you, she could possibly hurt her." Ryuu said, brushing his purple hair back and revealing the tattoo he had on his face. It was a lot like Jellal's facial tattoo but he doesn't like to reveal it much. Another explosion came from the back and sent Erza and Ethan inside the train, "Erza!! Ethan!!" Tsubaki rushed forward, but an energy blast headed towards her. It hit her full on blowing her back, and she was thrown into Juvia and Ryuu. A woman appeared, floating into the train car.

"Who are you?" Hairi clenched her fist, seeing as to who it was.

"Kuso," She muttered under her breathe, as the woman took her place in front of them. "How nice to see you Hairi, the last time I was around the magnolia I heard that you had died." The woman had long dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes.

"In a way, like for example her clothing style. It reminds of Cana and she kinda looks like a pirate lady." Tsubaki thought as she looked forward.

Lucy found a green button and called Levy over, and they pushed it. The train came to a halt throwing everyone forward, Natsu and Gajeel were now standing. "I can tell the others are in trouble, let's go." They rushed towards the fourth train car, as another explosion shook the train.

Back with the others, they were busy fighting the woman. "Who are you?" Erza asked sternly, "The name is Emilia." She smirked, when Erza got ready to attack. She blasted Tsubaki, throwing her back into Natsu, Gajeel, Levy and Lucy. "Owww, why does she keep throwing me?!" Tsubaki huffed and was shoved off by Gajeel, "Who is she?" Levy asked, "I don't know. But it seems Hairi knows her." They looked forward, as Hairi stood in front of Emilia. "Why are you here, Emilia?" She asked, holding her sword in a defensive way.

"Why you ask? Well, why else would I be here? I want the dragon slayers power." She pointed to me, "I mean I do deserve them, since I was the one to track down her family." Ethan and Ezra growled and I stood up. "There is no way we are letting you get to her." Everyone took their step in front of Tsubaki, which amazed her. "Wow, they all want to protect me." Tsubaki stood stunned, watching as her friends got ready. "Men, attack!" She threw out her hand and all the men she had behind her charged forward.

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