Chapter 63: Get that Flower!!! A Race Against Time!

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3rd person's pov

The green spots were making their way to Tsubaki's neck, chest and face. "Wendy are you sure, you can't do anything else?" Erza asked, furrowing an eyebrow. "I'm sorry. All we can do is keep her from sweating too much, so she can cool off. Gray is the only one who can keep her cool enough, to keep her fever from rising." Wendy said to Gray, "Damnit," Ezra punched the wall, which made everyone jump. He had left Ethan, Lucy and the others since he wanted to make sure Tsubaki was okay and that Koen had told them everything. 

"I hope they find that damn fruit, and I hope they find it soon." He said, looking down at the floor angrily. "Don't worry, we sent some people up to the mountain to help them look for the fruit." Koen said, sitting down in the chair next to his sister.

"Koen said they're sending somebody to help us look for the fruit. So we should stay here until they come." Lucy explained to the group, "I'm not waiting for anyone." Ethan started to walk off, but Gajeel stopped him.

"Listen, I know you want to save your sister but storming ahead and not knowing where and what that fruit looks like will get us into more trouble. So we need to keep a level head and not be so reckless. Tsubaki is lying there sick and in pain and the only way to stop it is to have help from others. You understand?" Gajeel said angrily, he was not happy about the situation either but Ethan was making things worse with his bad attitude.

"Yeah whatever." Ethan muttered, looking off to the side. They waited for a little bit more, finally meeting up with guy and girl. They knew their way around the cave, so they led the group deeper into the cove but stopped once they heard the monster roar.

"What was that?" The guy asked, turning his head back to Gajeel and Natsu. "The beast." Gajeel said, with a small shrug. "What beast?!! Nobody said there was a beast in the cove!" The blonde haired girl yelled, beginning to panic. "Come on, let's go. We don't want to be here when it gets here." Ethan said and they continued guiding them towards the back of the cove.

With Gray and the others, Tsubaki was now screaming in pain as the green spots grew closer. "Wendy, what the hell do we do?" Ezra panicked, "It says here in the book that we need to keep her from moving to much. Doing that will spread whatever it is even more." Levy said, she had gotten there earlier after Gray brought her to the village.

"Natsu!!!" Lucy yelled, "Fire dragon roar!!!!" He blew his attack at the giant beast, making it step back. "Go! Go! Go! Now!" Natsu yelled to everyone else and was floating in the sky with Happy, holding onto him. "Natsu, good luck." Ethan said and they ran off with the guides. "Alright, you big beast. It's just me and you now." Natsu smirked, pounding his fists together.

"Hey, what about me?!" Happy yelled, feeling a bit left out. "Oh sorry, Happy." Natsu said, which led to the two arguing about the situation. "I found it!!!" Lucky yelled, "Is this it?" Lucky pulled up the fruits and gave one to the blonde girl. "Yeah, come on. Here." She gave Lucky a basket, "Pick as many as you can." She said to Lucky and Ethan, and walked away. "Do you think this will help Tsu?" Lucy asked, "Yeah, it might. If it doesn't I'm gonna strangle somebody." Ethan said, making Lucky laugh.

"E, you're funny. But seriously, do you think that Koen was telling the full truth?" Lucky asked him, "Yeah, he is. Don't worry." Ethan said picking up the basket of fruits. "Alright, we gathered a good amount of the fruit. We should get out of here." Mina said, "Yeah, alright. But as soon as we get Natsu back." Gajeel said and they left to find Natsu.

Tsubaki was now choking on her own blood, which was causing a panic in the room. "Lay her on her side!" Koen instructed, Gray shifted her on her side and she coughed up a lot of blood. Natsu had knocked the beast unconscious and was heading to meet up with the others. Once he ran into them, they rushed back to town and headed straight for Koen's house.

"I hope we can get there in time." Juvia stated, she was worried about Tsubaki's wellbeing.

"Don't worry, we can get there in time." Natsu nodded his head in agreement with Gajeel's statement.

"Koen!!! We're here!!" Ethan yelled, which caught their attention. "Come on!!" They rushed inside, but the pain intensified making Tsubaki scream. "Alright, mix the berries into a juice. That should be easier for her to ingest." Koen said and everyone rushed into the room, after grabbing the things they needed. Ethan began to smash the berries into a liquid, until it finally could be enough for her to ingest and be cured.

"Tsu, drink this. I know you're in pain, but I need you to drink this." Hairi pleaded and poured it into the teens mouth.

Three hours later...

"Thank you for taking down that beast." Koen said, handing Erza the reward. "No thank you, you saved our friend from a fatal death." Erza thanked and they said their goodbyes.

"You may keep that book if you like," Koen said, popping up behind Levy. "Oh, I couldn't possibly take your book." Levy shook her head, as she stared down at it. "It's fine. You really helped us out with those monsters. You deserve it." Koen insisted, "Thanks so much, Koen. I'll take great care of it." Levy gave him a warm smile, before walking off towards Gajeel and Juvia.

"Bye big bro," Hairi hugged Koen, who was as tall as her.

"Take care of yourself, but before you leave. I have something to give you. It's letter from your boyfriend." Koen handed her a white envelope and with that they were heading back to Magnolia, with an unconscious Tsubaki sleeping in Ezra's arms.

"She's looking a lot better now guys. Her fever has broken which means she should be in a full recovery no later than tomorrow." Wendy said, making the others smile. "That's amazing!" Ethan and Ezra smiled, while Lucy and Lucky sighed in relief. "Thanks, Wendy. For everything you've done to help my sister." Ezra ruffled her hair, making Wendy blush. "It was no big deal." Wendy said, with a blush.

The others looked out of the window of the train, "It's a good thing, we're finally heading back home." Lucy smiled, "And its a good thing, we brought Hairi and the chief was her older brother." Levy said, smiling brightly.

"Speaking of Hairi, where is she? Has anyone seen her?" Natsu asked, looking around. He hadn't seen her since they had gotten onto the train home, he knew that being back home with her brother might have hit some sore spots.

"The last time I saw her, she was in the one of the private cars. Her brother gave her a letter from someone important. Whatever was in that letter, must have been pretty depressing. It's best that we leave her alone for a while." Gray explained.

"I hope she's doing okay," Juvia sighed, looking over to Gray as he sat next to Ezra. 

Tears dropped Hairi's eyes as she reread the letter, her one true love was dead. In the letter, it said that he had gone into battle a dark guild but never returned.

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