Chapter 99: Natsu Vs. Laxus! Tsubaki's mission with Ezra and Ethan!!

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Tsubaki's pov

I stood beside Ezra, looking at the job board in the guild hall. I was a bit sad that Gray was not coming with Ezra, Ethan, Kai and I on this mission. He was going to help Erza on a mission, Lucy was hanging out with Michelle to find out much more on what the metal piece was. I wasn't too sure what Natsu was doing, but I heard a rumor that Laxus was back in town so I had a feeling that Natsu wanted to have a rematch with him. I'm pretty sure Gajeel did too, considering what Laxus did to him back then. To be honest, I actually wanted to try my hand at fighting Laxus, just for old times sake. "How about this one?" Lucky asked, pointing to one job on the board. "It seems that a nearby food stand has constantly been robbed, they can't catch the people who are robbing them. They need help catching the robbers, so they don't have to worry about the customers getting hurt. Each mage gets at least 60,000 jewel if they can catch the thieves. What do you think? You guys want to do this one?" Ezra asked looking back at Kai, Ethan, Lucky and I. "Sure, why not?" Kai shrugged, "Alright!" Lucky high-fived Ethan, which made me shake my head. We let Kinana know which job we were taking and got ready to head out and just as I was about to leave, I ran into Cana. "So what are you up to now?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "Well, Ethan, Kai, Lucky, Ezra and I are about to go on a mission. What about you?" I quirked an eyebrow, "I'm just hanging around." Cana said, shrugging her shoulders. We looked at each other, before I looked back at my brothers' who were messing with Kai. I turned my head around, looking to Cana.


"You want me to come with you on this mission, don't you?" She raised an eyebrow at me, "Would you? I really don't want to only be with my brothers' and Kai. Please, would you come with me on this job?" I asked, grabbing her hands. She gave me a small laugh, before shaking her head at me. "Sure, I'll come on this job with you. Just promise me, your love sick brother won't cause me too much trouble." She said, as we looked back at my brothers and Kai. "I'll make sure he doesn't bother you. Knowing Ezra, he'll probably just stare at you rather than bother you. If he does, he'll get what's coming to him." I pounded my fists together, glaring harshly at my brother's. This caused Cana to shake her head and chuckle at my threat, "You really are something else." She smiled, "Hey boys, looks like I'm coming with you and Tsu!" Cana called out, making all three boys look over at us.


We arrived at the food stand, which was in a few towns over. It was a small town, so everybody knew each other there. "So Mr. Hunt, how long has the robberies been going on?" I asked, leaning against the food stand, which was actually a small shack with an open counter. My brother's were sitting at the table, which was closest to where I was, while Cana stood right beside me. Kai stood to my left and was holding Lucky, who seemed comfortable being in his arms. "About three weeks now. Even our law enforcement here and even our guild members can't catch him and his friend." Mr. Hunt explained, he wore a buttoned up white shirt. He had black pants, black tennis shoes, his hair was a salt and pepper color and was slicked back with gel. He wore glasses and behind those glasses, were a piercing gaze of his dark brown eyes. He looked good for his age, so I doubt he had any trouble with the ladies. "He outran your guild members?" Ethan asked, looking concerned as he turned to the guild master. His name is Thad Requiem, he was the guild master of the small guild called Fallen Oath. Thad had longer brown hair, which went down to the back of his neck. He had small light green colored eyes, a beard and the pattern was very unique. He wore a light blue buttoned up shirt with pockets, he wore dark blue jeans and black shoes. He had this vibe of being intimidating, carefree and also very laid back. He reminded me a bit of Gildarts in a way, I wonder what Gildarts is doing now anyways.

"Yes, even with my best and strongest team, they couldn't catch the two. That's why we reached out for help." Thad explained, crossing his arms over his chest. "So when do they usually strike the food stand?" Kai asked, "Around early evening. Usually during the lunch rush. The two you should keep an eye out for are two young teenagers, both are boys around 5'8''. One has short spirit brown hair and dark brown eyes, his name is Tohiro. The second boy has long blonde hair, brown eyes and is usually wearing a business casual suit. His name is Erik. They both live here in town, but I'm not sure why they started to rob this particular food stand." Mr. Hunt explained, he reminded me a bit of Macao, when he was younger. "Alright, we'll keep an eye out for them." I smiled, letting them know everything would be okay.

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