Halloween Fairytail Special (Part 2)

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Tsubaki's pov

"Ryuu?" My eyes widened as I stared at my old friend, "Tsubaki? What are you all doing here?" He asked, as his eyes landed on everyone standing behind me. "We were sent here by Master Makarov to help. Do you know what's been going on around here?" Erza explained, stepping forward. "I don't know too much. I actually had arrived with my team, but we got separated. Everything happened before we got here." Ryuu explained, looking to the group. "Then this is really not good. If nobody knows what lead to this, how will we solve the problem and get everyone back to normal?" Lucky asked, looking to Erza and me. "We need to find a way out of this place and get to the bottom of whatever is going on." Erza said, holding her chin. "But how do we get past all those zombies? They're roaming everywhere." Levy asked, "If we cause some kind of distraction, just maybe we can get to Lupinus's science lab." Ryuu said, holding his chin as he thought about what else they could do.

"Why do we need to go there? What's there?" Laxus asked, "That's where the first report of this incident started." Ryuu shifted his gaze from the floor to the door, which had gone quiet.

"It's gone quiet outside." Pantherlily spoke up.

"Too quiet.. I don't like this." Gray shook his head, crossing his arms.

"Me neither... Something isn't right." I took a closer step to the bookcase, before a large thump was heard.

Everyone jumped at the sudden sound, slowly taking steps back from the loud groans that started to become much more riled up. "We need to get out of here. That door and bookcase will not hold for long." Ethan said, "Is there another way out of here, Ryuu?" I asked, holding Lucky in my arms. "Yes, but we need to be careful. The back door leads to an open backyard, so it's easy to be spotted." He explained, leading us to the back door.

"Look, we should all be in pairs or trios. If we get separated from each other it will be easier for them to pick us off and infect us. If we're together, it won't be easy to catch us off guard." Erza suggested, I grabbed onto Gray's hand, giving it a tight squeeze and he gave the same one back. Lucky held tightly onto my shirt, while Happy stayed in Lucy's arms.

"Alright." Gajeel and Levy were paired up, Ryuu was with Erza, Laxus was with Pantherlily, Ethan stayed with Ezra and was joined by Juvia. Lucy, Natsu and Happy were altogether. Ryuu counted to three before quickly opening the back door, he stuck his head out checking to make sure it was clear. Once he got a good look around, he saw that it was clear and signaled the rest of us. We quietly exited the building, sticking close together and kept our eyes peeled for any zombies lurking nearby.

"How far do we need to go to get to the science lab?" Natsu whispered, looking to Ryuu.

"It's on the other side of the town. We need to get past the big hospital to get there." He explained, pointing to a large hospital building. Just as we turned onto an open street, a horde of zombies nearly spot us. Ryuu quickly pushed everyone behind the wall, which led into a small alleyway.


"Don't finish that sentence." Erza whispered to Ethan.

"Where the hell do we go now?" Ezra asked, I peeked out from behind the wall, looking at the horde of zombies. I knew that things were going to be difficult for us, but we had to keep pushing on. My eyes shifted from across the street, spotting an opening which we could possibly use as a way to get around the horde. The spot was slightly covered by a large carriage, so hopefully we could get past the zombies which were standing close by. "Tsu, are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Lucky asked, looking up at me. I looked down at her, "Yeah, a way out." I gave her a small smirk, looking back up at the spot. I then turned back towards the group, listening as Ryuu argued with both of my brothers. I sighed heavily, trying not to get annoyed since we were in a bad situation. I noticed Erza was just as annoyed, "Do you guys really need to argue right now?" Levy spoke up, "Sorry." Ryuu and Ezra apologized, "Sorry, but I'm not going to follow his every word. He may have gotten us out of the door, but he hasn't gotten us anywhere safe." Ethan argued, this only made me smack him over the back of the head.

"Ow, what was that for?"

"For you being an idiot while we're in a bad situation." I stated, giving him a look. "Listen, I think I have a way to get us away from this street." I started, which got everyone to look at me.

"What do you mean, Tsu?" Laxus asked, "There is an opening across the street that leads to an alley which can get us around this street." I explained, "Nice going, baki!" Ryuu gave me a thumbs up, "So how do you suggest we get over that way without being seen?" Gajeel asked, "We would need a distraction to give us enough time to get across and into the alley without being seen by those things." Erza said, holding her chin.

"That means two of us will need to be the distraction." Natsu said, it became silent as everyone looked down at the ground before looking around the circle. "I'll do it." Ethan spoke up, making me look at him like he was insane. "No way, that's not happening." I shook my head, "Tsu," He sighed heavily, shaking his head. "No Ethan, I'm not letting you do this. I'm not losing you." I argued with him, "Look, you have to let me do this. I promise to come back to you and Ezra. You have to let me do this." Ethan placed a hand on my shoulder, making me sigh as we made eye contact.

"I'll go with him." Juvia said, "Juvia.." I started, "I will come back and I will bring Ethan with me. You guys just try your best to get to that science lab and figure out what this is." Juvia said, giving me a determined look. "Okay. I trust you two. Just come back in one piece." I sighed, as Ezra shook his head. I made eye contact with Ezra, before looking to Ethan. Ethan wrapped his arms around me, giving both Ezra and I a hug. "You promise to come back?" I asked him, "I promise to try my best." Ethan said, he kissed the top of my head and gave me a light squeeze. When we let go of each other, I pulled Juvia into a hug. After everyone said their goodbyes, both Ethan and Juvia left. We waited until the two caused enough noise to attract the horde away from where we needed to go, Erza peeked around the corner and signaled for us to start moving. One by one we each crossed, until Ryuu and Erza were the last ones to cross. Ryuu was about to cross when he stopped halfway across the street, which made Erza stop. "Ryuu, what are you doing? Get your butt over here, before they spot you." Levy whisper-shouted as she stood behind me, I noticed the look on his face and I could see that he was staring at something. "Ryuu, what's wrong?" I asked, stepping forward slightly. I followed his line of vision, seeing that he was staring at a particular female zombie. Erza saw what he was looking at, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"It's my partner from my guild. Erin Lancelot." My eyes widened slightly, as that same female zombie headed towards him and Erza. "Ryuu, no!!'' I tried to get to him, but I wasn't fast enough and she grabbed onto his arm. Ryuu tried to shake her off, but it was no use. Erza tried to pull her off of him, but because of the commotion another zombie noticed the two of them and headed for Erza. The female zombie pulled Ryuu's arm up to her mouth and bit him, while Erza was grabbed from behind when she wasn't paying attention. "Erza!!" Natsu shouted, becoming panicked at the sight of Erza fighting off a zombie.

"No!!!! Ryuu!!! Erza!!! No!!!" I rushed forward but was quickly pulled back by the waist and into the alley, Natsu had to be pulled back too since he was about to do the same thing I was to save Erza. "No!! Let go!! No!!!" I wiggled, trying to get out of the warm arms of my boyfriend. "Go!! Get out of here!!!" Erza shouted, signaling for us to leave. "No!! We can't leave you!! I can't leave you, Erza!!" I shouted, "Just go!!! Get to the science lab, it's the only way to save the town and its people!!" Erza shouted, giving Laxus a look which he understood. "Come on!! We have to go!!" Laxus shouted, Gray pulled me along with him even as I continued to fight him. Tears filled my eyes as I saw Ryuu get tackled by more zombies, while Erza tried fighting them off. I could hear the shouts of Ethan and Juvia, the two rushing to their aid as we ran away from the alley.

"No... This wasn't supposed to happen."

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