Chapter 122: Lucy and Michelle

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Tsubaki's pov

Watching how frazzled Imitatia became hearing that Lucy would be further sucked into the clock, I was at a loss for words. It shocked me that she acted that way, especially because just before Midnight ever showed up, she tried to keep us away from her. This got me thinking, there had to be some kind of history to Michelle and Lucy's relationship. The more I kept thinking about it, the more I was starting to realize that something wasn't right. I clenched my fists, glaring at Midnight as I could see he was a bit shocked that Michelle was now attacking the clock. But then I saw a strange look in his eyes, it was as if he anticipated her reaction which didn't sit well with me. "What the hell did you do?" Midnight turned his attention to me, as I immediately moved to attack him. "I don't know what you're talking about." He dodged my punch, kicking me in the gut. I was sent flying backwards, luckily for me, Natsu caught me. The two of us nodded to one another, beginning to fight against Midnight. I could hear the others still trying to get Lucy out of the clock and I knew that it wasn't going well. "Natsu, flank him from the right!" Natsu nodded, heading to the right while I headed left. "Fire Lightning Dragon Solar Flare!!" Natsu brought the fire while I brought the lightning and electricity, this was something that we came up with while training. We just never had the right timing to use it until now, Midnight shouted in pain and covered his eyes, giving Natsu and I, the upper hand. I knew that the others were having trouble outside, they were in charge of cutting the chains that linked the ship to the ground to try and slow it down. It reminded me a lot of back then when we had to stop Nirvana from getting to Cait Shelter, which had been years ago. "You think this will stop me?! My father's vision will come true, you'll see!" Midnight released a dark ball of energy, hurling it at Natsu and I. I braced for impact, knowing that I couldn't dodge it in time but it never came. When I opened my eyes, I was in shock as I saw Elfman and Ezra standing in front of Natsu and I. "What the hell are you two doing?! Elfman, you're injured!" Concern was etched all over my face, Elfman turned to look back at us, giving me a warm look. "I'll be fine, Tsu. Don't worry, I may be injured but I am not going to stay back and sit on the sidelines." He said, making me sigh. My eyes shifted from Elfman to Ezra, slightly glaring at him while he just smiled at me and rubbed the back of his head. "Look out!!" Natsu tackled me to the floor, while Elfman and Ezra threw themselves out of the way and onto the ground. Natsu threw himself over me as a large dark ball of energy whizzed past our heads, that nearly singed Natsu's pink hair. I followed the course of where it flew off too, shouting a warning to Ethan and the others. Luckily they heard it in time, Happy and Lucky immediately grabbing Ethan and Coco out of the way. The attack hit the wall, causing an explosion which threw Lucky and the others forward as they were pushed by the blast.

"You alright?" Natsu looked down at me, his face hovering directly over mine.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah," He nodded.

"Thanks," I breathed out. "No problem," He gave me a light smile.

"Hey!!! Would you get off of her already?!!! You Pink haired pervert!!" Ezra shouted, ticking off Natsu. "I'm not a pervert!!" He shouted, standing to his feet. I sweatdropped, hating the fact that they had chosen now to argue. I stood to my feet, turning my head to the side as I saw Midnight visibly get angry with them interfering. Elfman and Ezra stood to their feet, ready to help the two of us but Midnight didn't like that idea. So he sends Klodoa to hold them off, which only pissed off Ezra. Natsu and I turned our attention back onto Midnight, throwing multiple attacks which seemed to have no effect on him. "Ice Dragon Wing Attack!!" Midnight took the hit full force but it did nothing, he flicked his wrist back which sent my own attack right back at me. I jumped out of the way in time, landing right beside Natsu who looked just as frustrated as I did. "I can't be beaten by the likes of you fools!! I have sacrificed everything to obtain the magical power needed to surpass my father!" He cackled loudly. Something in my gut told me to move but I couldn't just leave Natsu there, "Genesis Zero!" Natsu shoved me out of the way, Midnight laughing as the spell engulfs Natsu in darkness and swallowing him up. I screamed for Natsu, horrified by what I had just seen as Ethan came running over to me. I turned my head, watching Lucy be completely be engulfed into the clock causing my heart to drop. I turned back to Midnight, becoming overly frustrated and angry at the events that just occurred.

"You bastard!! What have you done to Natsu?!" I seethed, my fists glowing bright with fire.

"Take this!!"

"No, Tsubaki!" I was tackled to the floor by Ethan, he threw his body over mine as the same magical spell he casted on Natsu, whizzed past both of our heads. He rolled off of me, panting slightly as the attack hit the wall and fizzled out. I turned my head to Midnight and stood to my feet, charging an attack. "Electric Fire Dragon Roar!!" Midnight took the hit with full force, the attack forcing him off of his feet. He was sent flying into the air, slamming against the wall behind him. He quickly recovered sending an attack my way, which Ethan diverted into another area. Our eyes connected and I could tell that he was not going to let me fight Midnight alone, even if I argued with him. As we continued fighting against Midnight, something strange happened.

"What the hell..?" Ethan squinted, looking at Midnight who looked like he was having some sort of existential crisis. "It seems like something's off!" Ezra shouted, sliding back behind us as he ducked and dodged an oncoming attack.

"Look, I don't care if he's having some sort of existential crisis!! We're in the middle of a fight and he has done something to Natsu! I'm getting them both back right now!" I hurled a large water ball at Midnight, he didn't dodge it in time and was thrown off of his feet. He became heavily soaked from head to toe, he recovered from the blow but didn't have time to dodge my next attack. "Fire Dragon Wing Attack!!" I knocked Midnight off of his feet once again, causing him to stumble backwards. He quickly regained his balance beginning to fight back against me, Ethan appeared by my side and the two of us started working together to take him down. "Where is Natsu?!! What did you do to him?!! Give him back!!" I shouted, striking Midnight in the face with my left fist. "He's been swallowed into the vast void of nothing! He's not coming back." I growled in frustration, not believing a word he said. "Well then, you obviously know nothing about Natsu. He will get out of wherever you sent him!!" I argued, making Midnight chuckle. He then chucked a large ball of dark energy at me, I moved out of the way but what I didn't expect was for it to follow me.

"Tsu!!" Ethan shouted, I could see that he was terrified for my safety. I continued running, trying to put distance between me and the blast. Once I thought I had enough distance between me and the blast, I swiveled around on my heels and turned to face the blast. "What the hell are you doing?!! That thing could probably kill you!! Get out of the way!!" Ethan shouted, which prompted everyone else to look over in my direction. "Tsu, what the hell do you think you're doing?!! That thing is heat seeking! Get out of the way of that blast!" Ezra demanded, but I continued to ignore the shouts of my friends and brothers. I shook my head, counting to three as the blast closed the distance between us pretty fast.


"2.. ...." I took a deep breath, ignoring the shouts of warnings which became background noise and readied myself to take on the attack head on.

"3..." The attack closed in quickly.

"Fire Electric Shadow Dragon Roar!!" My attack collided with Midnight's attack, the two of them pushing against one another to win. I released a smaller ball of fire and shadow magic, pushing it into the large blast. This caused a huge explosion which sent me flying backwards, I could barely hear anything but the sounds of my friends shouting. My back hit the wall, creating a large hole and I went through it. I could barely move a muscle as I was sent hurtling outside of the church and into the air, falling down to the ground. "Tsubaki!!" Ethan shouted, my eyes shut as I had no idea how to stop myself from falling any further. I waited for impact but that never happened and I felt myself floating in the air, I opened my eyes and looked up, smiling lightly as I saw that Pantherlily had caught me. "Thanks, Lily." I whispered weakly, Pantherlily gave me a small smile but it dropped when he saw how injured I was. Before he could ask any questions, I began blacking out. I could see him fly me straight back up to the room, he placed me down in an area away from the wall I flew out of. "Tsu!!" I could barely hear my brother's, who rushed over to get to me.

"Oh god, Tsu. Stay with me." Ezra pleaded, my eyes began to open and close and I had a hard time staying awake.

"Natsu!" I shifted my gaze away from my brother, catching a tiny glimpse of Natsu breaking out of whatever that spell was and socking Midnight in the face. That was the last thing I saw before completely falling unconscious, no longer able to keep myself awake.

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