Chapter 97: Thieves at Akane Resort?!

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Tsubaki's pov

I woke up bright and early, eager to find a job which wasn't taken yet. I had gotten to the guild hall early, so the only few people in here were Gramps and Kinana as well as Macao. This place seemed so much smaller, which Macao had explained a couple days ago as to what happened to our other guild hall. I wasn't too happy to learn the news of how much Macao and the others suffered, when they finally opened up about everything and the only person who managed to calm me down was Wakaba. "Tsu, why are you so here early?" Macao asked, he was sitting at the bar sipping on something. "I wanted to get to the job board before Nab did." My eyes shifted back over to the job board, "Is there any particular reason?" Hairi asked, "Hairi, what are you doing here with Uncle Grayson? You never wake up early." I asked, furrowing my eyebrows at my mentor and my uncle. "Well, I could say the same thing about you. I thought you'd still be in bed with Mr. Ice stripper." Hairi teased, making a face at me. I growled slightly in annoyance, glaring at her as I puffed out my cheeks. "Shut up, Hairi." I blushed furiously, looking away from her as my eyes shifted back over to the board.

"You never really answered my question?" Hairi asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Because I want to go on a job with Gray without the rest of the team." I said as my eyes landed on a job that read that they needed somebody to catch some thieves that would steal all the money and chips from the guests at the Casino. I took the job off the wall, signaling Kinana that I found a job. "Wow, found a job already? You're quicker than Nab." Macao chuckled, "That's so mean.. I like it." I let out a small chuckle, before high-fiving him. "Why do you want to go on a job with just Gray? Huh? Why not take the whole team?" Uncle Grayson asked, giving me a look of confusion. He also seemed to have taken over the role of overprotective uncle with Gray, often trying to intimidate him which worked since Uncle Grayson had reminded me much of my Dad. But I was very annoyed with him, because he hadn't really gotten to know Gray well enough. What I remember most about my Dad was his laugh and his smile, I can also remember what his face looked like when he got angry. Hairi always enjoyed when Uncle Grayson would try and intimidate Gray, for some reason she found it amusing. Ezra and Ethan would also seem to be proud and happy that Uncle Grayson would try to intimidate him, because they needed another person on their side. "Because I want to go on a job with just Gray and I. Is that a problem?" I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"No, now go have fun with Mr. ice Stripper." Hairi teased, I stuck my tongue out at her in response to her comment.

I took the job, heading back to the apartment since I wanted to hear Gray's thoughts on the job. It wasn't long before I got back to the apartment, to find that Gray was already up and cooking in the kitchen. I snuck up from behind, wrapping my arms around him as I pressed myself against his back. "Hey, Tsu.. I was wondering where you went, I decided to cook up something since you probably would be hungry." He said, looking back over his shoulder to me.

"That's sweet, Gray. Well, I got something that I wanted just the two of us to do." I smiled up at him, "Oh?" He perked up an eyebrow, as he finished cooking whatever it was which smelled amazing. "Yeah," He turned around, quirking an eyebrow at me.

"What's up?"

"I found a job. One that I think you might enjoy." I pulled the paper out, handing it to him.

"So, there is a thief at Akane Resort and they've been stealing the guests' casino chips as well as money. Apparently, they are highly skilled and nobody that has been sent can even catch them. It pays about 90,000 jewels per mage. What do you think?" I asked Gray, who was still looking down at the paper. "Let's do it! I could definitely go for some action right now." Gray said, looking up at me.


"When did all of this start?" Gray asked, leaning forward in his seat. "It only started five days ago, at first, it wasn't so bad but now it's become a bigger issue." The manager said, "What do you mean? Bigger issue how?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the manager, hoping to understand her a little better. "Not only are they targeting the guests with casino chips and money, but they are also targeting guests who are simply just relaxing. We cannot continue to let this happen, if we do, then we will lose all chances of having a place for people to come and relax. Please, I need you to catch these thieves." The manager begged, looking into my eyes. "Don't worry, we will catch those thieves. You can count on us." I put a supportive hand over the Manager's, looking at her with determination and didn't notice the blush on her face as I smiled at her. Gray and I decided to head out to the casino, but before we were able to head back to our room, we were stopped by a young mage.

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