Christmas Special

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Tsubaki's pov

Christmas was finally here. I loved the cold more than I loved the warm weather, everything in Magnolia had been decorated and even Ms. Kizuki decorated the apartment building. I had already taken my bath and gotten ready, when I stepped out of my bathroom I looked over to the window and rushed over. I grew excited as I saw the snow falling outside, today we were most likely going to spend all together which made me happy. Lucky and I still had to decorate the tree so we were gonna head to the guild hall later on but for now, Lucky and I were enjoying Christmas music and decorating our tree. "Christmas with music, is so cool." I smiled as Lucky put tinsel on the tree, with a large smile across her face.

There was a loud knock on the door, so I turned the Christmas music down and went to open the front door. I was a bit wary considering it could have been Ms. Namaki coming to bother me again for not hanging lights over my door but when I opened it, I was a bit taken back. In the doorway stood both Mira and Lisanna and both of them were warm dressed, I noticed that they both looked out if breathe like they had run here to come see me.

"Tsu!! I'm so glad you were home." Mira exclaimed with wide eyes.

"What's up guys?" I frowned as I took in the looks in their faces, "Ethan and Ezra." Lisanna said breathlessly, "What about them?" Lucky came over to my side, as I picked up distraught in Lisanna's voice. Something wasn't right.

"They are having a huge fight in the guild hall. Erza can't stop them and neither can Hairi. You gotta come to the guild hall." I looked at Lucky apologitacly, "It's okay. We gotta go stop Ethan and Ezra." She put down the ornament, she was holding and I grabbed my coat. So both Lucky and I headed out with Mira and Lisanna and rushed over to the guild hall, "What caused the argument to start?" I looked to Mira as we ran.

"I think it was about your family's tradition. Ezra made it a point that he wanted to celebrate the way your family used to but Ethan doesn't want to celebrate it that way." I ran faster and bursted through the doors only to see that guild hall had a big mess. I gasped loudly seeing how much damage they did, "Oh goodness... It's so much worse than when we left." Mira spoke from behind me, my eyes scanned the guild hall seeing everybody standing around in one corner but when my eyes reached the middle of guild hall, my heart dropped. Ethan and Ezra were screaming at each at the top of their lungs, not holding back any of their powerful attacks.

"I can't believe they've destroyed so much in such little time." I walked down the stairs, as tears clouds my vision. "Tsu, you have to stop those two before they wreck everything else!" Erza stated and I looked over at the two. I didn't know whether to stop them or let them keep going,  I knew by stepping in that it would make my Christmas wish fall apart but if I didn't then.. It could end badly and they would destroy all the Christmas decorations in the guild hall.

"Tsu, whatever you decide.... I know that you can overcome what happens afterwards. Don't be so afraid to step in.. They care about you so much that they would do anything for you." Lucy stated, making a tear slide down my face as I looked back at my brothers. So I decided to stop them for the sake of the others, Lucky warned me not to go overboard as I stormed over to them. They were still fighting, not realizing that I was standing so close them.

"That's it!! Will you two break it up?!!" I shouted in annoyance, I had wiped any trace of a tear out of my eyes.

"Stay out of this!" Before I could see their attack coming, I was punched in the face by both of them. They stopped shouting, as soon as I heard the gasps and paled when they saw me stand up. "You two are gonna pay for that!!" I rose up to my feet, as fire enveloped my body and I beat them up. I even used some of my new powers which shocked my brothers and Laxus, I was surprised to see that he was coming to spend Christmas with the guild although he wasn't all that forgiven with some of the other members.

Afterwards, I made sure that they cleaned up their mess and that they fixed the entire guild hall and make sure they helped put up Christmas decorations.

Three hours later...

"I just want to be your puppy!!!" I nearly choked on my hot chocolate, as Ethan sang into the microphone. We were all gathered at Lucy's place and Hairi managed to get a karaoke machine which ultimately made me sigh, knowing that Ethan was going to make it miserable. "Phhhhhhhh...." Natsu spit out his drink as he watched my brother, "Is he really that stupid?!! Why is he singing about being a puppy?!" He roared with laughter as Ezra sighed and hit his head repeatedly on the table making Gajeel and Natsu crack up while I sighed, of course he was drunk.

"Uhhhh, is he gonna be okay after that?" Juvia pointed to Ezra, "Yeah, he'll be fine! Anyways, we should play a game!" I announced, which made Ethan fall off stage. "I'm in!" Gray and Natsu shouted raising their hands, like little children. I chuckled and shook my head as Erza looked over at me with this sparkle in her eyes, "What game do you have in mind Erza?" Hairi asked, "We shall play king!" I froze as soon as it came out of her mouth. "Yay!!! I love that game!!" Lucky shouted, while Happy shook his head and sat down next to her. Let's just say what happened next was crazy, everything had completely gone wrong. Not only did Erza manage to get King three times, but poor Wendy ended up drunk making things spiral out of control. So when it was my turn, Erza managed to get the king stick. 

"I dare you to take off your panties and give them to Gray." I turned redder than a fire truck.

"That's such a crazy dare!!" Levy shouted, as I looked away out of embarrassment. "Do it, Tsubaki." Erza ordered so I did it. I took my underwear off and hesitantly gave it to Gray, who was blushing just as much as I was.

The next time we drew sticks Ethan managed to get the king stick and I sighed, "This won't be good." Ezra sighed. "I dare Erza to kiss Ezra!!" Everyone gasped as Ezra blushed, "I don't thi-" He was cut off by Erza, who grabbed Ezra by the face and kissed him. I gaped as I sat there next to Gray, "Oh my god!! She actually kissed him!" Lucy shouted as Erza let go of Ezra, who passed out. "Oh goodness. My brother's are so stupid." I groaned and leaned onto a shirtless Gray, as we watched everyone else draw sticks.

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