Chapter 77: Lucy Fire

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Tsubaki's pov

Since we split up, I was a bit worried about Cana and Lucy. Cana seemed a little sketchy at first but I thought about it some more, seeing that she wanted to find Mavis's grave first rather than with Gray being there. But I also got a strange feeling as Lucy and Cana walked off when we spilt up, there was that feeling that Cana would do something that she would feel sorry for. Which was weird to me, seeing as everything was already going awry and everyone on the island are currently battling people who aren't supposed to be here.

"What's on your mind?" Gray brought me out of the daze, as we were walking through the forest. "Cana." I spoke, as we walked past some animals that lived on the island. My eyes roamed towards the sky, as I thought back to what Cana was saying. "Why? Are you worried about her?" Gray's hair blew softly in the wind, "Yes. I feel like she's going to do something she'll regret later on." I sniffed the air to see if there were any new threats but I couldn't tell, I guess my clairvoyance magic only worked if my friends were in trouble.

"Tsu, can you tell if anything is going on with everyone else?" I shook my head and stopped in front of a river, "I can't sense anything. The islands gone quiet, but that just means something else bad will happen. I'm just not sure what exactly." The wind blew softly as my blue hair blew with it, I took a seat on the rock nearby and looked down at the water.

"Gray, do you think that everyone on the island is safe? Do you think that Ethan and Ezra are okay?" He sighed, sitting down next to me and pulled me close to him. "They'll be fine. They've known magic longer than you. And they know how to take care of themselves..." I smiled as he kept me warm, but I noticed his shirt was off.


Lucy wakes up to a large shadow, hovering over her. Before Kain could step on her, she rolls out of the way but noticed that Cana was nowhere in sight. This only made her panic as she set eyes on Kain, "Where is Cana? I demand you to tell me what happened to Cana?" Lucy demanded, as she sat up. "I don't know, who you're talking about. But that shouldn't matter, since you're going to die anyways. I'm Kain of the Seven Kin of Purgatory." He takes out a doll, that he named Mr. Cursey which is what he uses for his magic.

"I need a strand of your hair. It is needed to activate my Magic that enables me to control the movements of someone else." Which made Lucy give him a look of coy, as she thought he was bluffing.

"I think your bluffing." She stated, making him sigh so he takes off a strand of his hair and ties it to Mr. Cursey. Lucy takes the doll out of his hand and gives the doll a pose, which is what Kain followed as Lucy continued to make Kain do various poses. Lucy still gives off a sneaky look, making Kain groan as he did the poses. Kain suddenly snatches the doll back, towering over Lucy again.

"That's it. I'm through being soft with you." He growls, before he chases her through the forest so she summons Taurus. "Open gate of the golden bull, Taurus!!" The small golden key glowed, as Taurus made an appearance. He mooed and tried to flirt but Lucy cut him off yelling at him to stop Kain, who was still chasing her. Taurus went to attack, but was knocked out by Kain.

"Oh come on!!" Lucy then summons Sagittarius and Scorpio but their attacks backfire, as Kain quickly defeated them with ease.

Lucy was put into a panic when Kain uses his magic to send her flying as she summoned Plue, Cancer and Aries to help her but all of their attacks didn't seem to work against Kain.

Kain falls in love with Aries because of her sweet personality, but soon is heartbroken by Aries when he faces reality and gets angry enough to defeat her. Kain sends Lucy flying again as she lands in between Natsu, Happy and Ultear's fight.

"Lucy?!! What are you doing, I'm in the middle of a fight?!!" Natsu yelled at her, as she opened one eye to see Natsu. Just as he is about to kick Ultear, he instead kicks Kain in the face which saves Lucy from Kain.

"So what do you say? It'll be just like old times." Natsu chuckles and uses his steam to press a few strands of his hair, as Lucy puts part of her hair in the cute side ponytail. "Yeah," She gives him a warm smile, as they high-fived each other and turned to face Ultear and Kain.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of them myself." Kain promises Ultear, prompting her to leave. Happy sat to the side, making sure he wasn't part of the fight but also near if Natsu needed him as Ultear goes to leave Lucy gives chase.

"Oh no, you don't!" Kain was able to pluck a strand of her hair, which Lucy becomes aware of. "What's with the doll? Why does he have it in the first place?" Natsu asked Lucy, "That doll isn't just any doll, Natsu. He can control people with it, if he gets his hands on a strand of the person's hair. He ties it onto the doll and whatever he does to the doll, the person follows." Lucy explained, quickly as Kain starts to make the doll do poses.

Kain uses Mr. Cursey to have Lucy attack Natsu, so Natsu couldn't attack him on his own. "Why are you attacking me?!" Natsu dodged, Lucy's oncoming attack. "It's not me!! He's doing this!! Do you think I want to do this?!" Lucy wails as she continues to attack Natsu. Natsu catches her in a hold, "Since when you did you become so strong Lucy? Can't you hold still for one minute?" Natsu asked as he held her arms back, "Are you two done with your lover's spat?!" Both Natsu and Lucy disagree with Kain's statement, as Happy is able to take the chance to steal Mr. Cursey from Kain.

"Way to go buddy!" Natsu cheers turn into protests as Happy slips Lucy around, she gets out of his hold and smashes her boobs against Natsu's face as he sighed but Lucy on the other hand didn't like it. After doing numerous poses, Happy gives Mr. Cursey to Natsu but both Happy and Natsu find themselves trapped under all of the boulders. He tries to move the boulders off but they're too big to move at all, so he ends up stuck.

"Lucy, run. Go find the others. Just get out of here." Natsu pleads to Lucy, who is now being beaten up by Kain. "No, I don't want to leave you behind." Lucy states as she gives Natsu a warm closed eyed smile, while Kain holds her up by the head which only makes things worse as Natsu helplessly watches Lucy get pummeled to death by Kain.

I feel a sudden twinge of pain hit my back and side as I fall forward, my knees hitting the soft grass underneath. I shut my eyes in pain as Gray rushes towards me frantically, "Tsu! Did something happen to someone?" I shook my head as I opened my eyes, "Your eyes are glowing and they're a lighter blue. What are you seeing right now?" He had his hands on my shoulders, as he was bent down on both knees in front of me.

"Lucy... She's being hurt by someone. Cana isn't with her, but Natsu and Happy are. They're trapped under rubble and can't move." I shut my eyes, crying out as Gray pulled me close as he helped me stand. "Come on, we gotta get you somewhere else." I groaned loudly, as he wrapped his arm around my waist and picked me up bridal style.

Lucy frees herself from Kain, when Natsu grabs Mr. Cursey having complete control of Lucy's actions. He lights his hand on on fire and suddenly gets an idea, where he gives off a sneaky look making Lucy panic. "Natsu, what are you thinking?!" Lucy shouted to him as he put the fire on the doll, which lit Lucy on fire. She starts to freak out, but isn't harmed by the fire.

"Natsu, I'm going to kill you!" Lucy had anime tears come out, as Natsu gives Happy the doll.

"Happy, fly at Max speed!" Happy grabs the doll, "Aye Sir!!" He yells as he takes it full speed, creating a giant fireball around Lucy.

"Secret Attack: Lucy Fire!!" Natsu shouts from his spot, with a smile as Lucy wails and kicks Kain in the face landing a direct hit and defeating him.

The pain dissipates as I start to feel better, "Are you feeling any better?" Gray's voice rang out from beside me, he had been by my side the entire time.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. Lucy and Natsu had a plan to stop him, so she's safe now. But my question is... Where is Cana? And why did she leave Lucy?" Gray and I made eye contact as I asked him my questions, I was sure Gray would know something but I figured he wouldn't since he's traveling with me.

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