Chapter 130: An Unexpected Reunion!

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Tsubaki's pov

I ran my fingers through my hair, still not believing that we wasted so much time in the Celestial Realm. I don't know how we were going to get stronger in just five days, there was no way for us to do that. "I can't believe this. Our vital training time. After we spent just one day in the celestial spirit world, three months passed here, just like that." Ezra sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "What are we gonna do?" Lucy asked, looking equally distraught as the rest of us. "I have a suggestion, Princess." Virgo spoke up, I looked at her and quirked an eyebrow at the pinkette. Something tells me her suggestion wasn't going to be the least bit helpful to our predicament, "You should punish me more harshly." I sweat-dropped at her suggestion, sighing as I realized I was right. "Just leave." Lucy replied, with that, Virgo left. "We only got five days until the Grand Magic Games, and yet you haven't increased your magic power one bit!" Jet said, making me pinch the bridge of my nose.

"I guess we'll just have to count on everyone else this year."

"I'm never gonna get as strong as Lily now..." Happy whined, "Huh?!" Lucky looked up at Happy, "I didn't know you cared about that."

"It's not yet too late! Five days of intense, hellish training! Prepare yourselves! There'll be no time for sleep!" Erza suggested, making me sigh. "Erza's fighting spirit has been ignited!" Natsu smiled. "Sounds fine to me! I'm fired up to do hellish training!" Natsu pounded his fists together, "I don't think pushing ourselves for five days straight is a smart idea. Everyone could possibly overwork themselves so much that we might not even be in shape to participate in the games." I argued, "Tsu has a point." Gray said, "I see where you're coming from but I disagree with you. Pushing ourselves to keep training hard might just put us at the top." Natsu stated, standing next to Erza. I sighed, knowing that no matter what I said, I was going to only go in circles with this argument. "So what do we do?" Ethan asked, "We keep training. And we push ourselves." Erza said, "All right! Follow me! We'll begin with some running!" Before we could start training though, we were interrupted when a pigeon showed up with a letter attached to its leg. I grabbed the pigeon while Natsu removed the letter, when he opened it, he seemed to pause for a moment as he looked over what was written on the paper. "What is it, Natsu?" I asked, "It's a note. Let's see here..." Erza looked over Natsu's shoulder at the paper in his hands, "Oh! Could it be a love letter from my darling Gray?!" Juvia exclaimed, "Get real!" Gray said as I growled at Juvia, "Didn't I tell you that he's mine and not yours?!! Why would he send you a love letter when he is already in a loving, committed relationship?!" I snapped, causing Ethan and Ezra to chuckle nervously and put their hands on my arms. I could tell they were both nervous about my outburst, hoping that I wouldn't fight Juvia here and now. "Here we are!" Erza exclaimed, "Hey, Fairy Tail. You better come to the broken suspension bridge on the western hill."

"What's with the bossy tone?!" Lucy quipped.

"Yeah, I don't like it."

"What should we do?" Kai asked. He looked at Erza, "It seems iffy to me." Gray said, "Yeah. Me too." I agreed, crossing my arms. "No, let us check it out." Erza said, "But it could be a trap." Ethan suggested, "Yeah! I think this is a bad idea!" Levy agreed, Carla also thought it was a bad idea as well. "We'll see when we get there." Erza stated, "Yeah! This is gettin' interesting!" I had a feeling we were about to be reunited with some people we haven't seen in a while, but I couldn't discern if it was a bad thing or a good thing. "Tsu, you alright?" Gray asked, noticing my hesitancy. "Yeah. I just have a feeling that we might be seeing some familiar faces soon." With that our group headed to the bridge, my suspicion only growing more and more as did my nerves.

"This must be the broken suspension bridge."

"Urgh! Nobody's here!" Natsu shouted, looking frustrated. No doubt, the rest of us were feeling it too. "Why are you looking for a fight?" I asked Natsu, who seemed really hellbent on fighting someone. "It was just a prank?"

"I told you we shouldn't have come."

"What the...?" I stared in awe, all of us in shock as well watched the broken bridge repair itself. "Whoa!"

"The bridge... fixed itself?!" Kai looked on in shock, "It leads across the way." Ezra started, he looked back at Erza and then ahead. "So we're supposed to cross it?" I sensed a familiar presence not too far ahead of us, "This really might be a trap!"

"I'm scared..."

"Dunno who we're dealing with, but let's cross this thing!" Natsu exclaimed, eager to get across the bridge. "Then you can go first, Natsu! All right! Get going!" Gray shoved Natsu forward, making me sigh as I knew this was going to start an argument between him and Gray. These two can never get along, can they? My eyebrow twitched as I shook my head, "Don't push me like that! You surprised me!" Natsu argued, but immediately as he stumbled onto the bridge, he became sick. "He even gets sick on suspension bridges?" I frowned, watching him struggle as he tried to get across the bridge. "Sh-Shut up!" Natsu shouted. "I'll show you who's boss, you lousy bridge!" Natsu said, making me sigh. He can be such an idiot. "I thought for sure this bridge would give way if someone crossed it..." Erza muttered, "...but it's perfectly fine!" Juvia finished, "I was a lab rat?!" Natsu shouted, I looked at Gray and Erza in disbelief. They risked Natsu's life to confirm the bridge was safe? "Natsu has helped verify that it's safe." Erza nodded, "You guys are crazy!! What if the bridge has collapsed when you shoved Natsu onto it?!! You mean to tell me, you risked his life to make sure that bridge wouldn't collapse when there was a chance it could have as soon as he stepped foot on it?!!" I exclaimed, looking at Erza, "Yes." Was all she said, before turning to the rest of the group, "Let's go, all!"

"Bring it on, if you dare." We all crossed the bridge, Ethan, Ezra and I being the last three to cross. Everyone else was on the other side of the bridge, all of them looking out for anyone else who could possibly come across us. 

"Yes. A tough opponent will make for great training." Natsu said, "Is training all you can think about?" Lucy asked, looking at Natsu with confusion. "Luce, I feel like that was a dumb question to ask. Do you even need to know the answer to that?" I smacked Ethan on the head, "Idiot." I muttered, "Ow!!" Ethan rubbed the spot I hit, "You didn't need to hit me! What was that for?!" He glared at me, "For asking Lucy a dumb question." I stated, "And insinuating that she was stupid by asking that question." Ethan growled at me, starting an argument and the two of us went back and forth, insulting one another. "Will you two knock it off? You're gonna make the bridge swing!" Ezra pulled the two of us apart, then proceeded to drag the two of us off the bridge. Instead of stopping the argument, he was pulled into Ethan and I's argument. "Oh, here we go." Gray sighed, shaking his head. Lucy sweat-dropped, Kai just chuckling at the three of them. "Someone's there!" Levy interrupted our argument, the three of us looked away from one another and followed Levy's line of vision as I saw three shadows come out of the bushes. "Be careful, everyone!" I looked up in awe, shocked as I saw the faces of familiar people were hadn't seen in a while. "Wow, Tsu. You were spot on about us running into familiar faces." Gray said, "Th-They're...!" Wendy stammered, all of us staring at the trio standing just a few feet away from us. "Thank you..." Jellal spoke up, on either side of him stood Ultear and Meredy. All three of them seemed to be very close with one another, this was something that I couldn't predict happening. "For coming, Fairy Tail."

"Jellal..." Erza whispered. I stared in surprise, I couldn't believe who I was seeing. Especially since he had been in prison, he broke out again. 

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