I'll never understand

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Something you may find me ranting a lot about on here is fictional romance and the fandoms reaction to the fandoms fictional romance. I don't wanna get to repetitive or like controversial on here but like I am probably never gonna see fictional romance the way everyone else does. That alone frustrates me, like I feel like I could relate a lot more in fandoms if I wasn't so romance disfavored.

And I said this one an earlier part, but I don't know if the because I'm aro or just stubborn. When everyone is shipping two characters together and I see a lot of them and it feels forced and it feels like it's the only thing the fandom truly cares about or the show is promoting even when the show wasn't explicitly a romance show, I'll start to dislike the ship even if I didn't have a problem with it before.

And like all the ships I've ever liked have either been non canon, not super popular, best friends to lovers, or gay or all of those combine or some combination of those. Like I don't think I've ever liked a popular canon ship, and if I have it's gay and not the most popular.

I think the only canon ship I've shipped and is also popular is willex from Jatp and that's a gay ship and it's not the most popular in the show and I'm not even that obsessed with it it just doesn't make me annoyed. And it makes me annoyed that ships annoy me because like why can't I just be normal ya know.

Oh I also liked Piper and Leo from Charmed and they were canon and straight but also I was never in the fandom for that and the show focused more on the sisters then Piper and Leo so I never felt forced to love their love so I was just like oh they're cool and cute. I also love Piper and I love Leo so there's bias. If I love both the characters I'll probably like the ship just because the characters I absolutely love are happy.

I think part of it is my stubbornness honestly because I feel like I can be like that with characters too. But then it still kinda relates back to romance because like people use their favorite ship as a reason to not like a character and it's like no one cares the love triangle barely exists. You can ship them and still like the third character like Ohmygosh.

So anyways. I'll just never be able to understand fictional romance or the appeal to it and I think it'll always be something that frustrated me and it frustrates me that I get frustrated

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