The romance in Elemental

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Me and my friend watched elemental yesterday and it wasn't bad, I liked each of the characters own story line and their overall dynamic but their romantic dynamic was so cliche in my opinion and a little over the top and I just don't know how I feel about it.

I hate to be that person but I feel like they'd be better has friends. Or at least if the romance was slower paced.

And my friend was like "awwweee" at some parts and I was like "😐😐 okay. ?? Like...move on?"

Also, the Fire element's mom had this weird ability to smell love on was weird. And in the beginning she said something about her daughter being loveless and not smelling love on her and she said this is a direct quote because I found the scene, "just a loveless, sad future of sadness" like you don't need romance to be happy 🫥🙄

Okay. Spoilers for the movie now if you haven't seen it yet and wanna watch without spoilers.

So there was this part were the the two touched hands, which is huge I guess bc he's a water element and she's a fire element and they thought if they touched either he would extinguish her or she'd evaporate him but that didn't happen and like I get that, but the two held hands for like a looonnggg time and just stared at each other. It was weird. Like it did not need to last that long.

Also,,, wade (the water element) came in towrds the end of the movie after Ember (the fire element) said they could never work, and he came in in the middle of her dads retirement party and she was gonna take over his shop and it was this huge deal, he came in in the middle and was like "I thought of more reasons why we can't work" and lists all these reasons why they can't work and she's mad he's there because her dad hates water people and so she's mad, her dads mad he's there, and wade is listing why they can't work a then he goes "but I thought of one reason why we can work. I love you."

I don't know why but I just don't like that. Like "there's so many reasons why this can't work but we will make it work because I love you"  I just don't like that. Like the whole Star crossed lovers thing that like "we can never be 🥺 But I love you so we are gonna be" like they always fucking end up together it's no surprise it's not even sad/angsty. Like "we can't touch in fire and you're water it won't work 🥺" like yes it will. For some reason it will just magically end up working.

How about it doesn't work in the end. That would be a surprise.

And I don't even think it's just because it's happened so many times now, I think that's part of it but it also just gives me weird vibes and I don't like it.

And then Wade preceded to say "I love you and I think you love me too" 

Hate that. Like don't. Just don't. I hattteee when people say "I think you're in love with me/I know you're in love with me" like bitch what if you're wrong, like even if you're right just ew. I don't know why ew but ew. Like if I thought I had feelings for someone and they said that that might make me be like "lol I changed my mind, no longer have feelings"

Idk. I wish I liked romance in fiction so I could think they're cute and enjoy the movie more instead of being annoyed by the romance.

There is literally romance in just about everything so I can't even get away from it. I guess it doesn't always bother me but I feel like it does most of the time and when it doesn't bother me it will sometime especially if the fans put it on a pedestal.

Anyways that's all I have to say, thanks for listening and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night. Take care 💚💜

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