Aromantic head canon

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Actually now my brain is too awake and hyper focused on Jatp and now I just wanna talk about my favorite headcanon, Reggie being aroace or aromantic.

This will never ever happen I'm sure of it, but I will PASS AWAY of pure JOY and EXCITEMENT and just complete happiness if Kenny (the creator of the show) declares that Reggie is aromantic or if Jeremy (the actor who plays Reggie) says it. Like obviously Jeremy can't confirm it but he played the guy and if his opinion is he's aromantic or aroace (which it's probably not if I'm being honest 😭) that would be enough for me.

But like Reggie's probably not because he's kinda a flirty character and stuff so I'm probably just projecting my aroaceness on him because he's my favorite character. But also, can be aroace or aromantic and have a flirty personality, right?

Especially since like...he could be romance positive aro. Like he could want a romantic relationship but prioritizes family and friends and other things so he flirts with people or that's just his personality.

But also like everyone in the fandom either thinks he's bi and ship him with Luke of Nick, or want him to have gotten a girlfriend in season 2 and a popular though about that was is she'd be a dancer because Jeremy's wife is a dancer.

So I'm like very alone in this head canon here the whole fandom is like definitely not with me on this. So like if anything kenny would just confirm something to make the popular opinion/ majority happy I guess.

And I feel like aroace is such like a niche topic, like there's no way they thought to make him that or would think to make him that, but like I would actually cry tears of joy if it was confirmed.

Kenny did say he was gonna tell us future plans for the show if it never got picked up but so far all he's said is there was gonna be five season and juke and Luke were gonna have ghost babies to carry in the band's legacy (which part of me think he was just saying that because he knows that's what the fans wanted to hear. I don't doubt Julie and Luke were gonna be end game as well as Alex and Willie but I think the ghost babies might have been a sorta joking thing, also I just don't wanna think about how either work? Ew now I'm thinking about it)

Anyways he hasn't said anything besides those things which upsets me a little because we already got so much of the ships especially Julie and Luke in season 1 I wish he told us more like general stuff about the band and maybe plans or story lines with Alex and Reggie.

But then there's a small part of me that's glad he hasn't said anything about Reggie because I don't want him to confirm he's not aromantic so if he says nothing I can live in my fantasy and if he confirms he's aro that's great but if he confirms like he gets a girlfriend then...I'll probably be really heartbroken and die from a broken heart.  (That's dramatic)

So yeah. But like...

"You're the only family I have" when he says that 🥺🥺
And if he was it fits so well!
Because like that line in loveless that goes something like "we have to give the same magic to our friendships that people give to romance because it's all we have" or something. Like Reggie gives all his love/magic to his friends who are his family 🥺

When I first watched the show that scene made me feel a little sad but it just gets sadder and sadder the more I see it. And like head sure unsaid Emily is sad and Julie talking to her mom outside the Orpheum is sad and has someone who has lost my mom those hit a spot in my heart that does a lot of damage but like, everyone has talked about how sad and beautiful those are almost takes away the sadness for me. Because it's been talked about and like yeah it still hurts that spot in my heart but it stopped feeling real sadness and just show sadness you know?  Like when I first watched unsaid Emily it was like I was feeling real grief for my mom all over again but now it's like "oh this is a sad show". But not a lot of people talk about that scene where Reggie says that so it still has that effect of physical pain and I feel his pain instead of feeling just a sadness but knowing it's just a show.

Am I making sense? I am rambling all over the place on this one.

Anyways getting back on track, like I want him to be aroace so bad but I also feel guilty for like projecting myself on him like "im aroace so I want my favorite character to be too" especially since like everyone's kinda still with the mindset of a happy ending has to have romance and even though I know deep down it doesn't, I don't wanna take away his happy ending, you know? I guess I just want his happy ending to be one about his found family.

But then there's that whole thing with they all have love interests and people seem to prioritize those or think they're better/closer/stronger so like when I think about that I don't want anyone to feel left out because they don't have a love interest like everyone else and his friends mean like the whole world to him but he's only a small part of their world. Ya know what I'm saying?

Yeah I don't know. I feel like it could be cool if Reggie made like a new friend and it was platonic and they had like a QPR and they were like a ship and each others like "love interest" but in a deep platonic way but I feel like Reggie already had that with his friends the only difference is, they all have love interests. So people aren't gonna see it as that and they're just gonna say Reggie needs a love interest to have that deep relationship with someone.

I feel like at this point I don't even care if he gets a romantic partner or what but I feel like it just makes sense to make clear he wouldn't love anyone more or prioritize anyone else above his bandmates/family.

Like even if he's not aromantic and the plan was he got a boyfriend or girlfriend, I feel like one thing that can't be argued his his strong love and passion he puts in to his friendships/found family.

And I guess it's like I know if he were to get a girlfriend the fan response would be to make ship edits and say "they're everything" and out that romance about the friendships like people do go all ships it seems but like I just really don't see it being his character.  Like aromantic or not, he clearly sees so much value in his friendships and wouldn't put anything above that but with like fandoms and stuff, romance will always come first.

Then again I could be blinded by the fact he's my favorite character and I'm aroace so I want him to be aro or aroace.

But like this whole thing I've talked about for probably way too long means like the world to me. Like no matter what, Reggie definitely sees more value in friendships/found family than most people in shows and real life and I don't want people to invite that and act like his story is incomplete or less deep because he doesn't have a love interest.

Like I could talk about this all night and if I didn't  leave my Jatp fan account on instagram I just might be posting this over there too because I just want other fantoms (fans of Jatp) to know this and see this and like get my point but also like I'm afraid of being controversial and stuff.

But yeah. I could right a whole essay or article on this. I like could never shut up about this for the rest of my life. Like this message...this is like one of the most important and strong and passionate opinions I will ever have. And I know most of you reading this probably have no idea what Jatp or who Reggie even is. There's like 1-2 people that actually read and interact with this. So this message will probably get across to all of 2 people but you know I guess it's better than letting it eat away at me as I keep it bottled up.

Man maybe I will post this like on my Jatp TikTok or something even though I know it won't make much of a difference or anything and even if people read and agree they aren't gonna remember it like 2 days later. When this sticks in my brain all the time.

Anyways. I should really stop talking now.  So thanks for listening and I hope you have a wonderful day/night. Take care. 💚💜

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