On those "am i in the wrong" sub reddit things

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Maybe I'm just dumb and ignorant or whatever but like what the actual fuck.

Okay so you know those stories on Reddit, they go am I the ass hole/am I in the wrong for____ and then they tell there story. People read them on TikTok and give their opinion on if they think the person is in the wrong or not.

This isn't a good day for me, I was about to cry over this.

Let me just tell you the am I in the wrong story first. And you can give your opinions on it before I start spewing my what's probably an ignorant opinion.

"Am I in the wrong for helping a friend in a bad situation on my wife's birthday."

Basically long story short, this dude has a friend he calls Sarah in this story who's his best friend since childhood, he says she's like a sister. Okay. She was the best woman at his wedding. Dudes wife doesn't like Sarah. Sarah gets pregnant and dude says he would help her with the pregnancy bc she had no family, she grew up in foster care.

On the wife's b day Dude plans a big day for her, fancy restaurant, spa, shopping, the works. But then Sarah calls, the baby is coming early and she's scared. He went to go help her, and the wife is upset he left her on her birthday.

Now, I understand it SUCKS, okay, I get it. I'd be a little upset too if I were the wife, but I'd also understand. The husband said she could go with a friend instead, she could have done that. But she said to the husband don't come back without a fraternity test (to prove he's not the father of Sarah's baby) and he's offended and is like I'd never do that so he goes to be with Sarah and the wife blocks him everywhere and the husband says he feels guilty for leaving her but he didn't know what to do and he felt like Sarah's situation trumps a birthday bc they can always celebrate another day.

Like I'm not a complete idiot. I get the wife's pain. I do. And it sucks he wasn't there on her actual b day and it's true she could feel a little insecure and that her husband is secretly in love with Sarah, but also like grow up? Like you can celebrate your birthday another day, like what? He was helping his friend, who was like a sister to him. Family.

And like I get people say "your spouse is suppose to be your best friend" and like cool but one, you can have more than one best friend. And like it's just. Ugh.

And at first I thought it was obvious. I'm on the husbands side. And then the people in the video were like this is a tough one. And I'm like how? But now I kinda see how it's a tough on but like still! He was helping his friend. In a situation that couldn't wait.

And the comments were aweful. All taking the wife's side acting like Sarah did this in purpose, was in love with him, they should get a divorce, it's her birthday she's allowed to be selfish.

Like how the fuck does that make sense. Like just because it's your day of birth doesn't mean the world revolves around you. Yes it's a special day for you but like I just. Don't be a bitch. I'm sorry.

Like I just...


I can't wrap my head around anything to do with romance anymore and it's like so aweful bc that like one of the most important things according to society and it's like why can't I just understand it the way everyone else does but if understanding it means taking the wife's side and saying the guy helping his friend was wrong bc your spouse should be your number one and I guess fuck everyone else, I don't want to understand that I don't want to be a part of that.

But at the same time I just want to understand it bc I don't wanna seem like an asshole for siding with the husband.

Like it's cool if you call your spouse best friend, I find that cute. I wanna marry my best friend. But I also don't only have one best friend. And if I do get married, it's not "my spouse is my best friend fuck everyone else" it's my spouse is my best friend who I love and share a house with but I have other friends I count as my number one as well and I hope my spouse always has other number ones.

Like people are really villian sing Sarah like she was trying to ruin the relationship.

I just. I don't get it.

And I want to get it but I also don't want to get it.

And I said all that stuff up there about if I get a souse. I'm probably not gonna get married. But all my friends are. So if this is how things work they're all gonna have a new best friend and I'll have no one I guess 🥲🫠

I said this too many times already but like I genuinely am starting to think I have like different personalities because a part of me really just wants to understand this and another part of me is like to like this is trash like what? I don't wanna understand this.

I don't know.

Thanks for listening. That's all I have to say. I hope you have a good day/night, take care 💚💜

Update: so apparently the husband cheated on his wife with Sarah and it's his baby and so that does change things in this situation but like based on the first video alone maybe I'm just dumb but based on the first video he was helping a friend. Anyways in this situation yea if the husband cheated he sucks but like what I said about the "spouse being your best friend and to hell with everyone else" thing still stands. Like just bc your married doesn't mean you can't be there for other people

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