Sleeping together (not like that i mean just sleeping)

38 2 6

So when people like sleep in the same bed, I use to think it would be cute and you could cuddle and you know maybe if I ever get a partner I'd be open to cuddling some nights and sleeping together (just sleeping, like sleeping next to each other like a sleep over, I'm not using sleeping together as the other thing) but like I would never fall asleep. I would feel so awkward. And I would feel like I have to talk to them or something and I'd never get to sleep because I'd be too worried they think I'm rude for not talking to them when we're both awake but I wouldn't even know what to say and then if I did talk to them I would then start worrying that I'm keeping them up and they just wanna sleep and that thought would keep me up all night.

Not to mention I'm a blanket hog and I like my space.

Like, how do couples share beds and sleep in the same bed every night?

I could never.

I need my own bed and my own blankets and my own space.

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