Can we not #2

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So I know I've mentioned on here how I think it's weird to ship real people unless they're dating/together bc I just feel like it's weird and I feel weird doing it. This is going off of that and I'm sorry it's about Jatp again. Look I need to ditch the fandom I know, it's probably not healthy for me to keep being in a fandom that "ruined" (quotations because it's not really the fandom's fault it got ruined but it was the fandom that ruined it but it's because of the way my brain works...idk it's complicated)

Anyways can we not ship actors just because they play love interests. ESPECIALLY MADDISON AND CHARLIE (Julie and Luke) bc Maddie was 14/15 during filing I think and Charlie was like 20 I think.

Like yes she's 18 now so it's not technically illegal now but people still were like "I wish Maddie was 18 so she and Charlie could date" like shut up number one shipping real people is just weird like why, and two, like do you know how weird and gross you sound when you say that.

Like this is part of what ruined the show for me is people shipping Charlie and Maddie.

And a non Jatp example, Outerbanks. Now I don't entirely know the drama with this bc I'm staying out of fandoms now, but what I heard is people shipped two actors that played love interests but both of them already had a significant other and there was drama that happened and now the two actors don't follow each other on instagram anymore, and he deleted all his posts with her in it apparently or something. Like shipping real people, shipping actors, it starts things like that.

Like just bc they play love interests on a tv show doesn't give you the right to say they should date in real life especially if one of them is a minor.

Like just why. And I feel like I can't say anything to the fandom about why this bothers me because I don't wanna be alienated as this "juke hater, Charlie and Maddie hater" or whatever. Even though I am kinda a hater on juke now only bc I'm tired of it. At first I was like "oh cool." Now I'm like "I don't care about them. I couldn't care less if they got together in season 2 or not there's so many things I wanted to see in season 2 above that, they aren't even on the list. Sorry"

Unrelated but while in ranting about the Jatp fandom, it's almost impossible to read the comments (more so on TikTok than instagram) of a Nick edit, a simple Nick edit that's not about him and Julie or the love triangle or the creator of the edit being team Nick, it's just a Nick edit, and I assure you they're will be at least one or two comments of someone being like "I'm team Luke" "Luke's better" like this edit isn't about your damn love triangle it's just a Nick edit. Like no one said a thing about Nick being better than Luke, it was just a simple Nick edit let him be appreciated for once.

And this is so unrelated to anything I just don't know where else to put this but it annoys me when someone says "this character is so underrated" and their literally everyone's favorite character and get a back story in the show while none of the other characters get a backstory and never will. Like no, no he's not underrated everyone says he's their favorite and want to be his fictional girlfriend, he's not underrated he's one of the main characters everyone is constantly making thirst traps for.

Okay sorry I'm don't ranting now. I should go to sleep (I'm probably not gonna sleep and keep scrolling on TikTok) so thanks for reading, sorry if I'm being annoying talking about Jatp all the time, but if you're still here thank you for putting up with me and I'll see ya on the next one. Have a beautiful day/night and remember to take care of yourselves 💚💜

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