Aroace problems

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Minor spoilers for the new goosebumps 2023

I hate to say it but it feels like being aroace sometimes ruins shows for me bc I can't stand fictional romance and I especially can't stand love triangles.

Like who the fuck created love triangles. They aren't fun. They aren't cute. They aren't entertaining. All they do is create a divide in fandoms and create entitled fans who think their opinion on who's the cuter ship is right but hate to break it to you opinions can't be right or wrong so stop

Omg. Sorry. I'm typing this as I'm watching the show I'm ranting about ( its not Jatp. It's the new goosebumps lol) anyways. It's not a love triangle. It's a love fucking square apparently and I kinda saw it coming but I was hoping and praying it wouldn't happen but it did.

Margot might like Lucas and Lucas likes Margot. They kissed. But Isaiah also likes Margot and Margot might like him too but James said they can never be together even though they both like each other because it ruins the magic of them or whatever so Margot and Isaiah are like a will they won't they type thing but their neighbors and have been forever so like why can't Margot and Isaiah be friends because their needs to be more boy-girl friendships that are not romantic

Anyways Isabella also likes Issah but also knows he likes Margot so she's like "it's never gonna happen"

I was loving goosebumps. I was. But this shit is making me mad.

Here's what I would do if I was writing it.

No one ever said a thing about Margot and Isaiah have romantic feelings. It was never a question. They are best friends and that is the "magic of them" as James said. No one ever thinks they'd be a great romantic couple, everyone says they're friendship goals.

Isabella and Isaiah could be a cute romantic couple and Margot and Lucas could be a cute romantic couple too.

But please just stop making love triangles.

I really like goosebumps. I don't want the love mess thing with all the main characters minus James (which is why he's one of my favorite characters. He's unproblematic it this love mess except for the fact he's the one saying Margot and Isaiah are in love so he's not my most favorite character but still) to ruin the show.

So yeah. That's where I'm at. I'm really hoping it doesn't ruin the show and that's all I have for today

Oh by the way, since I am loving this show and it seems the love triangle/square/shape/mess is going to be a thing, I might rant about it again but you know what I'd rather rant about that than Jatp bc I was supposed to never rant about Jatp bc I use to think it was flawless lol. Anyways that's all I have to say I hope you all have a fantastic day/night. Take care 💚💜

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