Bored Together

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Yes. More on my obsession with this music. Also, this album turns two year old today!!!! I can't believe it!

This song is just kinda what I want in life. But like in a platonic way. It's everything.

I wanna be bored with someone, chilling on the couch and watching tv and just kinda doing nothing.

I wanna be bored with someone.

I wanna do nothing with someone. I think just doing nothing and hanging out with some you really care about is special enough so you don't need to do anything exciting. I think something like that is really beautiful.

I love this song so much because it's not even explicitly talking about romance it's just about being bored and loving with someone who you love, and I want a bored together relationship in a platonic way. It's so cute.

"I wanna grow old with you and be bored with you" like just spending the rest of my life with someone 🥺

"This day sucked but the next will be better" 🥺

I love this song.

I love it so much.

"When I'm with you everything's better" like stopppppp I love it!!!!!!

And the fact like it's not clearly about romance. Like it can be with anyone. I love it so much.

So...if you're looking for a song that's not all about romance but still about someone you love ...bored together by Jeremy Shada might be a song you really love. It's also the songs 2 year birthday...and it was my birthday Friday so should listen.

You don't have to tho. I'm just obsessed and wants help my favorite artist so if you do listen to it let me know what you think I'd love to hear.

Okay. I'm done now. Thanks for listening to me ramble about this yet again, (there will be more I'm sure 😂😭) I hope you all have an amazing and wonderful day or night. Take care! 💚💜

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