Space between

22 1 14

So I wasn't gonna let this bother me but now I am letting it bother me. 

This beautiful song from descendants 2 was about Evie and Mal's friendship and it's one of the reasons why it was one of my favorite songs from all of the descendants movies. It's about such a deep friendship and always being there for each other even if they aren't physically there they will be there for them like emotionally.

But everyone kinda turned it into a romance thing and they're saying they're both gay for each other which is fine like I feel bad that it bothers me because I don't wanna be homophobic ya know but like when I watched that as a kid, I thought about my friends. Especially since I moved away and my friends from elementary school were back home and I was at a new place so we were like worlds apart in my head.

And the actress who plays Mal (Dove Cameron) even like confirms they were gay for each other so I really shouldn't complain or let it bother me but it just kinda does because I wish there was more deep friendships and platonic bonds where people didn't automatically ship them.

It's what kinda scares me as a writer. I wrote these super deep friendships between two guys or a guy a and a girl or two girls or whatever pairing and I'm afraid no matter how hard I try and make clear it's platonic whether I say they're both aromantic directly or imply that they are or give one of them a love interest that isn't their best friend, I'm afraid people will ship them.

Anyways let's take a second to appreciate the song because who cares what other people take from the song. I need to remind my self art is interruptive and music is a form of art. Just because other people have a romantic interruption doesn't mean I can't keep my platonic interruption.

"I really had to go. And I would never stop you"
This to me shows an understanding that unconditional love is letting the other person follow their heart even if it means they have to leave and be somewhere else. Mal wasn't leaving Evie or the rest of the VKs (villian kids) she was leaving auradon and all the pressure she was under.

"Even though we change nothing has to change"
People change all the time but just because the people in the friendship/relationship/family change doesn't mean their dynamic or connection to each other has to change.

"And you can find me in the space between. Where two worlds come go meet. I'll never be out of reach cause you're a part of me so you can find me in the space between you'll never be alone no matter where you go we can meet in the space between"

Just because they are far apart doesn't mean they won't see each other again, they can call and visit. They're still there for each other even though they aren't physically there together. And they'll never be alone. They can always count on each other.

"I know you have to stay but I'll never really leave you" mal sings this line to Evie and again, even though she's leaving, she isn't leaving Evie she's leavening Auradon and is still there for Evie.

"I know you have to find your place"   Evie sings this to Mal and it's her accepting mal wants to be on the isle and she wants Mal to be happy even if it means they aren't living like close together in the same place anymore.

"But this is not the end. You're a part of who I am".
This isn't the end of their friendship and they will always be a part of each other. They will always be in the hearts, minds, and memories of each other. 

"Even if we're worlds apart you're still in my heart it will always be you and me" also gives off that feeling.  No matter how far they are,  they have each other.

So yeah. That's the song. And to me it depicts their deep emotional connection whether it's romantic or platonic.

Also while type of this, this is a dumb bone to pick but you now that little bar above the  keyboard where it gives you three words of what it thinks you're typing or gonna type

I don't know if everyone's does this but mine sometimes has little emoji's pop up that go with words. So like puppy 🐶 the little emojis popped up after I typed the word. Lit 🔥  scary 😧 happy 😊

How's come when I type romance I get 🥰 💘 and 💝 but for platonic I get nothing??? No heart? No best friends emoji? Rude.

Anyways that is all I have to say so thanks for listening and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night, take care 💚💜

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