When a dude asked me out #2

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This is the story of the first time a boy asked me out. I was in seventh grade so I had a perfectly valid excuse to let him down easy, I was too young to date.

Anyways this one comes with backstory because I have a feeling all this I'm about to say made him wanna ask me out for some reason.

Anyways so our note cards we made for the vocab were due and this kid at my table, we'll call him Sam, didn't do them and asked to copy mine. And since it would be no different than him copying the definitions from the sheet instead of my cards, and I can't say no to people, I let him copy my note cards and I guess after this he thought we were like besties because he always ran up and said hi to me randomly in the halls and such. And then one day in class he comes up to me and says 😭 "hey bitch!"

😭 like I'm pretty sure he meant it as like slang or something and not to be mean but I was like "what did he just call me!??" I was baffled. Especially since it was 7th grade and I wasn't really around a lot of people who swore especially as an insult. Well right after he says that he runs over to his seat and the teacher starts class or something I don't remember the details but like ten or fifteen minutes after this kid called me a bitch he asks me "can you date me?"

Not even can you go on one date, can you date me. Like I guess it's a little better than the other guy from last time I talked about this because we at least had class together and knew each other. But like...I was in seventh grade and never thought of dating or anything. And he called me a bitch so I was like Hm no.

I responded with "I'm not allowed to date yet I'm too young and I'm not ready for anything like that."

And that was that.

And that was the fist time I was asked out and I like didn't know how to respond at first and I was like "is this really happening?" Like it's so weird it's like I thought dating was something that happened in movies and not real life or something. I don't know but yeah. I guess that's all.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you all have a beautiful day/night and remember to take care of yourselves 💚💜

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