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"I wish I didn't feel such a disconnect to romance especially in fiction"

Is what I would say if I didn't know the response was just gonna be "well it's okay to not ship certain characters"
Because I know that.
I know I don't have to.
But if I did ship characters it would make Eve easier and that's what I can't seem to express in a way that people understand.

You'd think I'd be the kinda of girl who loves fandoms. When I find something I like, I never shut up about it. Fandoms are places to talk about your common interests, so you'd think fandoms would be the place for me.

I never joined a fandom until I watched a certain show. You know the one. And I actually didn't join it until almost a year after I saw the show other than reading some wattpad fanfics for it and writing my own. But I didn't really communicate with other fans and I only read fanfics about one specific character, not even thinking about the ships.

But I actually don't like fandoms. Because a big part of fandom culture is romance. Shipping. Wanting people to kiss.  And I disregard all of that stuff, pay no attention to it. But then when that seems to be all everyone else pays attention to, it makes me feel almost guilty, and it makes me feel bad, almost mad,  for what people don't seem to care about that I just can't shut up about.

Yeah. It's one thirty in the morning and I have school tomorrow but instead my brain decided to make me think about my favorite show that was canceled and will never have a season 2 and I can't watch it now without feeling mad for what goes I talked about or what won't be expanded on in season 2 not only because it doesn't exist but because it probably wouldn't have been that much expanded on anyways. Maybe a little bit but even if it was I'm sure people would only talk about it if it had something to do with romance. Why does everything come down to romance. Why is it like nothing at all can function without it. Like without romance there is no point, nothing worth mentioning. But there's simply everything worth mentioning and if the only thing people care to mention is the lack of romance then they don't know the character like I do because there is so much more depth and his lack of romance doesn't make him less important, it's the way you say his lack of romance makes him less important. Romance not being there doesn't automatically mean he's not important but you make it that way if that's all you care about.

Sorry this turned ranty. I should go to sleep. I mean I probably won't sleep for another hour or two so that's great. The anniversary of the cancellation is coming up, so that's great. I'm also having like my monthly emotional mood swings which last like all freaking month. Exciting. Goodnight/or good morning, I hope you all have a wonderful and beautiful day/night, thanks for listening, take care 💚💜

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