Real quick thing

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So I rant a lot on here and you can probably tell I don't like romance all too much. But like, I'm not trying to like hate on people who like romance in books or in real life. I know it may sound like I do.

I just have a silly aroace head who can't understand romantic or seggsual concepts that much, maybe I understand romantic concepts a little more then the other but like still. I just like making fun of the concepts I don't understand and it like confuses me even more when people do understand it and are cool with it, but I don't like think any worse of them because of it ya know.

So yes I'm making fun and hating on those things but I don't think if people like those things that makes them terrible or something. If someone like romance that's great, even some aros or aroaces like romance. I mean if they do they're probably not reading this because all I do is rant about romance 😭

I just feel like I should say this because I just got scared because I saw a TikTok from this aroace girl I follow saying the community should stop hating because not liking sex or romance doesn't make us better and not all aros/aces/aroaces hate sex and romance. I don't actually think it makes me better I just can't understand it and it hurts my brain that other people just do understand it.

It's like explaining color to someone who was born blind. They just can't imagine color. I'll never understand why people like sex, I can kinda understand why people like romance because I love platonic friendships so it's like they get the same feeling from romance as I do from friendship sorta. Like not the exact same but it brings them the same amount of joy. I lost my train of thought kinda...

Anyways.  Even though I hate on and make fun of romance and things it's really just because I don't understand it like allos and people you enjoy those things understand it.

So yeah. That's all I wanted to say I guess. Thanks for listening and I'm wishing you all a very amazing day, take care 💚💜

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